"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

With everything settled, Horatio and Stella took Gabriel along with Elizabeth, home with them.

"Bye mom, we'll see you tomorrow, I love you"?

"I love you too Elizabeth".

"Can I give daddy a kiss"?

"Of course you can, daddy would like that".

Climbing over her dad, she placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Love you daddy".

*Whisper*....."I love you too Elizabeth, take care of Gabriel".

"I will daddy, can I kiss Macalleigh"?

"No sweetheart, not with all those moitor's, how about you whisper you love her".

Walking over to her sister, she leaned up towards her ear, and whispered...."I love you Macalleigh".

Taking Horatio's hand, they all left the room.

"I'm going to close the drape to give you and Macalleigh privacy, okay"?

"Sure Calleigh, night".

Once the drape was closed, Calleigh climbed in beside Mac, and snuggled into him.

"Mac....you think our angel will be okay"?

"She will love, she's very strong, her body's been through alot, give it time".

As they closed their eyes, they could hear Horatio reading to Macalleigh.

*Story continues*

Once Conner had left the holding, he noticed Sara Kincaid sitting, looking over the Cliff's.

"Sara....sorry lass, did not mean to startle you, do you often look over the Highlands"?

"At night yes, I love the way the sea becomes so black, and the waves crash quietly across the shore".

Watching her, affected Conner, for he had never met such a beautiful lass, a lass he could see himself wedded to, with their children running through their land.

"I should go....it was lovely to meet you again Sara, I hope our path's cross again".

Looking at the Warrior, she noticed his eyes were full of warmth, of promise, of love. Moving towards him, she whispered in the smallest voice........

"Conner...kiss me please, teach me the art of making of love".

"I'm sorry lass, I cannot, for to ruin you for your husband is concidered a sin amongst our people,. you must go to your marital bed a virgin".

"Please...I beg of you Conner, take me away, I want to be with you, don't leave me here, please, he'll only try and hurt me again".

"Who lass, your father"?

"He's not my father, he stole me from another clan, and has tried every night to make me his, see".

As she pulled down her gown to her chest, just above her breast, he seen the bruising across her shoulder".

"Dear God child, how long has this been happening"?

"Since he brought me here, please, take me with you now, before he finds us together".

Placing Sara on his steed, he mounted up behind her, and rode out of the holding into the night, not stopping until he reached his holding.

Hearing Macalleigh gasp for air, Horatio stopped the story, looked over and seen her turning blue. Hitting the call button, the doctor's came running with the crash carts.

Pulling the drape across Mac and Calleigh watched with tears, as Macalleigh faught against the respirator.

"What's happening, please tell us something"?

"Calm down, she's trying to breathe on her own. Listen to me Macalleigh, I need you to take a deep breath and hold it, that's it, hold it".

As she held her breath, the doctor pulled up the tube from her throat, as she exhaled deeply, while the doctor attached the air mask.

"There we go young lady, is that better"?

Still breathing rapidly, she shook her head yes.

You are a very lucky girl, to have been through so much and lived".

Nodding her head thank you, the doctor left the room.

"I'll be back later to check on her, smile young man, your lady is going to be fine".

To frozen in place to move, Calleigh directed him towards her

"Hi sweet angel, how you feeling"?

Shaking her head yes, as a sign of okay, Calleigh kissed her, whispered goodnight, and reclosed the drape.

"She'll be fine now Mac, try and rest, you look so tired". Pulling is wife towards him, he snuggled her in his arms, covered her up, and waited for Horatio to talk to Macalleigh.

"It's not nice to listen"....whispered Calleigh.

"Shhh.....sure it is, it's my job as a father".

Giggling, Calleigh allowed Mac to hear the ramblings of a young man in love.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow, that was quite something, Nicely done Linda. Mac and Calleigh must be having a field day listening in :guffaw:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Chapter 23

The character's in the book Horatio is reading to Macalleigh, are not mine, they've come from different highlander books I read, but the story line is mine;)

After whispering his words of love to Macalleigh, he continued with their story.

"When Conner arrived at his holding, Sara was sound asleep, carefully carrying her into his home, he told the housekeeper to prepare the room beside his.

"Karen....please place Sara in the room beside mine, make her comfortable, I've had a long day, and it's going to be an even longer night, as I need to prepare my men for a possible war".

"A war my Laird, on who"?

"Kincaid, it seems he kidnapped this young woman from her travels, trying to bed her, he's bruised her body badly, so I'd like you to check on her often".

"Of course Laird, would you like your supper before you see the men"?

"No...I go now, just take care of the girl".

When Conner arrived in the darkened holding, he awakened his men, and informed them of the situation.

"Michale, I want you and Liam on the left wall, the rest of you men, surround the holding, and I want four of you on the front gate".

"Do you think he'll show tonight Laird Conner"?

"No...but you can bet he will show first thing in the morning, which is why we must be prepared".

As everyone took their position's, Conner headed upstairs for much need rest, when he heard Sara scream.


Running into the room, he shook her awake, whispering words that it would be okay, and she was safe.

"Shhh....come now Sara, I have you, you are safe here in my home, try and relax".

"With her teared eyes, she whispered....."please Conner, please make love to me, touch me, I need to feel the arms of a real man, I need to forget".

Mac and Calleigh were listening, for they knew what was going to happen in the next chapter, just as they also knew there was no way Horatio would continue while they were in the room.

"Bet's that he continues"?

"Mac...you are so bad, okay, I say he won't".

"Mmm...what do I get if I win"?

"I don't know, what do you want"? she giggled.

Grinding against her Calleigh got the idea.

"Oh my...you are naughty, very well, it's a bet, but if I win, you have make breakfast for the kids all week, plus pack lunches".

Kissing his wife smartly on the mouth, they agreed, and waited to see if Horatio would continue.

*Story Continues*

As Conner laid her down, he softly caressed her tears, bending his head to kiss her lids. "Sara....if we do this, if I make love to you, you will be mine, you will bare my children, and belong only to me, is this understood, I will be the ony one you love, forever".

Looking into his eyes, with his lips a whisper away from hers, she said....."yes Conner, I will belong to only you, I will love only you".

With that said, he crushed his lips to hers, forcing her to open so his tongue could invade, touch, rub, caress, doing the lovers dance of what was to come.

"Ummm....Macalleigh, I think we should stop love, you look aweful tired, how about we finish the book tomorrow"?

"Okay....but why are you all red Horatio, do you not feel well, your face is so flushed".

"I'm fine Macalleigh, don't worry love, would you like anything before I turn off the light"?

"Just you laying beside me".

Horatio knew there was no way in hell he was laying beside her now, for his erection was killing him.

"I'll tell you what love, just let me grab a quick drink, and I'll be right back, okay"?

"Sure....but hurry okay, I'm cold".

"Cold....jeez Macalleigh, I find it damn hot in here", as he left the room.

Mac was laughing, he couldn't help it, the poor boy had himself all worked up.

"What are you laughing at, I won my bet, and you get nothing, goodnight husband".

Turning away from her husband still giggling, Mac had the look of man who had just lost his winnings.

End Chapter.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Y're killing me. :drool: And I'll never learn, just spilled my coffee *again* :guffaw:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Lol poor HJr and Mac! :guffaw:

Please add more soon Linda! :bolian:;) :drool::drool:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Linda that was great :guffaw:poor Hjr :guffaw:

Add more soon linda :D
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Horatio returned to the room, he found Macalleigh sound asleep. Crawling in beside her, he pulled her close, inhaling her sweet hair, as she grinded her bum closer to his heat, causing him to hiss.

"Breathe son, just relax, know how hard it is to feel her body against yours, but if you just close your eyes, place your left hand on her hip, and hold it there, it stops her from being able to grind against you".

Doing as Mac had whispered, Horatio finally fell into sleep.

"Aww....that was sweet of you, let's see if it really works", teased Calleigh.

"Don't you dare love, keep your cute little butt on your side".

Pulling herself in closer, she grinded, and he gripped her hip, just hard enough to force her to stay still.

Giggling insanely, Calleigh fell asleep with Mac's hand on her hip.

The next time they awoke it was morning, as the doctor entered the room to check on his patients.

"Well...good morning, how are my patients this day"?

"I'm better thank you, can I be released"?

"What's your hurry Macalleigh don't you like it here"?

"Well...this is my Spring Break, and I'd like to have what is left of it".

"Sure...I'll send the nurse with your release papers, how about you Mac, would you like to be released"?

"Damn right, let's go".

*Laughing*...."Okay, I need to check your stitches before you leave".

As everyone watched the dressing come off, not one of them flinched, for Mac's neck looked like he had a permanent necklace around it.

"Hmmm...looks good, just a couple stiches with some infection, I'll give you some antibiotics to take home".

"Thanks Doc, can we leave the dressing off please"?

"Maybe in a couple days, once we clear up that infection".

"Don't worry daddy, you are still my handsom hero, always".

"I love you too baby angel".

While they got ready to leave, Calleigh called Horatio Sr to pick them up.

"Who's ready to come home"?

"I am Uncle Horatio, get me out of here"?

"Listen sweetheat, just Horatio, or H" is fine, okay love".

"Okay "H", let's go".

As they all got into the hummer, Horatio Jr turned on the radio full blast.

"Please son, turn it down, before you go deaf".

"Listen dad, just put on your sunnies, and hit the beach".

Calleigh laughed, "I think the kids, Mac and I will be heading back tomorrow, according to Danny there is quite a few cases that need Mac's signature".

"What about me mom, do I have to come home too"?

"No Macalleigh, we've decided you can stay an extra week, and have some fun".

"Oh thanks mom, I love you and daddy so much".

"You are welcome, just stay away from the hospital's okay"?

"I promise mom, isn't this great Horatio, we get one more week together".

"It's wonderful love, it's wonderful".

"There he goes again", giggled Macalleigh, saying everything twice".

Looking over at her, Horatio Sr, and Jr, said...."when you are in Miami, WE NEVER ClOSE, EVER".

Everyone laughed.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Poor Horatio :guffaw:Aww, another week together, great parents to have. :devil: I do love this story so much ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG! I never laughed so hard in my life! :guffaw: I fell really sorry for Hjr. :devil:

Please add more soon! :devil::bolian:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

With Mac, Calleigh, Gabriel, and Elizabeth headed back to NY, Horatio and Macalleigh had some time alone.

"So my angel, what would you like to do today, mom and dad won't be back for a while".

"Hmmm....can we finish our book"?

"Umm...listen Macalleigh, I think that book is going to have to wait".

"Why is that, don't you like the story"?

"I love the story, it's just when it gets to the parts of the umm...you know, the making love parts, I kinds get.....".

*Blushing*...."oh, I had no idea Horatio, you should have told me sooner, it's okay, we can just go for a walk.

Pulling Macalleigh close, he took his fingertip, placed it on her chin, and whispered....."we will finish the book, come".

Taking her by the hand, he grabbed the book, and they headed down to the beach, with a blanket and a couple cokes. Spreading out the blanket, they sat down, with Macalleigh's head, across his knee.

"You ready angel"?

"Yup, I'm ready".


"As he laid her down with gentleness, he took his fingertips, and with whispered touch pulled down her sleeves, revealing her beautiful soul.

"You are very beautiful Sara, beyond your bruises, I can see how beautiful you are, please don't cry, as I will be gentle as I can, but I must make you mine before morning, this way Kincaid cannot take you back, for very few men will accept a woman who has been soiled by another".

Raising herself up, he removed her dress, her undergarments, until he had her fully exposed in all her goosebumped flesh.

"Lay back Sara, easy now, that's it".

As Conner leaned up, towards her face, he brushed her hair from her eyes, at the same time he lowered his lips to hers and whispered........"open for me Sara, I want to taste you, feast on you, enjoy your virginal lips".

Macalleigh was starting to get restless herself, and she had the funniest feeling inside.

"Horatio.....I think you are right, we should stop".

Looking down at Macalleigh's face, he could see how flushed she was, and as he looked lower, he seen she was affected as he, from the story.

"Okay, how about we head back in, and have some lunch"?

When they got back to the house, she watched as Horatio moved about the kitchen, thinking about the warrior;s strong hands touching her body, and as she walked over, she turned Horatio to face her.

"Horatio.....she whispered....."kiss me, kiss me like the warrior kissed Sara".

Bracing his hands on each side of her face, he looked into her turquoise eyes, as he lowered his lips to hers, softly, a touch, a feather caress, until Macalleigh opened for him, and as their tongues touched the tips of each other, they both moaned, as their tongues dueled in the dance of new, fresh, virginal love.

Slowly breaking the kiss, they held onto each other, to afraid to let go, to afraid they would disappear.

"Horatio....I can feel your heart racing against mine".

"As I can feel yours Macalleigh, just don't move, let's stay like this for a bit, and watch the sea".

Holding each other tight, neither one heard the door open, as Horatio, and Stella walked in.

"Look at them Horatio, you can see the love, do you remember how many times we stood at that window, arm in arm, just watching the sea".

"I do love, I do".

Turning his lovley wife in his arms, he kissed her sweetly, and as they closed the kitchen door and left the kids, they smiled, for they knew, knew that one day, Macalleigh would no longer bare the name Taylor.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Linda that was so beautiful...I love the way you right about them :)

The ending reminded me of a little rhyme I was told once......
MaCalleigh for now
MaCalleigh forever
Taylor for now
But not forever.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow Linda, this is great writing. I love the turn in the story from drama to romance. It's always a surprise where your stories are going next. :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I agree with jools and natty Linda. You have a great way of creating a suspenceful drama one minute and a beautiful romance the next. Awesome job! :bolian: :devil:

Please add more soon :devil: