Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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EricaSJ said:
LOL she was invited by Playboy and Alan got all excited (called all his friends and bragged), but she didn't accept it. According to Marg, Hughie was like "NO! NOOOOOO!" :lol:

Oh got it now. thanks for that :D
Question to ponder:
What is your favorite story about Marg or favorite story told by Marg?

For me - one of my favorite stories about Marg would be Jorja (in the Playboy interview) talking about the landfill scene in Got Murder: --> "Marg is one of the strongest and toughest women I've ever met. Recently, while filming scenes for CSI, she has been in a meat market working with carcasses, walked through garbage at a disgusting landfill in Santa Clarita, California and worked in the pouring rain for days. She's a badass -- she internalizes her disgust. When Marg, George Eads and I were at that landfill, Marg when into shock for an hour and barely said anything. We'd ask, "Marg, are you OK?" and she'd just nod. George was trying not to get sick, and true to my Lower East Side New York City roots, I was screaming at the writers, "You guys are f*ing crazy! You f*ing suck," for maybe 10 minutes." <--

My favorite story told by Marg is probably the tattoo & body piercing viewing party on Letterman
Oooh the tattoo/body piercing viewing party. Scott Wilson was there, too, wasn't he? I remember Marg talking about the most impressive tattoo she had seen then. Was interesting. :D
Hi Everybody.

This is my first post here and what a great place this is to be at... Margland;-)
I am from Denmark and here CSI is a huge show also.
Not necessary to say, I guess, but of course I am a huge fan of Marg.


Thank you very much:) And yes feels like home in here because I love Marg too:)

BTW in Danish, Helgen means saint. We pronounce it
"hel-yen". That´s kind of funny I think.

Have a nice weekend all of you:)
Welcome anemone
This is the place for Marg/Catherine love <3

btw- didn't Cath look great last night? I always like her hair straight and brushed off her face.
Welcome anemone! =)

Did everyone get a chance to watch CSI this past Thursday? Lovely Margness as always. *swoon* Did anyone else notice that her voice seemed a bit...different in that processing scene with Hodges?
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