Marg/Catherine: The Sexier, the Better! #3.0

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lmfao! well we shall endevour to see what we can find then. i did find my sister's stepdaughters. does that count?

ok, where's hottie? we need italy pics.
...your sister's stepdaughters? I knew you were teh expert! :lol: Now, go find what we need. Hehe.

Hmmmm perhaps Hottie is on her vacation in Italy trying to get to Marg and steal her from Alan and Hughie? :D
Benvenuto in Italia! LOL!
Unfortunately I dont know any other news about Marg in Italy other than the article AngelEyez posted (about Marg attending a wedding there). And no im not a stalker/kidnapper im planning to be a bartender now LOL.
So, there are Miami and NY spoilers on the main site. I wonder when they'll post spoilers of LV? I'm still curious about the Catherine/Lindsey thing and kind of hope they'll continue this line in season 7.
I had the exact same thought, E! I'm waiting for the new spoilers because I'm curious but I have a feeling I'll be disappointed. Guess we will have to face a new character along with some awful new storyline....

Right now all I'm hoping for is seeing Marg for more than 5 mins.
I wouldn't be surprised if they left her out from the intro :rolleyes: Guest starring: Marg Helgenberger. Hahahaha, it isn't funny. And it won't happen, otherwise TPTB.... :mad:

Vote here! ;)
I'm up against myself? :eek: That's interesting, lmao. And eeek I didn't know I was nominated for fanarts. I knew only my YoBling site. :lol: Cool!

Making art of Marg pays off. :D
ROFLMAO, I understand, I wouldn't do it either. That would be a bit egoist :p Then let's vote for the others! :) There are a few Talk members :)
Damn its hard to vote. Zsa against Zsa.. :lol: decisions.. decisions.. and there are lots of good fics.
And I didn't even know Catherine Willows has a fan listing.
ok, ok. back to well...nm

anyways mr. brooks update. expect the film to premiere sometime in feb 2007.
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