"Man Up" Discussion *SPOILERS*

Hey, CSI on The Soup's latest episode - funny stuff! Just finished watching it. :lol: If you don't feel watching the whole episode, it's 13-14 minutes into the show (right after the first break).
For some reason I thought it was a little uncharacteristically mean of Nick to essentially give away the victim's boyfriend's money like he did ("Keep the chips. All of them."), but other than that the story worked.

I thought that was a bit much too - especially when it turned out the guy had nothing to do with her death.

I doubt if there was any way the guy could have gone back later and gotten the money back anyway. And rather than being "mean", I'd say Nick was more angry at the thought that the guy was forcing his girlfriend to prostitute so he could laze around the house and go out gambling all night, not to mention thinking he had killed her too.

Maybe the writers are building up to something by having Nick do some out of character stuff; not that I thought he was mean...I kind of thought he was angry, maybe like things are getting to him. Maybe I'm just reading into it, hoping for an awesome Nick arc this season! :hugegrin:
Just watched the episode...Nothing special here...Just a filler episode..
I really like the bet scenes with Greg and Nick as well as Hodges little adventure..
Glad that Wendy is back!!!I hope she sticks around...
Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, still can't quite get used to saying that yet, I mean I watched 418/427 last week but still

I remember this one, nothing quite memorable like Rashomama or something, a little average but that's not a bad thing- makes it more old school CSI
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I liked this one, but you're right, it's not as good as Rashomama.

Of course, most of my interest in it was for Nick's case, but I did get a kick out of Hodges and his motorcycle :lol: