Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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I was going to ask the same thing. About what make-up or lipgloss she uses. You know her lips are just fantastic.

Yoga certainly does wonders for the body though. Her body is also in great shape. :D
(I've been doing yoga for over a year, and I don't look like her ;) :lol: )
Maybe it's her happiness. I always think being happy is key to leading a good life ;) And she certainly seems happy.

I was just watching Notting Hill earlier, and I was like: "Could Marg and Alan please remake this movie?" :D
Notting Hill rocks! Marg and Alan? Oh, I can only imagine how those days of shooting will be :D

About Marg looking this good, I agree with Rissa (love the icon by the way!), it shows that she's really happy with her family. And she's like always shining! :D
That reminds me of how Marg and Alan reunited in LA hehe. And it was a perfect timing. Talking about fate... :)
Hi guys!
Haven't been in here for a while, but Easter holidays have been long, and kept me away from home.
I was writing just to say HELLO to everyone, cuz I'll be going on a school trip to Greece.
A kiss to everybody, and MARG IS HOT!
Hi Walter, I don't live in the US so I won't be able to read your letter. Neither will some of the other regulars in this thread. Would you like to share it with us here? I'd really appreciate that. And congratulations on having your letter printed in TV Guide. :)
EricaSJ said:
Hi Walter, I don't live in the US so I won't be able to read your letter. Neither will some of the other regulars in this thread. Would you like to share it with us here? I'd really appreciate that. And congratulations on having your letter printed in TV Guide. :)

Link to letter (don't tell TVG)

I e-mailed the photographer requesting a print of the photo TV Guide used in their "Sexy Issue" but due to contract issues, he could not help me. I then e-mailed TV Guide with a quick note with a p.s. requesting a print. I included the license plate photo to prove I was a fan rather than an eBay reseller. I had no idea they would go that route. I was mortified when I heard about what they published. I thought I would share my embarrassment with the forum.

Why do I think I'm more likely to receive a restraining order than a print now? :confused:
I usually lurk around this thread, but had to comment on this.

I had to read your explanation a few times to understand what you meant. I think I get it now. The letter tv guide put in wasn't simply a "hey, thanks for the centerfold". It was part of a request for an actual print of the photo? Well, it may not have been what you wanted, but still that's pretty awesome they published your letter.

If Marg reads it at all, I think she'd be flattered. I wouldn't worry too much about a restraining order!

Also, is that really your license plate or simply a photo you found to prove you were just a fan? If it is yours, you rock. :D
Yes, my only goal was to get a print of the photograph that TV Guide used. I think it is a great photo of Marg.

Yes, it is my plate. It's due for renewal this month. When I do, I'll upload a picture of it with the TV Guide issue to the same link as above. I just hope the local Bureau of Motor Vehicles employees don't read TV Guide.
Wow thanks for sharing, Walter. That was awesome. And it would be even greater if you really get that plate. I can't wait for the photo of the real plate haha! I personally think Marg would feel flattered if she gets to read the letter and see the manip. She'd be glad that she's got such a dedicated fan. And what restraining order? It's not like you're stalking her. lol.
Looks great Walter :) There should be license plates like that everywhere :D

Last night I watched Marg's 'I'm An Actor" speech at the SAG awards again. That was so adorable.

And I love that she was saying Alan's lines to herself as he was doing his speech. That was so adorable.
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