Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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Judging from her guest appearance on Fraiser, I'd say she'd be really hilarious in a sitcom. She's got a great sense of humor and she knows how to play it out. Also, can you imagine when she laughs on a show? That would be so funny! :lol:

Aww Marg/Catherine has become the heroine of many girls and drawn them to forensic-science classes!

Click me to find out.
That's so inspiring. I would enter Forensics but I faint at the sight of blood...

Owww Im not liking this Cath drought. I really hope CSI would have more Catherine/Johnson scenes. lol. :D
That article is cool. I like how they mention Marg/Catherine in the article. I'm sure Marg will be glad to know her character helps convince girls that science is cool!
^ Yeah I think she'll be happy to know about it, too. And I want Marg's photos taped on the walls of my office, too! I'd probably get fired, though. :lol:
I love that she inspires so many girls. I remember her once talking about that on a television show - I think it was the View - about how young girls (or their mothers) would come up to her and thank her.
^ That's really great. I'm so happy that our girl can inspire so many people, especially those who are really young and confused about what to do in the future. :)

roflmao. Rissa, gotta love your new sig! :lol:
LOL Hottie_Cath, your new Sig is just.. :lol: GREAT! You genius, you :p

Me wants a piece of Cath too :devil:
Nice article. I bet that does make Marg happy that she's having a positive real world effect on countless numbers of people.

Oh yeah, sign me up as wanting a piece of Cath too. :p :devil: :p
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