Off Topic:
Off Topic:They are more than GSR.
I can't agree more. I'm sad that the only thing a lot of people see in them is GSR. They're so much more than that. I like both Billy and Jorja as actors and I wish them the best, but I'm not dying to see them back on the show. In my opinion, when you move on, you move on. Of course it
could be nice to see them back occasionally, but it will depend on the storylines, I think.
On Topic: Despite that I think Marg is, no doubt, fine enough to carry the show, I actually don't mind a new male character. Part of the reason that got me hooked to the show was the chemistry between Catherine and Grissom. I'm not talking about a romantic relationship here but a wonderful partnership. They used to have one of the best working relationships on TV and as much as I love Catherine, I do believe that there are things about her that need to be balanced out by a character that is different from her and is her
equal. Maybe it's just me...I don't think anyone left on the show can serve as her equal except the Doc and Brass, but they aren't CSIs. If TPTB and the writers can handle the new character well and bring back that chemistry, I don't think I'll mind him.
Of course you wouldn't hear me complain if they just dropped the idea of bringing in a new male character and made Catherine the sole lead, but tbh I don't really trust TPTB's ability in dealing with Catherine-heavy episodes, not to mention a Catherine-heavy show. Again, I guess it will depend on what/how they do it with her.
I do agree with everyone saying Marg has been robbed off, though. She is so much more than what they show on TV. I think they're lucky that she agreed to stay for two more seasons and I hope they seize the chance.