Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I bet Marg was great in Ryan's Hope, would love to see her in it.

So the Mr Brook's premier is tonight, hopefully that means some hot Marg pics tomorrow. :)
EricaSJ said:
I've never seen Marg on RH. I really want to. I think Bev has seen her as Siobhan (sp), though. Bummer she won't be online for a while, or we could ask her about it.

Ask me about what?
About Ryan's Hope, TT. You saw her as Siobhan, right?

Great to hear about Marg and the premiere of Mr. Brooks. I wonder if Alan and Hughie along.

Or will Hughie be allowed? They rated it R for graphic (I hope it's graphic Marg), but he's only 17, so he won't be able to see it, right?
Yes. I saw Marg as Siobhan. She was great. Siobhan was my favorite character on the show. I loved her sassiness, red hair and spunk.

God, I think I just dated myself.
But you gave us great Marg knowledge :)

I hope one day we get screencaps - or even better, video!

And I love that Marg and Alan spent time chatting in a "skanky hotel room" :D
Well, If MArg and Alan are there to let him in, I'm sure he could. And I thought he was 16? He was born 10 days before me in the same year, we still have a few months to go.
Well, the pics showed Hughie was there. :)

Syd, I thought you wouldn't be on for a few days. It's really nice to see you! <3
Aww, Marg and Alan were there and loked very much in love as always. Hughie was there also ;)

I found out that the R ratings in America seem to be different to the ones in Australia. Apparently in America you can take a child in as long as there is an adult present, but in Australia you can't. I think that maybe your R is equal to our MA15+ and your NC-17 is equal to our R.

Weird that.
That's right, Anne.
An "R" rating here is: "under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian"
An NC-17 rating here is: "No one 17 & under admitted"

Those Marg/Alan pics are so sweet. I like how for most of their pics together (no matter the occasion) they always seem to put their heads close to each other. Such as this:

And of course, Alan with his "I know what I've got, and she's all mine" smirk. So adorable.
Hehe. I love Alan's smirk. And I agree with you about their heads together. And his arm around her waist, getting her as close to him as he can. Love it :D
CatherineWStokes said:
I bet Marg was great in Ryan's Hope, would love to see her in it.

So the Mr Brook's premier is tonight, hopefully that means some hot Marg pics tomorrow. :)

Once in a blue moon SoapNET shows Ryan's Hope.

I saw pics where she was in a blue dress. It was a bit different then the black one she had on.
Drumchik said:
Hehe. I love Alan's smirk. And I agree with you about their heads together. And his arm around her waist, getting her as close to him as he can. Love it :D
Here! Here! I absolutely love it when they do that. So cute and so sweet. It's so evident that they are still very much in love with each other. :)
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before but Marg is listed as a performer at this year's what a pair show. It does say subject to availability at the bottom but in Parade she mentioned being paired with a blues singer, I assume for this.
I have to say: The last pics are HOOOOOOOOT! Adorable! So, Marg will be at the What a pair show again? :O I hope we get photos again.. what a pity there's no video *cries* lol
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