Marg/Catherine #7.0 ~ Totally Thud Worthy

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I love her A&E Biography! It's one of the best things about Marg that I have even seen. Don't worry. I'm sure if kay ever makes clips, she'll share. :D

Oh I think Gary Dourdan once said something similar to Marg "is a sex bomb walking around the set". How true! :lol: *pats Gary*
I'm trying to recall what Liev Schrieber said about Marg recently too. Something about a 'down home girl with a wicked sense of humor'.
I'm sure someone out there has his exact quote. :)
One of the best Marg quotes was her intro on the last SAG awards:

-->"Some of my most cherished moments in this business have been conversations that I’ve had with my fellow actors on the set between takes. These conversations can happen anywhere, sometimes, sitting on a bed, in a skanky fictitious motel room. In fact, that’s how I met my husband, president of the Screen Actors Guild. I’m Marg Helgenberger and I’m an actor."<--
from CSI Files

Liev Schreiber, who guest starred in four episodes of CSI in season seven, said that Helgenberger is "drop-dead gorgeous, and she's got something going on underneath. She's got a bit of the devil inside her. She's a rock-and-roll chick from the Midwest, with a ribald sense of humor. She cracked me up the whole time we were shooting."

That is what I was looking for. He said she has 'a bit of the devil' in her. :lol:
I love those quotes from Dana and Liev they have almost the same description of Marg being a rock and roll girl, lol.
I also love the quote where Jorja Fox said that Marg is a badass and that Marg is one of the strongest and toughest woman she'd ever met something like that because she's able to handle the disgusting and gross scenes they're filming on the show.
Speaking of Jorja - here's her quote about Marg in the "Playboy 20 questions" article:

"PLAYBOY: When confronted with something gruesome, who is more likely to get queasy, you or your co-star Marg Helgenberger?

Jorja Fox: Me, for sure. Marg is one of the strongest and toughest women I've ever met. Recently, while filming scenes for CSI, she has been in a meat market working with carcasses, walked through garbage at a disgusting landfill in Santa Clarita, California and worked in the pouring rain for days. She's a badass -- she internalizes her disgust. When Marg, George Eads and I were at that landfill, Marg went into shock for an hour and barely said anything. We'd ask, "Marg, are you OK?" and she'd just nod. George was trying not to get sick, and true to my Lower East Side New York City roots, I was screaming at the writers, "You guys are f*ing crazy! You f*ing suck," for maybe 10 minutes. Because I'm the squeamish one, they think it's funny to put me on the grossest cases, which they do consistently. That episode about the high school cheerleader who gets upset and eats one of her classmates? That was my case.

And what interview was it where Marg was also talking about that landfill scene? Wayne Brady, maybe? She laughed about how Jorja & George were "bitchin to high heaven. They did NOT want to be there."
kaylyne said:
One of the best Marg quotes was her intro on the last SAG awards:

-->"Some of my most cherished moments in this business have been conversations that I’ve had with my fellow actors on the set between takes. These conversations can happen anywhere, sometimes, sitting on a bed, in a skanky fictitious motel room. In fact, that’s how I met my husband, president of the Screen Actors Guild. I’m Marg Helgenberger and I’m an actor."<--

I love that quote.

I also love a lot of the things Alan says about her. Like how she "inspired me to dream again" and the comment he made when she won her Emmy award in 1990 - I always remember just how glowing she was when she walked up on that on that stage and won. I was just…I was so proud of her. And it was great. There she was with our baby inside her, standing up on the stage getting her just desserts. <-- that's from Marg's Biography.

And this is also from the Biography. It's Marg talking about Alan:

I bought Alan a guitar when we first got together. He loves to play and sing. He's a little troubadour my husband.

And how they ended up together:
She was new in L.A and living in some cheap hotels and Alan had his own little house so, "Alan's cute little house became my cute little house"

And this was from Biography as well:
"Both of us have been involved in trying to raise awareness about breast cancer," Rosenberg said. "It wasn’t long before Marg and I met when her mom was diagnosed. Marg’s mom’s medical history makes me concerned for Margi, so it’s something that affects me very deeply and of course Margi, in honor of her mother, and also as someone who is concerned for her own health."

And this is from Playboy:
PLAYBOY: Is it harder to be sexy when you're single or married?
Marg: Probably when you're married. My single friends have a totally different life than I do. There's certainly a lot more sex. A lot more sex with various partners. Being single, you have complete freedom and independence. I have a child, and he's obviously the first responsibility. But I certainly don't feel like I'm stifled in any way.

I really should stop now....
*glances at Anne* She's the quote expert. LOL.

Hehe I'm lovin' all the quotes, too. Our gal is such a smart cookie. :D And here's one of her most famous quotes. She said this at the 1990 Emmys, after she got on the stage and received her best supporting actress award:

First of all, my name's not Marge. It's Marg.
Because the presenters mispronounced her name not just once, but twice. :lol:
I never watched the Emmys that year, but I thought it was funny in the A&E Bio when they were talking about them mispronouncing her name, and Dana commented - "I knew it was coming. I was waiting for it. She gets up there, and then...." Ending with Marg's "three day nightmare" comment. That was hilarious!

I guess I'm just in the Bio mood because I just finished up the clips. (you know where to find them! ;)) It left me in a "Marg-and-Dana-need-to-work-together-again" mood.
Hehe, I love that one from Dana about them waiting for the name thing. It was hilarious.

We want more Marg quotes? Let's have more Marg quotes :D

Interviewer: What's the most romantic thing your partner has ever done for you?
Marg: Alan got me a 1971 Mercedes Benz 280SL for Mother's Day a couple of years ago – one of those beautiful, butter-coloured vintage cars. I was speechless.

Int: How helpful is your partner?
Marg: (laughs) Well, let's see. He's a guy, you know what I mean? So around the house he's not particularly helpful. Though with Huey he is very helpful and very supportive of me. He is a good and passionate soul.

Marg on Alan: He's my best friend. He's a very kind, caring supportive person. But also very funny."

David Letterman: There are three CSI shows on
Marg: Yeah, we breed like rabbits

Marg (on IGC): It is perfectly charming, if I do say so myself

Marg (on whether she knew she’d grow up to be famous TV and movie star): No, I was too busy working in the beanfields and cornfields and packing plant

Marg: My career’s always just been putting one foot in front of the other.

Marg: I either play cops or criminals -- I'm either on the right side of the law or the wrong side. I gravitate toward edgier material because it suits my nature. I find it fascinating to play. I'm just that kind of person.

Marg (on her inclusion in People's 50 Most Beautiful People): My favourite reaction was my son's. He was like "What number are you?" and I said, well it doesn't really work that way

Marg: The reality TV...I think that's just a phase...I understand it from a business point of view, but it really is pathetic. Let's face it, I can't stand to watch it--the dating shows [for example]--they're just stupid. There's nothing real about it. Our show is more real than some of those dopey shows.

I've got more if you still want more :D
Keep 'em coming, Anne!

Another one I just remembered with Marg & Alan from an ET interview with Cojo about Weeping Willows:
Alan: I'm always real proud when I come on the set and watch her work. It's a little intimidating too because she's such a fantastic actress.
Marg: You're intimidated by me?
Alan: A little bit maybe.
Yes, more quotes please!

I loved the Cojo interview. So cute, just finishing each others sentences and all that. True love.
I loved this Marg/Alan bit from their Us Interview in 2001:

~~As for Rosenberg's own metamorphosis, he says he wouldn't have become a successful actor without the help of his wife. "Margie is the smartest, most focused, most practical person I know," Rosenberg says. "Watching the way she worked truly helped me kind of mature and focus on my work. She grounded me."

Helgenberger smiles, then returns the compliment. "A couple ofyears ago, Alan said to me - it was very romantic - he said, 'Margie, if any guy comes after you and wants you,
you know they will never win.'"

"That was romantic?" Rosenberg asks. "That's scary."

"No, what it translates to me is, 'Nobody will fight as hard as I do for you.'"

*melts into puddle of goo from cute overload* :D
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