Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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i must admit i did think that it was mac and rewound it like 20 times. then i started thinking it was stella. looking at the stills it looks like a random couple. plus i think tptb know us better than to put something like that in a promo. They know that we would do this!
is there really a new guy for stella? i heard that mac was getting an interesting love life but thought it woukd be with stella!

oo ive put a new smacked fanfic up in the csifiles fanfic bit if u wana read! :D
^^^ & ^^
I guess you got my lines somewhat wrong. The pics in my last post are actually REAL caps from the promo which I didn't manip at all!! I just did them to show that this can't be Stel & Mac. Or am I wrong with that assumption?

I saw it bigger on screen here at my end but the caps came out just that size and enlarging would have cost even more quality than the actual compression of the vid did in first place. :(

But it is somewhat lovely indeed, that you THOUGHT I am capable of such a magnific retouche. That actually made my day!! ;) :D
^^I saw them from the promos. They are indeed real and no, you're not wrong with that assumption. They're not Mac and Stella. At first I thought it might be Flack but I think it must be some random couple. If you look closely at their shirts, they are the same and they have the same emblem on the sleeve.
hhunter I knew it! I see you on the GC thread. :D *gg* nice to see you here. (You dont have to go on, we know what ya feel) ;)

cassie I didnt receive any reply from you :( i think you forgot.

:lol: well, my eyes were saying it was them :p i guess i'm caught in LaLa Land again. wouldn't hurt to dream though right? *gg* but heck, i remember Officer Blue with that uniform -aka the locker scene :devil: *hides from reality* *gg*

ETA: i did the quiz thing and I didnt like the outcome :p LOL dont ask.
I do understand you very good, mj. I am caught there often myself. ;)
*runs of to do quizzy*

ETA: Didn't like my result either... :mad: *grommle*
ok, that was just me, Sorry BonaTaylor I think I did get my wires crossed. :lol: I'm glad I made your day. :D

Yes, mj0621 that's where I've seen you too ;)
I am lookinig forward to the new season.
Can't wait to see Mac and Stella in action, the finale was so great... ;)
hhunter -- your avatar made my day! XD

We all want it to be Mac and Stella. XD OMG, what if that actually happens in the future? Stella took off articles of clothing from Mac *gently* -- but maybe Mac isn't as *gentle* as her.... ;)
We should write over at the "fan wiki for CSI:NY" site, everything about mac and stella. Maybe then the writers will understand that they are perfect for each other.
watched season 2 finale and id forgotten about when he says

'im glad you stayed' loved that! more plse ptbs

just wondering if peyton was leaving for good. coz claire forlani is doing other stuff! anyone know? as much as i like her i just want her to leave our smacked alone!
Hi guys :D

Do you remember me? :rollseyes: I'm back!!!

Man, thread number 9, OMG I have many things to read. Congratulations for the new thread. The title is soooo right :D

I haven't read many spoilers and stuff but I'm gonna do it, I'll try, before the season starts :D But for now I've been reading this new thread and have some comments, questions and more to say :p

luvingmyHoratio, I love what you posted on page 1 :). Do you have the original picture?, 'cause I have it, but it has tags and stuff :(. Could you post a link to the original pic?. Thanks :D

athens, your banner is incredible. LMAO. I made some things with those South Park cartoons too, not Smacked tho, but yours is wonderful :)

BonaTaylor, your wallpaper is really beautiful :)

OMG Cate new fic!!!! I'm gonna start reading it right now!!! (maybe you'are done with it already *blushes* to herself: Bad Smacker, bad Smacker :p)

I want a kiss too, and more *whistles* :devil:

I agree with everything you've said about Reed being a Smacker I can totally imaging him telling Mac:

Reed: hey, what happened with Peyton?
Mac: Oh we had some problems
Reed: Oh well I really think you should invite Stella out or something like that you know? I think she loves you
Mac: Really??
Reed: Sure 'cause you love her too, haven't you noticed?? o_O
Mac: Err.. well.. yeah... *blushes* but I think she's gonna say no :(
Reed: No, she won't.. Oh, btw, I arranged a date for you too tonight, she's waiting for you :p
Mac: :O :devil: thanks Ree!!! :p

Ok, ok, that was lame :lol: but I need practice now LOL.

I know Peyton is staying in London I really can't believe it!!! :D. And of course he'll prefer NYC because of Stella, man they so belong to each other :p, but I really wanna hear the reasons why Mac leaves her Peyton there muahahahaha. And BonaTaylor I like your theory about Mr. Eerie (LMAO, what a nick for him!!! :lol:). Or maybe Mac is gonna protect her from the new guy *shrugs*. And omg, the promo with the clothes torn, I saw it, I really think that's Mac and my friend Katie really thinks that's Stella, sooooo we have Mac and Stella :devil: *crosses fingers* ;), but well you're right must be a random couple but I don't care I'll keep on dreaming *dreams*

glam_chic86, Mina, is that you?? :O, I know you must have been asked this like 598459 times before but, why did you change your name o_O???

OMG, this is a very long post *whistles*

Bye ;)
oMG! That "I'm glad you stayed" line gave me an idea!

*Mac's staring at a plane lifting off at an airport. he decided not to follow Peyton and hears someone call his name*

Stella: Mac!

Mac turns around just as Stel throws her arms around him. She kisses him on the lips, cupping his cheek, teary eyed.

Stella: I'm glayed YOU stayed.

Mac: :eek: I.... :devil: always.

:lol: stupid i know
hhunter ;) i have thoughts about that ship and this one but to avoid conflict, imma keep my mouth shut :lol:

Cassie its awesome :devil:

*TACKLE hugs CW* OMG! YOU! i was just thinking of sending an message to ya in YT!!! I missed yoU! where'd ya go!?

I think we all hoped and wished (and thought) it's Mac and Stella. Oh well, maybe TPTB has another plan for 'em.
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