Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I'm glad the movie is doing well. I wonder if it will do well enough for there to be a sequel? That would be cool - particularly with what Marg was talking about in regards to a sequel.

Has anyone seen it yet?
Planning on seeing it sometime this week... Haven't really gotten around to it yet, but I'll let you guys know how it is if I can. :)
marg_kc_willows said:
guys is it ok if i post my new site of marg if not where can i?
If you don't have anything in you're signature you can put it in there, or in you're "my home" section", you can put it in here but not to make a habit of advertising it in this forum for future reference. Also lastly if you want we have a "Websites" forum on this board, I believe the only rule is you have to be the owner of the site and it has to contain CSI theme, I think you are covered on both counts, might want to check that out too. ;)
Thanks Erica I'll check it out

I have a question for Cath fans... when was her birthday again??

Not Marg, but Catherine's birthday. I'm working on a fic [well, two] and I was going to mention her birthday

Thanks :)
hhunter, I've read it as that before on some internet biography thing and it used to be on the Catherine Willows wikipedia but it seems to have been removed now so I don't know if that's because it's incorrect or not.

The reason I remember is because I have a thing for keeping lists of things like the CSI's birthdays so when I checked, that was the date I found.
Heather, I think it was listed in Catherine's biography on the official CSI site but got removed later. Remember what happened to Grissom's birthdate? lol. But if you check the companion book, you may still find the info. I think the exact date listed was March 26, 1963. However, Cath said in Living Legend that she was 16 when Shark was out (1976) so there's a conflict between the info they gave us and the writing on the show. Happens to a lot of shows, though.
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