Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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I love the red hair. The Season 2 hair was really nice, but I always see that as being more blonde. Loved the cut though. I love the colour she's had her hair recently.

Marg's already done the pink hair lol. Well pink highlights anyway.

bubbles were you watching that on Living or FiveUS? I watched it too but I can never remember what channel I watch what on. ;)

I think she should get a stripy wig for a day ;) she'd still look hot. ;)

I think that it was on FiveUS, because I remember seeing the trailer for CSI Sunday's lol.
That's awesome. Although Catherine's not technically a cop ;) But that is pretty cool that Catherine is seen as that. :DThanks for posting.
Go Catherine! *opens a bottle of champagne and drinks with Cath*

The other day I saw an ad of a company called Rosenberger. I thought that was the perfect name of my favourite real life ship. How adorable is that?
Haha, that is actually awesome! I love it.

I just watched a couple of season 1 episodes, and is it me, or does Marg look shorter in season 1 than anything else?
Yeh, i guess that could be part of it. Her wardrobe is definately much improved now! But I don't know, I thought it was her not wearing heels, but it seemed more than that at the time. Maybe it's camera angles and stuff too :confused:
Outfits can change the way a person looks, too. In season one she wore plain suit jackets and trousers that didn't show her merits, but now she wears fitting (and sometimes low-cut) tops and tight pants/jeans and high boots. This helps show off her curves and makes her look a bit taller. Not to mention that she's thinner now than in season 1. :)
Yeh I guess that's true. Her outfits are a lot sexier now:devil:, and I guess the heels definately make her taller, and look slimmer. No matter what she's still super hot though..:drool: I don't know how I'm going to cope going Marg-less for two weeks when I go on holiday tomorrow!
Erica, that's great news. I would love to see some new pics of Marg. We don't need to doubt that she'll look gorgeous!:D

Oh, and you have a great avi! I love this photoshoot. Marg looked there so pretty.
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