Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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She look's incredible:p and him too, gorgeous people, how cool to see this all over the stores.. go TV Guide. I get mine tomorrow:)they have always had a great friendship off and on screen that's awesome!
I hear you EricaSJ. The both of them look so good together! Totally natural! But I guess after being together for nine years you get used to it. :)

I can't believe a woman her age looks that good. I hope I age like that!

That is me being speechless ;) Wow. i love the dress, and she looks super hot. Man... Gorgeous.
Oh my lord! im sorry but she is NOT 49, i think they must of got her date of birth wrong or something like that because no 49 should look as good as that, it makes other women have self esteem issues:lol:
she's as old as my mom, that's just wrong when i say it like that. How can Marg be so hot at that age?not that i care:D
wow that was a great interview (so touching how Billy loves Marg's company) and not to mention their great shots! Marg just made my day with those looks. hope i could get that tv guide copy somewhere...coz its not available here at my dear country..*sniff*
It's not available here, either, but still, I'm so going to get a copy. lol. And the woman is just criminally sexy!
Oooh guys you need to look at the episode stills of Let It Bleed. *drools*

I'm really liking the black leather jacket. :D
Hasn't she had that black leather jacket since the beginning of the series?
I love the pic with the ponytail and CSI vest. :drool:
Black leather really looks good on her! I love it! That's our girl!

Hey Erica could you get me that TV guide mag too?! lolz! pls.. hehe.
Goes off to look....

...Comes back. OMG. I can't wait for the new season now :)

I love her leather jackets, the one she wore last season the tan(ish) colour one was very nice too :D
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