Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Its gonna be released on the 1st of June in the US.

Was there any good Catherine scene in the finale? Was the episode good? Cuz if it sucked I'll probably only watch the Catherine-S-I part of the epi.. :lol:
She and Gil share reading glasses. *swoon* Marg in glasses at any point is reason enough to watch!!

1st June - who's going to see us and give us details?
They share reading glasses? Where did I read a fanfiction about that? Oh yeah. I think it was one by coolcatz...

So tell us about the finale. How was she? And don't say HOT, 'cuz I know that :D
Mr. Brooks comes out June 1st.

I'm sure my husband will see it, he likes Marg and murder/mysteries

And Cath was hot, as usual and funny. She and Nicky had some great scenes

and the glasses... so cute... so 'like them'.

**off to PUREJOY thread**
*waves hands frantically over head* I'm going to see it! I'm going to see it!!!! I'm going to see Mr. Brooks! :D

The finale was great... I liked how she had her hair in a ponytail then switched it to being down and wavy (which is my fav).

I don't know how I'm going to be able to hang in there and wait till September for the new season... Oh well... Hangin in there... ;)
^^^Don't forget to give us the details after you've seen the movie pppllleeeassse. :D Mr. Brooks got an R-rating so its probably a graphic movie.

About the finale... Catherine was one of the few people that kept me from sleeping while watching the episode. She had the funniest lines... “Okay, we’re in a David Lynch movie. Where’s the dwarf?” --> Priceless. I also love this one "A grown man, sticks his hand up the back of a doll, and speaks like a girl. Sounds healthy." :lol:
And I also love the surprised look on Cath's face when she saw the nekkid chubby guy in the tub :lol:
I think there was a commentary by Danny Cannon before (in Season 1 or Season 2???) that Marg makes the best "surprised" expression.
I'll try... it'll be interesting getting my parents to take me... Sucks being 14. -.-

I agree with Danny Cannon. Marg DOES have the best surprised expression. I love it. And her parts in the finale were the only ones I paid direct attention to, too. Well, the ending scene I was like, staring wide-eyed at the screen.... but that's for a differen thread. :)
Hottie_Cath said:
^^^Don't forget to give us the details after you've seen the movie pppllleeeassse. :D Mr. Brooks got an R-rating so its probably a graphic movie.

About the finale... Catherine was one of the few people that kept me from sleeping while watching the episode. She had the funniest lines... “Okay, we’re in a David Lynch movie. Where’s the dwarf?” --> Priceless. I also love this one "A grown man, sticks his hand up the back of a doll, and speaks like a girl. Sounds healthy." :lol:
And I also love the surprised look on Cath's face when she saw the nekkid chubby guy in the tub :lol:
I think there was a commentary by Danny Cannon before (in Season 1 or Season 2???) that Marg makes the best "surprised" expression.

What kind of graphic are we talking here? :devil:
Oh please, Anne, like you really had no idea. :devil: I don't expect to see scenes like that between Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, though. I think the film is rated R due to the violent scenes such as when Mr. Brooks kills. However, it would be awesome if we do get a few "graphic" scenes. We all know how good Marg is in them. :devil: *recalls ER, Lie Down with Lions, Frame by Frame* :eek:
Oh yeah. Definitely. lol.

It's great to know that Marg is doing something else besides CSI. She's done two feature films in the past three years and is going to do a new one this summer. Although her roles in these movies aren't that big, she's been doing a great job and it looks like she had fun working on them, too. I really feel glad for our girl. :)
Marg is the feature in this week's edition of Parade magazine. She's James Brady's interview in the In Step With section at the back. And, there's a hot Marg photo slideshow at the parade website. And WARNING! clicking on that photoshoot may cause fainting or heart failure from the extreme hot Margness!
The Parade photo shoot by Blake Little is already on some photo agency sites but the photo shoot by Alison Dyer is not. Just a matter of time before the images get out to the public.
Ohh my goddddddd. :eek: I think my jaw hit the floor. Absolutely LOOOOVE the pics, Kaylyne. Great way to start my morning. I think you just made my day. :D
Oh wow. *fans self* That was HAWT. :eek: *thud* *faints*

Thanks so much for the heads-up, kay. Those photos were absolutely gorgeous! Bummer I don't live in the US. I sure am looking forward to the mag popping up on ebay. :D

*right-click and saves the pics*
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