What boredom and a certain innate contrariness will do. Lead one revisit a thread on Mac's love life... :lol: Nah. More that recent news has given rise to various discussions, and the merry go round brought me here next out of curiosity.
I don't think Stella should be taken away from the list:wtf::wtf::wtf:
I don't think Stella was on the list but for a deliberate poke by a reporter at a shipping issue in standard practice to entice a few more hits on their own site.
If he can't be with Stella then i prefer Mac alone:wtf:
Jeez. Poor Mac gets no love from some folk, on so many different levels :lol:
I guess for some the ship trumps the weekly show, the characters, and the franchise. Perfectly dandy-o. Me, I just happen to prefer elements that give characters opportunities to expand within the show. So long as a balance is maintained. Work alone has made Mac a very dull and formulaically used boy. He is a lead on the show. Having a dull, predictable lead, does neither the character nor the show a great service.
Having Reed return for an appearance, meeting Aubrey, and the revelation of outside and/or childhood interests, were fun and valid ways to try and pry him out of teh usual. Lord knows he needs it.
(The hobbies and suddenly discovered personal interests, for
all the characters, were often the most convenient and mallet-worthy in how they were written in and taking advantage of tidbits that came up in cases, but I still like that they were present. I'd like them even more if mallets were less prevalent. Mebbe someone could also take on a brand new hobby, having been engaged by something they encountered, and not just be a selected expert of the week already, given opportunity to rattle off whatnot).
Generally speaking, a mix of a character's history and interaction among the core group, on both personal and case related points helps all of them be more interesting and three-dimensional, and is how most of us got to know them in the first place; adding opportunities thru secondary characters is also fun; having a brand new leading character is going to open up a whole new array of possibilities to develop new material and revisit more established material thru a new lens.
(...is "formulaically" a word? :lol: Tis now

Do you like Peyton or Aubrey?
Why, yes. Funny that.
Mac already showed he is not interested in Peyton anymore and he already said Aubrey is a friend
I think the Triangle was more promo hype than anything that resulted onscreen. I thought the appearances of both Peyton and Aubrey were integrated well. I think the show deliberately left any potential future relationship with either open-ended and non-comittal, maintaining a freedom in how to proceed in developing the new season. Something they could take up if they wished, or something they could let fade wholly, ...and without need of any letters

Back into playing along in the realm of the show

. As for friends. Peyton herself said they too had started as just friends. I think people will read those scenes as they wish.
So unless you want something forced and incredible...how could i say it..unrealistic
...liiiiiiiiiiike what? Shoe-horning in a storyline putting their leading characters into a relationship suddenly after six seasons just as MK's leaving the show?
I don't think Mac with Peyton or Aubrey would be unrealistic at all. He's been in a relationship with Peyton before and they showed that he hasn't held a grudge about the way they parted. He's also dated Aubrey and they have wonderful chemistry. I think either choice would be good, although I think I personally like Aubrey better. And who knows what they have planned with Sela Ward joining the show. She could be another possibility. All in all I think there are three solid choices if they want to have Mac be with someone.
I agree about about Aubrey and Peyton. Would also prefer Aubrey, if they do include a relationship for Mac this season.
RE Sela Ward's character. As soon as you said she could be another p<3ssibility, a wee Homer Simpson yelp rang in the back of my head :lol:. But. She could indeed :lol:. Hope not. Mebbe they'll have her more like Sid, ie. already having a family and the like. Mebbe she's divorced and happily unentangled. Or was never married. A single parent. Or not. Who knows. I am interested in what kind of character they'll develop, what kind of past informs her empathy and professional path, and what kind of personality they'll devise to join the team.
(Mebbe S7 will start a la S6, with a slo-mo montage of scenes without dialogue, including a snippet of Ward's character dressing in Mac's apt., then showing up for work later and realizing the fella she picked up is actually her new co-worker... :lol:

. "...was fun, but can never happen again..." That way we could just get it all out of the way and the show could get on with itself

PS. *lol'd* at your icon/locale. In a good way, I mean. Sickersnorted my coffee. Thanks kindly

As you have said some times before, everything is in the eye of the beholder.
Indeed so.
You say Aubrey and Mac have a wonderful chemistry. But that's what YOU say.
I'd say so too. In my eye beholding, of course.
I wonder, didn't you critisize so much the "Twilight" comment and the whole triangle thing? What would you say if you add Sela's character to the "Mac's girfriend wannebe-of-the-week"? chart
I'm looking at the show as a whole. And I was among those who did criticize the Twilight comment.
I didn't like the Twilight comment cos a) though I appreciated the humor in the comments PV made, I've simply long been oversaturated with all things Twilight to begin with :lol:; b) it's eye-rolling and in some ways rather uninspired to use an old standard play in sex and romance as a draw; c) the potential for undue weight and focus for the scenario alone, no matter how peripheral, and for cliche and anything but something original becomes an immediate possibility (which was a main worry and potential point of contention for me); d) as a promotional tool for this show, a procedural with a dabbling of multi-ep genre material, it inevitably stirs up a lot of froth, ie. lots of air, with very little substance. Which, of course, is also why it was a successful and typical way to garner the show some attention. Low risk, low cost froth, would you like sprinkles with that

. For those more casual viewers, it was a playful lure to see who might check it out, and who among potential viewers remained indifferent. I think there are other tones of commentary that could also promote the show, but Meh. Whaddaya do.
I think the Triangle in the article was more prevalent than what appeared within relevant episodes. Hype and hooha for much ado about very little. Indeed the episodes were done with far more taste than the promo spin was. But it's rarely enough to let a show speak for itself now, is it

I think adding the character of Washington X to the list is funny, along with Stella, and the couch. Really. Mac has what, six options now, if we do the math in this context? :lol:
Froth, o froth :lol:. Sigh.
One last thing I agree with:
I really enjoy Mac in a romance. Gary Sinise is very capable of having his character focus on cases while still enjoying a great romance.
I think the show has managed to integrate such successfully in the past, without one overwhelming the other. So long as any future possibility is equally well done, I have no problems at all with it. For me it's also been a nice change of pace from the prototypical soap box material he's been saddled with. And it is nice to see Gary get something other to do, and that he and all the cast appreciate and relish such opportunities.