Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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aww, cute indeed :D Then Marg would set it up, and Alan would help Hughie to find the eggs? <3 I like to see them as a family, the three of them :)
I know! There's this wonderful picture of her with her arms around Hughie and Marg's hair is her usual red and wow...they look so much alike!
Yes, Drumchik. Hot redhead indeed.

BTW, Erica, Love, love, love your icon. Anyone else get a craving for ice cream and whipped cream after seeing that? :devil:
Roy said:
BTW, Erica, Love, love, love your icon. Anyone else get a craving for ice cream and whipped cream after seeing that? :devil:
Tee hee thanks Roy. If you like, I'd make you one with some ice cream porn when you get 100 posts. :devil:
can I have some cherry/ice cream porn too??? he he he

and I have to say that Catherine was great in the episode.
She looked good and was in the episode more than the first 10 minutes
Woohoo! The more Marg the better!

I hear the scene between Catherine and Sofia was great :)

hhunter - I love your icon. Go Lady H!
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