Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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Haha, I saw that auction too! If only I hadn't already signed up for this school trip... Coulda used the money to go see Marg! Whoever goes and meets her, I hope they bring back pics and post them online. I agree that whoever wins the auction, we'll have to go meet them and be their friend. ^_^
Every time I look at it, I think the reason the show didn't make it is because no one can buy Marg as a ditzy woman. She's just too smart for that ;)
Cath looked fantasic as usual. I like her hair this season. It's more red than blonde.

I'm still cracking up about the yoga remarks :lol: ;)
Her hair is looking very nice this season, but I think I liked it best season 2/3, I mean it always looks great, but yeh.
Amen! Totally agree! And also the knows in the biz too. *ahem* those right below her neckline. Yup. *runs away* Don't smack me!
EricaSJ said:
Ahahaha I just found this quote in the May 2003 RedBook.

The CSI star has the best legs in the biz. They keep going, and going, and going...


Oh gosh, i'll really pass about giving my opinion about it coz, well... im too naughty. lol

but back on topic... Marg is hot :devil:
*smiles angelically at Destiny* Nice to see you popping in, Destiny :D

Some IGC quotes:

Ann: He's young…He's a lot younger than you.
Dan: Thanks for that.

Dan: You’re pregnant? Does it feel like a boy?
Ann: Right now it feels like the stomach flu.

Ann (whispers): I’m pregnant.
Dan: What? I’m sorry, I thought you said you were pregnant.
Ann: Yeah.
Dan: You can’t be pregnant.
Ann: Yeah I can. I am
Dan: Well how did that happen?
Ann: I think you were there too.

Dan (about the pregnancy): This is fine, it’ll be fine. That means, when he’s twenty-one, I’ll be…seventy-two.
Ann: Seventy three.
Dan: Seventy two
Ann: Seventy three.
Dan: Holy crap.
EricaSJ said:
Ahahaha I just found this quote in the May 2003 RedBook.

The CSI star has the best legs in the biz. They keep going, and going, and going...


Love the IGC quotes too Anne! Keep em coming!

This is from Oprah's "O" Magazine last 2006, when Oprah and her bestfriend Gayle were hounded with gay/lesbian rumors lol.

"If we were gay, we would tell you", said Gayle, "because there's nothing wrong with being gay." Oprah agreed, saying: "People think I'd be so ashamed of being gay that I wouldn't admit it? Oh, please."

Then Gayle said, "if Oprah was a man, I'd marry her". But Oprah was like, "Um, no offense, but if I was a man, I'd marry Halle Barry" and Gayle goes, "Who wouldn't? She's hot! I wouldn't kick her out of bed for making Catwoman"
And then Oprah was like, "What about Marg Helgenberger? She can investigate me anytime!"
I second Oprah. Marg can investigate me any time. No doubt. And when I die, I'd love to have Catherine and the Doc do my autopsy. :D
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