Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I was just watching season 6 again and I came to realise how cute Marg looks in that scene in which she and Warrick talk about Warrick's marriage.. And her line is priceless.

"You know, the one thing that makes a fantasy great is the possibility it may come true. And when you loose that possibility that.. just.. kinda.. sucks"

Priceless! Love her smile in that scene :D
Looking through that list of WAP performers...looks like Jorja isn't scheduled for this year, so no Marg/Jorja duets again. Bummer!
Refresh my foggy memory -- Tom Rosenberg (listed as one of the committee members) is NOT Alan's brother, right? If I remember correctly, Alan's brother died a while ago?
I love when Marg does What a Pair, and I always love the photos, but I wish one day we'd get some video. That looks like it would be so much fun.
IF that would be true, then she's had one very busy week - first the Mr Brooks premiere, then the CSI: The experience opening in Chicago, now across the pond? Hopefully this would be for a very relaxing vacation!

ETA: Plus, it would be a very quick trip, because of the opening of Mr Brooks next week, and she's scheduled to be on some talk shows later the next week. Go to the Late night tv page for specific dates.
Woohoo! That means VCR alert, but not mine! lmao. I know someone's gonna record all those shows and I can't wait for the clips. :D

Anyone thinks it's interesting that Marg is attending those shows to promote the film while her role isn't even a main character at all? I'm not complaining, though. ;)
Yesterday, I saw Marg in Perfect Murder, Perfect Town as Patsy Ramsey. I had never seen her with dark hair.

What movie was Marg in with John Ritter? I watched bits and pieces but I don't remember the name.
SaraSidle_girl said:
I was just watching season 6 again and I came to realise how cute Marg looks in that scene in which she and Warrick talk about Warrick's marriage.. And her line is priceless.

"You know, the one thing that makes a fantasy great is the possibility it may come true. And when you loose that possibility that.. just.. kinda.. sucks"

Priceless! Love her smile in that scene :D

yea, i love that part. i feel so bad for her tho :( where's nicky when you need him!?! ;)
Marg was in the movie "Lethal Vows" with John Ritter :)

Marg was really great in that movie, but I always was a little wierded out by her with dark hair. In fact, Marg mentioned herself that she didn't like having dark hair.

Maybe the fact that Marg is attending all the talk shows is for several reasons. First, because most of the hosts really love having her on their shows. Second, because the makers of Mr Brooks probably know that Marg sells. And third...

maybe she has a bigger role in the movie than we suspect? *gets down on knees* Please, please, please please...
Well remember she did alot of promoting for IGC but her role was kind of minimal in that. I hope she has a bigger part than we think, though.
I want some Extra Marg too, :D It seems that from this Movie Review we won't see a lot of Marg in the film. But its good that Mr. Brooks is getting a lot of good reviews and feedback, and though Marg has a really short screentime in the film, her role must've been memorable for the movie reviewer to ask for more Marg.

Hey gals and guys check this out, a long-ish interview of Marg about her new movie and the next season of CSI (No spoilers):

Marg Helgenberger Interview, Mr Brooks

I like funny so I love the part where the interviewer asked Marg if she wants to do a comedy, and Marg said "absolutely..." :D

And yay! I don't think we will have a Marg drought cuz aside from the talk shows she will be in (thanks kaylyne!!! yay! i cant wait to see her on Conan!) she'll also be a presenter at the Tony Awards on June 10.
Hehe I'm excited that our girl seems to be a busy bee. That means a lot of photos and video clips. :D And heck yeah. She definitely needs to do her own comedy. We all know how funny she really is. :lol:
It's great that we're getting so much Marg.

Marg may not have all that big a part in Mr Brooks but she's still doing loads of interviews for it which is great.

I'd love to see Marg in a comedy. :)
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