Marg/Cath Pic Thread: Eye Candy 8.0

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I don't consider it a Cath-centric episode. When the spoilers came out, everyone assumed it would be because it seemed Catherine was going to be emotionally involved, but it turned out that she was just one of the leading CSIs on this case (the other one being Grissom) and had wrong speculations. To me this episode was actually pretty much case-driven, doesn't seem like a Cath-centric one to me at all. :)

Since we're on the episode, how about some pretty screencaps? :)

I totally agree, it's just I remember at the time a lot of people though it was Cath centric, I remember reading it. I didn't think it was at all.

and thanks for the pics, she looks very hot :drool:
Marg went to the premiere of Appaloosa on Wednesday with Alan. They were so adorable together. Marg was wearing the shirt she wore to her latest Craig Ferguson interview...the Chestertown one. :lol:

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Ah yes, that's where I remember that shirt from! I was thinking it was the first Billy/Marg ET kiss. Alan must love that black leather jacket. He wears it to a lot of events (and looks yummy in it too!)
^ He does look good in that black leather jacket, and I agree that he must really love it. I think he looks better in it than in those suit jackets lol. Probably because no matter what his position is (like SAG president), he's a wild boy at heart. :lol:

Anyway, here's Marg and Dana at the L.A. Power of Choice Reception. Dana was the host. :)

Haha, i do agree he must love that jacket. And I love Marg's shirt from the chestertown interview :D of course...

Thanks for the photo :)
LOL. I'm start to think that it may be a good idea to put Catherine and Katherine together. :lol:

kaylyne scanned the CBS ad for their primetime shows from this week's People magazine. Guess who got a spot in the front center? :D

As Erica mentioned in the discussion thread, Marg will be involved with the virtual walk again this year. Here are some pics from last year (including Jorja):

here's their site
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^ I really like that Marg figure. I think they did it really well last year. <3 I wonder if they're going to make new ones this time?
Here here! The interview is awesome, too (well, at least for a C/G shipper). Every time I think I can't love her more, she surprises me with pics and stuff like this.
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