Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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Catherine was heartbreakingly beautiful in For Warrick. And she was breathtaking wearing black and pearls. So classy. My heart broke at seeing her shed tears.

I loved how red her hair was in that episode! You got a great glimpse of it when she was processing the car with Nick - it was stunning!

Great pic, Erica :D
CBS has released three pics from For Warrick that has Catherine in them. They are all from the funeral scene. Again, she's stunning, and her tears are heartbreaking. :)

Pic 1 - Pic 2 - Pic 3
nice pics!

beautifully sad... will somebody hug or hold Catherine? makes me wanna do it and we'll cry together...*sniff* such a great epi.
Hi Cath,you look great :lol:

Ha. When is the woman not absolutely gorgeous?! Seriously. I love this woman and am completely envious that she's forty years older than I am, but looks much better. lol. :)
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