
i have a merlin question - why does everyone seem to like morgana so much? she's so whiney and annoying! if i were them i'd let her get kidnapped by the bad guys so they could deal with her irritating-ness!

I have to agree with you , i think she is very whiney:)
Think both girls are ok *shrugs*, but I'm more interested in Merlin/Arthur Gwen can get Lancelot *g*

*sigh* I know they want Merlin to be conflicted and keep the "suspension"....but it get's so painfully predictable - Arthur has to be distracted or unconsious so Merlin can save the day ....same old :shifty:

Just get over the big relevation (maybe a little/big fallout between the 2) and get on with Arthur being in on the secret....
pleeeeease it's no fun knowing in advance from the plot whether Arthur will be unconsious or just fighting somewhere/being oblivious in this epi...( if you can't even bet on that :p)
^ I know what you mean! I want Arthur to find out next series.
This show is rather predictable. I knew there would be no happy family reunion and that he would let the dragon go.
I did still enjoy it though. Give me a bit of action and some funny banter and im happy. Although Merlin's dragon voice did make me laugh.
*sigh* I know they want Merlin to be conflicted and keep the "suspension"....but it get's so painfully predictable - Arthur has to be distracted or unconsious so Merlin can save the day ....same old :shifty:

Just get over the big relevation (maybe a little/big fallout between the 2) and get on with Arthur being in on the secret....
pleeeeease it's no fun knowing in advance from the plot whether Arthur will be unconsious or just fighting somewhere/being oblivious in this epi...( if you can't even bet on that :p)

couldn't agree more, i totally think they should get arthur in on it - it'd be good to have some friction between them (oh god, did i just say that?) and it would provide a better friction story between arthur and his dad.
Has anyone been seeing the season 3 spoilers? The UK's Amazon site even inadvertently leaked the synopsis of the first two eps lol.

I love this show and it's annoying that we have to wait so long to get it. (the s2 finale is just airing this Friday in the US) I love Youtube now.

I'm likely an odd one around Merlin fandom. I'm totally in love with Uther lol. It comes from my Giles-love, but still...While all the other fangirls are going on about Arthur and Merlin, I sneak in with Uther comments hehe.

The troll ep, Beauty and the Beast, was awesome.

I also love the angsty scene from Morte D'Arthur, and the tail end of Excalibur. Or, The One Where Uther Actually Acts Like a Normal Dad For Once. And he's shirtless to boot. :drool:
the spoilers & leaks have managed to totally pass me by! did it say when it'll be airing? i thought merlin was usually an autumn season show, but they wouldn't be spoilering it yet so maybe they're doing it over summer instead?
They've totally passed me by too!

I love Merlin so I cannot wait for it to come back. Much as I sigh and roll my eyes at some of the more predictable moments, I do love it lol.
Yeah. Its on later than before though, I think. Its on around half 7.
I see its mainly about the return of Morgana. I hope they dont drag that storyline out too long.
I enjoyed the episode, but I found it slightly disappointing. I think because it started slowly, but it did pick up towards the end.
I found it offputting that Morgana kept giving those 'evil' looks throughout. I get she was trying to look bad, but it was annoying. Im surprised that the people in the palace didnt see right through her!
I was thinking they would get the dragon back pretty fast. I suppose its not the same without it!
Was it just me, or does Merlin and Arthur's relationship seemed to have deteriorated? The end of last season they seemed to be getting more friendly, in this epi there seemed to be a bit of a hostile undercurrent to their exchanges.
Solitaire said:
I found it offputting that Morgana kept giving those 'evil' looks throughout. I get she was trying to look bad, but it was annoying. Im surprised that the people in the palace didnt see right through her!

me too! i always found her deeply irritating and this time she was just infinitely worse! everything about her is just annoying!

also annoying - and i've always found it irritating but i'd forgotten just how much - was all the pseudo olde english. it just really bothers me. i know they use it to denote that it's magic and so on but really, it just sounds kind of silly. either go all out and do the whole thing in old english, or don't do any.

i found the ep really disappointing. these things that annoy me about merlin always have but usually i can kind of get over them as it's quite an enjoyable show. not so much this time.... :(

Was it just me, or does Merlin and Arthur's relationship seemed to have deteriorated? The end of last season they seemed to be getting more friendly, in this epi there seemed to be a bit of a hostile undercurrent to their exchanges.

er, i don't know, i didn't notice that but then i was too busy getting annoyed and rolling my eyes :)

also, one other thing: during the fight at the start merlin made a tree come down on his opponent. if you were in the middle of a relatively small, contained battle scene, more like a skirmish, and a huge tree fell down in the middle of it, wouldn't you (a) notice, and (b) stop fighting for a second in surprise? it reminded me of that old philosophy question "if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound?" - or in this case "if a tree falls in the middle of a forest fight and kills someone, does anyone notice/care?" - it was just weird.
The thing I like about Morgana is her outfits! Which doesnt say alot for the character.
No, I didnt mind her so much in the past. She was slightly irritating. I thought the actress did really well with the scene where Merlin poisoned her. But other than that she aint a brilliant actress. Hopefully the rest of the palace will find out soon enough that Morgana is evil, kick her out. But im guessing it wont go down that way. They will probably have it that she was under a spell or something.

I see what you mean about the tree. You think at least one person would comment on the fact that a whole tree fell on someone.

I dont find the olde English stuff that annoying. I dont like the 'dragon calling' voice very much, sounds very silly.

Im hoping for more from next episode. Maybe Gwen will actually have a full sentence to say!
I thought the actress did really well with the scene where Merlin poisoned her.

i watched the last series (although not the recap before the titles) and i had absolutely no recollection of what he had done to her, so went through the first 1/3 - 1/2 of this ep wondering why he was so worried...

I see what you mean about the tree. You think at least one person would comment on the fact that a whole tree fell on someone.

well i know i would (and i realise it's just me) - i think i'd be like "what the bloody hell was that?!" at least for a second, maybe even less, but i'd be distracted for sure.

I dont find the olde English stuff that annoying. I dont like the 'dragon calling' voice very much, sounds very silly.

hmm that's another thing i've forgotten...

Im hoping for more from next episode. Maybe Gwen will actually have a full sentence to say!

that would be nice. i quite like her, even though she's a little self righteous. haha as you can see i really love this show :guffaw:
Well, this episode was better than the last. At least Morgana wasnt quite as annoying this week. I prefer her when she is more vulnerable, like in the crypt.
Unfortunately I dont think the actress can really pull off the 'baddy' role.
Some nice moments between Arthur and Merlin. And Gwen finally got a few lines (I agree, she can be abit self-righteous at times)

Im really glad they kept that tall guy with the long hair and beard who seems to be the chief knight after Arthur. I really like him!