Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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EricaSJ said:
I honestly don't remember anyone being asked to change their location, though.
Yeah, that was me *shhh* Sorry Lady E. This is jealousy :p *steals a Marg snugglebear*

Welcome n00bs! :)

ETA: good little community :) *joins*
I just found out Mr Brooks won't be released in Finland until 21th September! I asked my dad I he would buy me a flight ticket so I could go and watch it in US in June, but he wasn't very thrilled about my idea... (Costs at least 1000 euros... Little too much even for a birthday present...) When is the opening of Mr Brooks in UK? 'cos there's no way I'm gonna wait until September...

Addicted to Marg? Oh, yeah.
*starts planning a bank robbery to get money for flight tickets*
Mariiah said:
I just found out Mr Brooks won't be released in Finland until 21th September! I asked my dad I he would buy me a flight ticket so I could go and watch it in US in June, but he wasn't very thrilled about my idea... (Costs at least 1000 euros... Little too much even for a birthday present...) When is the opening of Mr Brooks in UK? 'cos there's no way I'm gonna wait until September...

Addicted to Marg? Oh, yeah.
*starts planning a bank robbery to get money for flight tickets*
IMDB didn't list any release date for UK yet.
Maybe you could try to visit Turkey instead cuz the movie's gonna open in June 1 there, lol. :D
I looks like Marg is busy, with not only this movie but another one as well.

She'll rock the place I'm sure :D
I can't wait till school is over. I'm not getting my Marg Totally *thud* Worthy thread fix often enough. Miss ya'll.

Just popped in to say, Marg rocked it in tonight's epi. As per usual. Looking forward to any caps you lovelies may provide. :D
Agreed Roy Marg looked great in that blue and Black shirt.
Too bad she wasn't in the episode very long.
It feels like a repeat of the end of season 6. lol. The season was Cath-heavy in the beginning and then she gets less and less screentime and she was merely there in the finale. Ugh I want my Margi. Meeeeeeeeeeeh.
I stomached last night's episode just for the teensy bit of Marg. She was hot as always and it was worth it. (Now if I can just erase most of the rest of the episode from my mind I'll be happy. :rolleyes:)

That's two live action movies and one as a voiceover for her. :)
Meloves my Marg and OMG, how cool is it that she's going to be in ANOTHER movie!

THe more Marg the better.

I'm glad to hear Marg was hot last night. Then again, when ISN'T Marg hot?
I missed you Jango! Thanks for leaving me that comment on YouTube! <3

Oh yeah Marg was really hot in Ending Happy despite the fact that she had only mere screentime. I loved it when she was talking with Gil in the hallway while drinking her bottle of water and Doc called them from behind. They both turned around and she was licking her lips. When I saw that, I was a asldkfjghdka;sldkghdks *dies* :lol:
^ Hehe I just posted one in the pic thread. :)

I'm assuming that another movie everyone was talking about was Columbus Day. The news that Marg and Val Kilmer had signed up for the movie was just released a couple of days ago. The producer is Kevin Spacey. This excites me even more hehe. And anyone thinks it's interesting that this movie is going to be a crime drama? :lol:
Yeah, I already read it on Kelly's LJ. Thanks anyway.
A crime drama... that's not shocking. But Marg would also be awesome in a sitcom like Friends :D
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