Dear El
How ya been, you?

i don't think it's just a reporter's poke.
Two points.
Flirting & sexual tension are not unheard in a work environment. Flirting can also simply be banter, and have nothing to do with chemistry. My point is that the show never made either a driving dynamic. There is nothing canon about Mac and Stella other than friendship.
There was nothing in Mac's S6 romantic scenario that involved Stella. Triangle. Three sides. Twilit or not. :lol:. The story predictably poked along the lines of Nudge gimme a good soundbite, something I can write up sensationally, tongue in cheek or otherwise, it works for both of us" Undeniably part of the equation here. "What team are you on?" it asks. ...Gimme a f*cking break :lol:
Just one of the reasons if Mac cannot develop the intense chemistry he had with Stella, I wouldn't want to watch him in another "romantic" and vomitive relationship.
I respect yer views, as always, but Mac being in a romantic relationship with anyone other than Stella is not by default "vomitive" (nor "Viral").
Besides Mac has never been dull. Not to me at least.
I like Mac. Sometimes I feel like I'm one of a very small handful who like Mac :lol:. But I also easily understand why Mac can get up one's nose, and some of the material he gets makes me wince.
Mac has had some great episodes over the years. He's also had many where he, and indeed all the team, have to me, been pigeon-holed for episodic functionality and predictably used.
I celebrate you like Aubrey. I don't:lol:
I celebrate your celebration :lol:. Parallel parties can still be a good time. I'd certainly buy ya a drink, and encourage general mingling.
And i know Sela is gonna be a good addition to the show:thumbsup: even though i will miss Stella Bonasera a lot
I agree. And me too.
Waiting 6 seasons to loose my fav character is not easy:shifty:,
That I completely get. And you and I have had discussions with Stella as our common ground. I know it's not easy. And in part why I were a wee bit worried for you...
and losing my fav ship is even worse.:shifty: Besides if he started a relationship with Stella (even a off-screen one) would make more sense than everything they have written about the DL vomitive circus. MUCH, MUCH BETTER)
...and this is why I get the impression you're still kicking dandyo
What one likes and what makes sense do not always coincide as one and the same :lol:.
We happen to both coincide and differ on likes and sense, although our reasons may differ.

Good. I disagree with you again. Planets go back to normal orbit:lol:
:lol: :lol:. Excellent. Gets messy up there when off kilter.

But that aside, whether or not I like Mac and Stella together, if they put him together with SW's character so quickly after they refused to put him together with Stella could rub only more salt into their already very deep wound. If they're smart (yeah, well it's CBS we're talking about here but still) then they don't do it and stay low key what Mac's love life is concerned. That way, if they don't kill Stella off, imagination can be kept alive for those who want Mac and Stella together and everyone can be happy, so to say.
I think they shouldn't focus on his love life for the time being and should focus on CSI work for now. With Stella gone, they'd want to keep it simple. No soap opera, nothing.
I think they have kept Mac's on-screen relationship material fairly low key. It's the off-screen promotional tactics that are filled with suds :lol:
I think the show's priority will be to address the character transitions, not so much add to Mac's list of options :lol:. I would be perplexed if Ward's character parachuted into show, in these circumstances, finding her feet in a new position of authority, in the midst of an already prefaced potential pair of relationships for Mac, and Be The One

. Completely and utterly perplexed.
I think keeping Stella alive would be a good way to avoid alienating viewers they hope will follow the show to a new slot. I think keeping her alive would leave things open for the imaginations of writers and viewers alike. Questions might be whether they are interested in resisting doing up an uber-dramatic exit of mortally consequential proportions, what they can/want to do without MK participating on screen, and whether having Stella take her leave of the labs more quietly is somehow easier.
I certainly don't want them not to give Mac a love interest just to keep Mac/Stella shippers happy because they can't keep their ship alive without her on the show. That'd be ridiculous and confining for the show and very unrealistic for the character of Mac since he was never involved with Stella beyond friendship in the first place.
what if they decided to let him alone or having him starting an off screen relationship with Stella? Would you say this again?
I would happily borrow the words

Personally the off screen would work for me. ....Voilà! Smackies would be a little happier than they are now.Maybe not what they have hoped but at least a hint there is someone who still think about them and appreciate their support after all these years
Voilà! ...Smackies are not teh only supporters of the show

Personally, an off-screen continuation of their current
friendship thru calls and stories of a coffee shared or the like, would work for me. That'd be about it.
More generally. Why limit the onscreen character's storylines. I'd rather the show had a bit more freedom in how they proceed than hem themselves in. And. An on screen recurring character can give the main character additional opportunities that playing to an unpartnered offscreen character does not. Family, romance, or otherwise. That's why it's nice to see them from time to time and not just hear of them.
I wouldn't be surprised though, to see the showrunners pull back on the romance for a while until they really spend time establishing Sela Ward's character and figuring out the dynamics among the core cast.
This I agree with and think likely.
The way they announced it to be handled though and made it the center of attention for spoilers made it one though. Peyton and Mac wasn't a soap opera, I agree but that was low key.
I'd not call the onscreen time that Aubrey and Mac had a soap opera. The promotional hype? Definitely. What made it onscreen? Not really. Peyton's return, equally well-handled.
I minded Aubrey because that wasn't the case. Of course, Mac and Stella still had their friendship, however, the show seemed to ignore it for the sake of Aubrey. So that was what I wasn't happy with.
(I'm not sure I understand how you saw Aubrey's presence on the show as somehow hindering Mac and Stella's interaction?)
Why wouldn't it make sense? Stella and Mac aren't married. Hell, they weren't even romantically involved in the slightest. In fact losing a good friend could be a catalyst for Mac to realize his feelings for whomever he chooses and start a romantic relationship.
They've already started something with Mac's love life and I'd rather them see it through instead of dropping yet another story line. If they give Mac a love interest who is a recurring character it won't overwhelm the show, IMO.
Also agree. I think having recurring characters works well in not taking undue time or focus, and maintaining a flexibility and fluidity for the show. The problem may sometimes lie in devising ways to include them.
Tricky in a procedural dabbling with small hints of genre in an episodic format. They've managed pretty well to create eps that work as stand alone and also augmented when seen collectively. Not a stellar series, but one that I've followed over the years for reasons I still don't know if I can articulate :lol:.
I think the roster of recurring characters that have made appearances over thru the life of the series have helped. Even the S5 3-ep guest mini-arcs were fun. (That's exactly how many eps Aubrey appeared in btw

. Hardly overwhelming).
Originally Posted By Curiosity:
I think whatever they do with Mac's love life will depend in part on how much longer Gary Sinise will be around, especially if he is only contracted (at present) through the upcoming season. As some have mentioned before, they could tie some type of romantic resolution (choose whichever lady you like best ) in with his exit
Agree it's possible, but not necessarily determinative.
Btw I believe Gary has been extended thru to a possible S8? That even though the show itself has not been renewed beyond this season, at this point.
Also depends on the availability in casting terms of whomever they choose to have Mac involved with, allotment of screentime, and stories developed that make it into the show. Mebbe they'll fit it in, mebbe they'll drop it. As several have said, I think the show has a lot on right now that may have altered the planned focus of some material. Guess we'll see how they work it all out.
Meh. *shrug* Lolz. It's now getting late. The couch looks increasingly comfy :lol: