Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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Rissa, that was so sweet! I don't think I've ever read that interview! Where did you find it?

I shall post more quotes tomorrow :D
Anne its from the 2001 Us Magazine interview. ITA Kelly, love the A&E Biography they invited a lot of people to talk about Marg.

Btw, they aired the re-run of Marg on Conan O'brien yesterday, its just one of the upside of the writer's strike lol we get to see Marg w/ the carp and Conan again. :D I really don't watch Conan anymore since they stopped airing new episodes because of the strike.. good thing I decided to check it out yesterday.
Is it online somewhere Rissa?

And yay! More Marg on TV :D

William Petersen: “We really have a great time," he says of the show's cast and crews. "Marg and I had never worked together and I love her. We are like the mom and dad of the whole deal."

John Sacret Young (creator of China Beach): And then she’ll just knock it out. And she’s always there. She’s never missing a beat. And that’s what I really dig about her. You really dig that about working with people like that because they raise the bar for where you are. They make you work harder.

Gary Dourdan: She personifies beauty, but there’s something behind that. There’s something mysterious there.

William Petersen: They are both very tough women, Catherine Willows and Marg Helgenberger. No one's gonna pull one over on Marg.
Yay! Lovely Marg quotes!! I loooove her voice...

I like the ET video on YouTube, I'm not really sure whether it classes as an interview or not. But I just love how she says:

"I have all these ET cameras in my face, what's going on?!"

It's like she gets panicky towards the end of it, but it sounds fantastic lol.
Brynette, I think the clip you were talking about was the interview ET made during their visit to the set in 2005, right before season six started. During that interview, Marg and Billy shared one of their famous kisses (first one on ET) and Jan was jumping up and down. lol.

*goes to look for more quotes*
EricaSJ: Yeah it was! hehe. I looooove that clip and the other ET one that Marg and Billy did, when they had their second kiss. I made the second kiss into an avatar and had it as my wallpaper on my phone for soooo long lol.
i love these...

"I was at the gym flexing my legs and somebody said, 'Boy, you're really limber.' He didn't get a date, but we became friends." :lol:

"I opened an account and a relationship.'' (when she ran into Alan at a bank)

''If I see one more stuffed toy . . .'' growls
Helgenberger, who has been telling friends and relatives, ''Send food instead!'' (about baby gifts)

She's soo right on the last one :lol:
''If I see one more stuffed toy . . .'' growls
Helgenberger, who has been telling friends and relatives, ''Send food instead!''

What interview was this from?

"I was at the gym flexing my legs...

Definitely didn't make it past that part of the quote. *pervs and fans self*
SockGlue said:
''If I see one more stuffed toy . . .'' growls
Helgenberger, who has been telling friends and relatives, ''Send food instead!''

What interview was this from?
From the 1991 People Magazine interview. The whole article is here.

"I was at the gym flexing my legs...

Definitely didn't make it past that part of the quote. *pervs and fans self*
Ditto! :lol:
So, how was Marg in the episode? Tell me, tell me, tell me :)

From Marg in Shell Game:

Natalie Thayer (to Jenny): Weren’t you the one who said my hair was on fire and no one could put it out?

Jenny Jerome: You know her?
Natalie Thayer: Oh, yes.
Jenny Jerome: Is she insane?
Natalie Thayer: Oh yes.

Natalie Thayer: You can’t possibly suspect him of anything unethical. After all, he plays golf with Daddy.
LOL Shell Game. Thank God the show didn't make it. :lol:

Not sure if all of you know about this auction, but whoa someone actually bidded on it! I don't think I'll ever be able to afford that. lol. Whoever wins the auction, I want to be their friend (the one they'll take to the set with them)! :D
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