Marg/Catherine #6.0: Totally Thud Worthy

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EricaSJ said:
Roy said:
BTW, Erica, Love, love, love your icon. Anyone else get a craving for ice cream and whipped cream after seeing that? :devil:
Tee hee thanks Roy. If you like, I'd make you one with some ice cream porn when you get 100 posts. :devil:

Excuse me, while I go all fanboy.

OMG, would you????? That would totally rock! *chants* Ice cream porn! Ice cream porn! Ice cream . . .

Okay, I'm done. Seriously, though. You'd be my hero.

*races to get 100 posts*
Hey guys!

I've missed ya, but real life's been super busy.

Loved Marg in the episode the other night. I wish she'd been on more, but at least she was there with Louise. Those two women make me a happy person.
*waves to Bev*

Yoo, I understand all about real life. I would love to be on here more.

Yeah, so many reasons to love Marg in the last episode. She smiled a lot, that's for sure. Gotta love the smile.
OMG, nooooo, I don't want to be jealous... *is not jealous* *is a liar* I'm friggin' jealous! I would have hugged Marg to the ground :p
SunsetBoulevard said:
I would have hugged Marg to the ground :p

if i would done this, i think we would never seen Marg again...or at least she wouldn't be able to move for next few months :D
That would be so cool to serve Marg. I love how when she asked for the name, Marg just said "M". LOL

Totally understandable with a name that's so instantly recognisable.
Yeah, it's not like she has a plain name like Kelly or something. (no offense to anyone named kelly) But "Marg" is not heard very often. Not in LA anyway.
Hi everyone, I'm a big fan of CSI and really love the character of Catherine Willows. She is a very smart, strong female and absolutely beautiful too.
Does anyone know what Marg Helgenberger's secrets to looking so great are? She is a great role model for women everywhere and proves that beauty and elegance are not confined to women in their 20s and 30s. :)
Heya dna_girl! :D *waves* I totally agree with you I adore her because of her seemingly ageless beauty and appeal.
Marg doesn't really talk about her looks that much.. Alan, her hubby, even said in a recent interview that she doesn't do too much make-up or fashion.
But I do know shes been doing yoga for many years now and she's happy and in love with her family and I guess when you're glowing from the inside it shows.
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