"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After everyone left, Horatio pulled out his new book, and began reading to Macalleigh.

"It was a cold night in the Highlands, when Conner was heading home, as he passed the trees to his holding, he heard the soft cries of a young lass. Getting off his steed, he walked over, and seen her lying in a bush, with her clothes torn.

"Are you hurt young one, has someone harmed you"?

"No....I was chased by a boar, and tried climbing the tree, but I could only hang, tearing my gown, and when the boar left, I fell and hurt my bottom".

The Warrior tried not to laugh, but he could not help it, she was a pretty little lass, with cute little curls, and brown eyes.

"To what clan do you belong"?

"Clan Kincaid, I've heard them call, but I could not answer cause of the boar".

Picking up the little lass, he sat her on his steed, and covered her in his plaid to protect her, mounting up behind her, he drove towards the Kincaid holding, being stopped at the gate.

"Tell Ian Kincaid I have found his daughter, she is unharmed, being chased by a boar".

As one of the clan member's headed to the holding, Conner seen a beautiful lass dressed in the Clan gown, with long blonde hair, and sea green eyes, he knew right away she was not from the Highlands, for no lass carried that coloring.

"I understand sir, you have found my sister, may I see her please"?


"Yes father, sorry, I shall run a bath for elizabeth".

"What can I do you for you Conner, is what they tell me true, you have found my elizabeth"?

"I have...". Removing the plaid, the father seen his daughter all dirty with her clothes shredded.

"Elizabeth...get into the house now, and clean yourself up, then sit in front of the fire, for our talk".

"Yes papa, I'm sorry I left the holding, I was chasing a rabbit, and it got away".

Once Elizabeth had left, Ian thanked Conner.

"I wish to thank you for saving my child, she is a little imp that one, does not know how to stay put".

"Tis not a problem, I was on my way home, and heard her cries for help".

"Can I offer you a drink, to thank you, or some food perhaps"?

"Thank you, but I must pass, my sister is about to deliver, and I need to be there to hold her hand, as she is alone".

"Then please, allow me to come, I will make sure you pass our territory safely".

"I'd be honored".

Looking up from the book, Horatio seen Macalleigh was sound asleep again. Closing the book, he covered them both up, kissed her pretty lips, wrapped her tight in his embrace, and fell asleep.

Later that night, Horatio heard talking outside the door.

"I need to see your ID please, no one passes without ID".

Pulling out his fake medical tag, the rookie looked it over, and checked the list.

"I'm sorry, your name is not on this list, I cannot let you in".

"You must let me in, Miss.Taylor needs her sedative, you are putting me behind schedual".

"One minute, while I call the nurses station". "Good eveing, it's Officer Deerks, we have a physcian here who says he's to give Macalleigh Taylor her sedative, but his name is not on the list".

"Can you give me the name"?

"Sure, one second....what.......". "Hmm...that's strange he's gone, did you see where he went Frans"?

"Yeah....said he got beeped, he'd be back soon".

"Never mind, it seems he's left".

"Well that's fine, but to make you aware, Macalleigh is not due for any meds till morning, and they will be given by Nurse Terry, is that understood".

"Yes maam...we will inform day shift".

With things quieted down, Horatio picked up the phone, to inform his dad what just went down".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Pfew, 2 chaps. Took me a while, but I managed. They're the cutest Linda. Good thing Horatio stayed at the hospital. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Macalleigh awoke in the morning, she refused her sedative.

"No thanks Terry I'm fine, honest, I'm not in any pain".

"Okay...but if you are you let me know right away, okay"?

"I will, I promise. When can I go home"?

"Dr.Granes said tomorrow if all your results come back good".

Macalleigh teared up, this was turning out to be the worst spring break ever.

"Aww...come on Macalleigh, you still have 6 days left for fun in the sun".

"Is that my angel baby complaining again Terry"?

"It is Mac, I think we should put her in a wheelchair, and take her out to the Garden's, what do you think"?

"I think you are right".

"Daddy, where's Horatio"?

"He had to help his dad with something, he'll back soon".

Once they had her in a housecoat and slipper's, they wheeled her downstairs and out onto the grounds.

"Oh.....it's so beautiful here, and warm. Look at the sky daddy, it's so blue, and the air, you can smell the beach from here".

"I thought you'd like it".

Wheeling her a little further, she seen a table aligned in the center of the garden with beautiful flowers, that had a place setting for two.

"Daddy....are we having lunch out here"?

"You are angel baby, look to your left".

As she looked to her left, she seen Horatio with a bushel of roses in his arms.

"Good morning my angel, welcome to your very first Miami breakfast", as he kissed her passionately.

"Horatio.....she whispered, this is so beautiful, thank you".

"You my angel, are very welcome".


The catering truck had just pulled in, and as one of the caterer's got out, he got smacked on the head, stripped, and shoved in the front bush. Taking the catering outfit, Ted put it on and headed to the back of the truck, keeping his head low, so the other caterer wouldn't notice him.

"Grab the platter's, carry only two, understood Mike"?

Knodding his head yes, he watched Greg leave, took the vile from his pocket and poured the Oxy onto the food. Picking up the platter, he didn't realize he dropped the vile by the truck, as he walked towards the garden.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As they brought over the two platter's, Ted passed Macalleigh hers, as she said thank you.

"Mmm...this looks lovely, thank you so much for planning this Horatio, everything is so beautiful".

"Not everything, you are more beautiful then all that is here around us, you Macalleigh are the sun, the air I breathe, and my hopes and dreams".

"Aww...you are so much like my dad, he recites poetry to my mom all the time makes her cry".

*Whispering*...."It makes me cry too, cry to kill them both".

"Excuse me, did you say something"?

"I said, would you two like to make a toast"?

Lifting their glass of orange juice, they vowed their love to each other, before taking a drink.

"Let's go Mike, this is there time, our job is done here".

"Sure, coming man, I'm coming".

As he backed away, he watched, hoping to see Macalleigh take her first bite, but as he turned back around, he seen Mac, Horatio and the team standing at the catering truck.

"Shit....I gotta get the hell out of here". "Hey man, I'll be right back, I need to flog the log".

"Just hurry up, we are behind schedual".

"Sure Greg, be right back".

Nearing the truck, Greg seen the cops all over the catering truck.

"What the hell you doing"?

"Do you own this truck"?

"No man, my company does, what the hell you want"?

"Is this your partner with his head cracked open like a walnut"?

Looking down he seen Mike.

"Oh my God Mike, jesus is he dead"?

"What do you think, smart ass", said Frank with sarcasm.

"But that's impossible, Mike was just with me, he helped serve the kids lunch".

Running over as quickly as they could, Mac seen Macalleigh just placing the fork up to her mouth, as he knocked it out of her hand.

"DADDY.....ouch, what are you doing"?

"Easy baby, the food has been poisoned, don't touch it".

Taking the plates from the kids, Horatio had Eric do a test strip.

"What have you got Eric"?

"Oxy "H", it's loaded with Oxy, enough to kill three people".

"Oh my God, when is this going to end daddy, I want to go home, home to NY, I don't feel safe here anymore, take me home daddy".

"Okay angel baby, it's okay, we'll get you released, you just relax I'll be right back".

Once Mac had the paper's for her release, they helped Macalleigh dress, while Calleigh pulled Mac from the room.

"Mac...you can't do this, you can't allow her to go home, everything she's accomplished will be for nothing, she'll lock herself up again, and never come out".

"I know that, but it's obvious they can't protect her here, she's almost died three times now, I'm sorry, she's coming home".

"NO...SHE IS NOT, she is my daughter too, and she stay's, whether you like it your not, she's staying the full week".

Mac was getting angry, for he had nothing but concern for his little girl.

"Fine....but I stay too, she will not be left alone again".

Walking away, Calleigh knew it was going to take his angel baby, to get him to change his mind.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Ow, Calleigh better persuade her MaCalleigh in staying, I agree, better to get back on the horse again as soons as possible. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After a complete sweep of the hospital, Calleigh helped her daughter pack up her stuff to leave the hospital.

"Macalleigh....talk to me please, I know this is hard, but you need to remember by giving in to this maniac, you are allowing him to win".

"I'm not giving in mom, I'm going home, home to NY, where I can at least be stalked in my own home".


Looking over at her mom she realized she may have pushed to far.

"Don't you ever speak that way again, don't you ever take that tone with me, or anyone else in this family, is that understood"?

"YES mother".

"Now, whether you like it or not you are staying the week, and your father, myself, and your siblings are going home".

"What...who's going to protect me, who's going to be there for me, I need my dad, you can't take him".

"Macalleigh, you will be fine, you have the Miami team to protect you, plus you have Horatio, he's not about to let anything happen to you".

"This is insane, you can't take my dad, I need him, I won't let you, I hate you for this mom".

Running out of the room, she headed down the staircase alone.

"You can come out Mac, this better work, and everyone better be in place, for if one of you screw up, and my daughter dies, I'll never forgive any of you".

"Don't worry love, it's all in place, it will be over shortly".

As Macalleigh neared the bottom, she heard a noise on the staircase, turning around she seen him, Ted, standing there, haunting her looking at her.

"Hello Macalleigh....ready to play"?

Pulling on the door, she ran out into the empty hall, grabbing the doors along the way, to afraid to scream. When she pulled on the last door, it opened into a room, where someone put there hand over her mouth.

"Shhh...not a sound angel baby, understand"?

Knodding yes, he kissed his baby, and hid her under the desk.

*Turning of the door*.

As he turned, the intensity of the room doubled, as Mac waited, waited to pounce, and as the door opened......

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As he turned, the intensity of the room doubled, as Mac waited, waited to pounce, and as the door opened, and Ted crept in, Mac grabbed him from behind in a choke hold, a hold so tight, that Ted had already passed out.

"Mac....Mac....let him go, drop him Mac, it's over".

"It....will....never...be...over....", as he dropped him, thinking he wasd passed out.

As Mac turned to check on Macalleigh, Ted got up, pulled out a metal wire, slicing into Mac's neck, as Macalleigh became covered in blood.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad", passing out from the scene, Horatio came up behind Ted, and shot him straight through the back of his head, sending brain matter everywhere.

"Check on Mac dad, I'll check on Macalleigh".

As Horatio checked on Mac, he found the wound deep, but the slice did not penetrate the vocal, or juglar.

"Get me the doctor's now, hurry".

Bringing the medical team, they assesed Mac, before taking him to surgery, while they gave Macalleigh some smelling salts to wake her.

"Daddy.....she sobbed, oh daddy, Horatio, where is he"?

"Shhh....he's in surgery Macalleigh, he's going to be okay, though he'll be adding another wound to all those scars you love".

Picking her up in his arms, he carried her back up to her room, while the nurse ran the shower, for Macalleigh.

"Could you let me know when my dad is out of surgery"?

"Of course I can love, you get cleaned up now, it's all over".

While Calleigh waited with Horatio, Stella, and the kids, she thought to herself how often Mac seemed to be a hero, always the one saving everyone else, always making her think he was an Angel, the Angel Gabriel, causing her to wonder even more, if that was why he insisted on that name for their son.


"Hmmm....oh Horatio, any news yet"?

"Nothing yet love, we're still waiting".

"How's Macalleigh, is she resting"?

"She's fine love, Horatio is with her, I don't think he'll be letting her out of his site for a long time".

"You're right, but at least now they can enjoy the rest of their Spring Break".

"That's true love, that's true".

"Excuse me Mrs Taylor"?


"We'd just like to let you know you husband is resting comfortable, we've put him in the same room with your daughter, side by side, both our sleeping".

Thank you, can we see them"?

"Of course, you know the way, I'll check in later".

When they got to the room, they seen Mac's neck all wrapped up, while his hand rested within Macalleigh's.

"Hi son, how long have they been sleeping"?

"Not long dad, they just brought Mac up, though Macalleigh's been dreaming quite a bit".

"I'm not surprised, she's been through hell. Listen son, why don't we all go get some lunch, and come back later".

"Sure dad, sounds good, as he bent down to kiss Macalleigh, he whispered....."I love you my angel".

Leaving the room, they headed down to lunch, knowing that the Taylor's could finally rest peacefully.

Or so they thought........

End Chapter.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aw, Mac hurt while protecting his babygirl :(, glad Horatio was around to stop Ted. And Linda, leaving us hanging with a cliffhanger, you gotta fix that girl. :devil: Update soon my lovely MacsLovlyAngl. I like your new name :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While everyone was at lunch, the nurse who helped Macalleigh shower, came back into the room.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Macalleigh, but sometimes in life, we all need our revenge, and seeing my son was as stupid as his loser father, I have to finish it".

Taking the syringe with Oxy she inserted it into Macalleigh's IV drip, just as Mac opened his eyes. Knowing his gun was was beside him, for that is where he ordered Calleigh to put it after surgery, Mac fired, but not before she pushed the Oxy through.

Falling out of the bed, Mac pulled himself over to his daughter, hoping to hell he could get there in time.

As he watched her start to convulse, he poured tears from his eyes, as he dragged himself up to her bed, and pulled at her IV, while using his other hand to push the call button.

As all the doctor's entered the room, Mac managed to whisper, help my baby, she gave her OXY"..............

Everything went black in Mac's world, as he passed out on the floor, with everyone around him.

Coming off the elevator Horatio ran to the room first, and seen them shocking Macalleigh with the paddles, while the other doctor's helped Mac back into bed.

"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaacalleigh......Nooooooooooooooooooooo", help her, please, Macalleigh, come back, Macalleigh".

Slapping his son's face, Horatio Jr looked at his dad and started crying.

"It's okay son, just breathe, calm down", as he gripped him tightly.

Checking on Mac, Calleigh noticed he was okay, as Frank had the officer's remove the body of the nurse.

*Whispering*......"myyyyyyyyyyy angeeeeeeeeeeeel".......myyyyyyyy baaaaaaaaaaaaby".

"Shhh....it's okay handsom, they are still working on her, it's okay".

As the paddles shocked, everyone watched, praying it wasn't to late for Macalleigh to be saved.

With the final shock, they got a pulse, and as everyone heard the monitor beep, they all released their breath.

"Okay....we've stabalized her for now, but it's going to be touch and go, the next twenty four will tell whether she'll survive or not, she's taken quite a dose, and even though the Epi works quickly, it may not be enough, for the dose of Oxy your daughter was given".

"Thank you doctor, thank you for keeping her alive".

"Don't thank me yet young man, for her battle is far from over, I'll be back later".


"Yeah Frank, what is it"?

"We've finally hit the end of the line, the FBI have checked all the Data bases, and it appears that the line ended with Nurse Looney there".

"You here that son, it's all over, now you have something to tell Macalleigh when she awakes".

"If she wakes dad".

"Don't talk like that son, she'll wake, she's a Taylor, and Taylor's never give up, no matter how much they are tortured, stalked, or beaten".

Looking over at Horatio Sr, Mac winked at him, closed his eyes, and fell back into sleep.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow what an update :) Im glad that this little 'journey's' over so they can have a bitof fun on their spring break, Great job MLA :D