I think the core of the problem was the push pull between the GSR fans and the Nick fans as a result of the imbalance of the show. The writers were very centred on GSR and didn't bother with character development of Nick.suspect that if we get a Sara-centric episode next season, and hopefully get some GSR, that the attacks will surface again. Yes, I am well aware of the reasons some fans hate this pairing, and I don't want to get into that discussion here, but I am tolerant of things I don't like, and I hope to get the same respect here, though I'm not optimistic.
I will say that this is one of the better moderated sites, and I appreciate that immensely, but it still is slightly biased. I have learned, I think, to co-exist, but I hope that posters will have the same respect for my favs and my viewpoints, as I try to for theirs.
And JTD94, I know you felt attacked but there were a lot of GSR fans were quite hostile to us Nick fans as well. So everyone behaved badly and yes even I did too. Perhaps the anger should have been directed at TPTB and the network executives who ultimately made the decision.
While I know a lot of GSR fans want more, I think it is only fair to leave the chapter closed. There was an ending to it in season nine. They got married. I don't know how much more can be done in that regards.
So I hope season 11 will finally give us more about characters that have been neglected over the years.
Even though Greg is not my favourite character, I do respect he is a character on the show who should have more of an arc, his fans certainly have waited a long time for it. So let them have it. Why not? He is a character worth exploring more. Eric Szamanda(?)is a pretty versatile actor and deserves much more.
It's kind of starnge how CSI has had this hierarchy in terms of screen time, yet profess to be an ensemble cast? Don't you think? Are other shows like this? I dont' watch a whole lot of TV as I have a daughter who hogs the TV watching Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus:lol:, so I'm lucky to even get in the shows I do get like CSI and Glee-which we both watch.
Anyways, maybe someone else has better insight than I do?