Loved Brass' comment about the 3 stooges :lol:
That was funny. I love snarky Brass.
Carrot Top did a good job acting, or has he acted before cause he's a comedian, I have no idea
He starred in his own movie a few years back "Chairman of the Board". I didn't care for the movie very much, but I guess his acting was okay.
No Vartllows scenes, yet Vartann was in it, I wondered if they cut their scene out or something, it does prove that you can have an ep with both characters but no scene
As much as I love the two of them as a couple, I'm glad the show can have them both on an episode and not have them attached to each other's hip like some other shows have done with other couples.
Glad to see Archie and Mandy, at first I didn't reconize her, maybe it's just cause we haven't seen her lately, please ptb show more of the lab rats
I didn't think she looked the same either. Maybe its because she usually has her glasses on.
Same here. She had her hair in kind of a Wendy-do.
Glad I'm not the only one who thought that lol. At first when I saw her with the ponytail, I got confused and thought she was Wendy until they closed in on her face lol.
And seeing the picture of him half naked *shutters* and draped across zebra print is an image I too wanna forget. :lol:
Hands DJ a bottle of brain bleach. I had to use it after that picture lol. Cath looked like she wanted some too lol.
Though I feel that Nick should have called the bet an equal win in the beginning.
That's what I thought he was going to do too.
And I laughed at Greg's reference to the film 300 when talking to the Spartan. Pop culture humor is always the best. :lol:
That's the part where I laughed the hardest hehe.
I was actually surprised by the ending. When the idiot-out-of-towners were first describing the game, I figured it was the boyfriend who got jealous/angry at the vic and did her in. I honestly didn't see it being the loser-out-of-towner until the reveal. Huh.
Same here. I didn't think the three guys had anything to do with it. I thought it would be the boyfriend or that the girl had a pimp and that's who had killed her. I was shocked that it was one of the three guys. And what a stupid reason too. He did it half because she called him stupid and he couldn't take that from someone like her and half to get back at his buddies, to one up them. The reasons are always so dumb. I know people do that for real and all, but these people are so stupid to think they're actually going to get away with killing someone and get their revenge when in the end they lose everything and have to spend their life in jail if not get the DP.
I liked the episode a lot to be honest. I enjoyed Hodges scenes as well... even though I was a bit confused by Ray saying that Hodges wanted to be in the field more, when Hodges has stated before that he hated the field work. I loved the scenes with Nick and Greg.
Loved the beginning scene with Nick, Greg, Hodges and Mandy all teasing each other. And Nick and Greg making a bet with each other reminds me of Nick and Warrick always making bets.
Did anyone else think of the scene in Princess Bride (where Billy Crystal says "mostly dead") when Greg said "most sincerely dead"? I forgot about the song from Wizard of Oz until Nick called Greg "Dorothy" lol.
Nick: You know what's really insane? Betting against me.
(holds out hand for money) Let's go, baby. :lol:
I loved Nick being silly and playful in this episode. And yeah, Greg... you should know not to bet against Nick because if I recall, Warrick always lost when he bet against Nick lol.
I loved Nick's grin when he says to the vic's boyfriend, "you don't mind if we look around, do you?"
Loved Cath's expression when she saw the pic of Carrot Top. She looked like she wished she hadn't seen that lol.
Did Carrot Top just say that the girl had nice "high beams"? Classy.

Hodges and Ray wearing similiar shirts made me LOL.
Guy: What guy's gonna dress like a Spartan if he doesn't have to?
Greg: I can think of about 300. :guffaw:
Archie to Greg: When you were on your bathroom break with the Spartan. :lol:
Twisted bucket list- yikes.
"We'll always have comi-con."
What's a Maybach? I've never heard of that car I don't think.
I knew Nick would give back the money. His expression when the killer stated his motive made me want to hug him (not that I don't always want to anyway lol).
Slightly off topic, but... During "The Mentalist", there was this Cadillac commercial and I could have sworn that it was LF's voice doing the voice over. Anyone know if he's done a voice over for them?