Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Marg sighting!!! I saw this on imdb forums posted last May 2:

"Was on an airplane with her last night...
..on a flight from L.A. to Omaha, sat a few rows behind her. She has family here, or she could have been coming for a fundraiser, not really sure. She pretty much kept to herself (of course) but nobody bothered her. One of the group I was with requested a photo in the lobby before the flight but she (politely) declined.

For the record, she's very petite and absolutely gorgeous."

-Patrick Stibbs
LA to Omaha? Didn't she mention on "Ellen", while talking about her plane scare, that you couldn't get a direct flight to back home, which is why she had to go to Dallas, then to Nebraska?
True, I thought that was what she said.

Also, I thought she was in Vegas shooting the finale. At least that's where I thought they were in the clip.
Guys, I dunno why but the SPOILER thing isn't wprking right now. Therefore, WARNING: SPOILER begins under the first DOTTED LINE and ENDS ander the SECOND DOTTED LINE.
Sorry for the inconvenience..If a mod can fix it up, I'll be more than happy ;)

That's one of my favourite lines, so far. We know next ep will be featuring Lady Heather. -- Well, in the promo there is Catherine saying to someone (I suppose it's Grissom) "You know, I'd slap you, but I think you'd enjoy it too much".

*Edited: Fixed at the request of the poster!*
^^ Isn't that line just like Catherine. And to say it to Grissom.

Can't wait for this episode
^^ ITA :D

Thank You Destiny!

By the way, I saw a recent interview of Marcia Cross at David Letterman's...And her giggles are dangerously similar to Marg's!
Tee hee. One of the very few things I love about this season (okay, probably only this one. lmao) is that despite her limited screentime, we get to see the old Catherine back. :D
EricaSJ said:
Tee hee. One of the very few things I love about this season (okay, probably only this one. lmao) is that despite her limited screentime, we get to see the old Catherine back. :D
What I still miss is the friendship with Grissom, the interaction with him. I love when she titillated him. Now, they barely speak to each other. Season 6 it was already the case :(. So I hope that the new season will bring back interaction with Grissom. That is what I love above all in this show, that is what get me hooked to it, Grissom and Catherine :)! They are fun ! And I'm sure that William Petersen love to play scenes with her :D ;)
Marg and Billy do such great scenes together, it is true.

But I do agree with you, Erica. It's so great to see the old Catherine back. She's our girl and she's back :D
I miss their friendship, too, alienor. I really do. I'm not even saying this as a shipper. I hate it that TPTB are breaking one of the most perfect things that have made the show. The friendship between Catherine and Gil was so essential to this show that it just doesn't feel right not having it anymore. :( And yeah, I also believe Marg and Billy's close friendship definitely helped with their onscreen chemistry. It's a big shame that TPTB don't see that anymore and don't realize what they have lost.

Anne. You are going to like Leapin' Lizards. There were some nice Cath/Greg scenes. I think they're my favorite scenes from this episode. :)
I love her when she's with Greg.
It's a weird relationship, because it's a Mather/Son thing and it still has a lot of flirting. It's weird, but oh so cute!
IA with you, Dardeile :lol: I love the Greg-Cath scenes! So cute when they flirt with each other, just for fun! =D
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