Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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That's what it really comes down to Cate...she is his muse and having her there is not only right it makes him play that much better and sweeter! ;)

Gotta go...Miami's on! :D
Hmmmm...I'm bored, What SMackness shall us SMackers talk about now?

I have no's now mush so can't think

Maybe I should do my hw....
I love how both of them looked down somewhat after seeing each other across the bar.

That's just an OMGWTF moment. In a good way :D

BTW, I *still* haven't seen the whole ep, hehe. Just the MSR stuff. Maybe tonight I'll find time.

And you're all welcome! Told you the vids would make you happy :D
I saw the bar on youtube-bless you CBS. You know how to make people happy, actually I was in my in my SMackendish heaven for a few minutes there...
ranma said:
I love how both of them looked down somewhat after seeing each other across the bar.

That's just an OMGWTF moment. In a good way :D

BTW, I *still* haven't seen the whole ep, hehe. Just the MSR stuff. Maybe tonight I'll find time.

And you're all welcome! Told you the vids would make you happy :D

LOL, I'd have to wait for Will Turner so I could watch the eppies. If you know what I mean :devil: ... but yeah, even my mom was all *kilig*.

That's uh... spine-tingling ... :lol:

What I think, they know that there could be something between them. But there's so much between them.... *sigh*
I was watching Manhatten Manhunt the other day and when Horatio :lol: says to Mac give Stella my best (or something like that) I was like :mad: and secretly of course Mac was the same !
Haha! Yeah I'm a slight Horatio/Stella shipper (key word slight) soo it was okay. I wonder if Mac told Stella what H had said....
Guys, I'm getting a Smacked-fever from you :lol:

Moriel21 said:
Okay so should we take bets on how long it will take Smacked to get together now? And how badly Mac is gonna beat Drew "Icky-boy" Bedford when he tries to hit on Stella again? :lol:

I agree, with your other post after this comment. Stella will see the real 'Icky-Boy' and Mac wil comfort as much as he can :devil: My pick is for the end of the season *hopes that the producers will read this*

You know what helps against Peyton-virus? A lot of Ouzo :devil: :lol:
arrr i miss the days when this thread was all olive oil and ties and ouzo related incidents... but it still rocks now!

can just say on csi sunday they aired the 2nd eppie of season 1 and stellas line to mac rocked

(stella and mac looking at skeleton on bus)

Stella: how long is this tour
(nudges mac)
Stella: come on mac it was funny

that was also the eppie that gave us stella inviting mac to sulivans and then trying to get him hammered with irish coffee! lol


has peyton left for good yet?i wish she would! plus i was not very happy about the lipstick thing!

oo oo dont you think that its a bit of a coincidence how whenever stellas single mac isnt and vice versa. I fink tptb are playing with us a bit by keeping at least one unavailiable! - it gives them an excuse to keep them apart coz to be honest if they didnt theyed be all over each other. :devil:

what i think will happen: ok so stella likes mr icky, goes out with mr icky. Mac doesnt like mr icky and tells stella getting in an angsty/pissy mac fight with her. Then mr icky turns out to be criminal gets taken out by mac. Stella then apologises to mac says she always picks the people who hurt her. Mac says he will never hurt her and ends up kissing her which will no doubt be electric but awkward. they try to forget about it but they cant and realise that they love each other- the end. :D

omg have you seen the vid in the spoiler thread? the one with stellas 'game'. Mec leans over and stella totally checks him out! go look


i dint know peyton was gone for good. I was just watching the clip of mac playing the guitar with stella there and i saw that letter that peyton wrote! does anyone know anymore about this letter?
Oh no problem guys :p. I used to update that list very frequently :S. I'll try to do it again :D. But I need to watchseason 4 episodes :p

magicmunchies I love your Avvie!!! you did it??

Cate I'll have to read like all of your fics again, omg you've made so many so far!!! :D. Hey, the other day I read the one when Taylor family went to a restaurant and had lunch and I loved it!!! :D, Dylan is soo cute with all those questions ^^ I tried to comment but was being stupid *frowns*
CalleighWolfe: One of my friends on DA made it :D! Yeah it's awesome!

BonaTaylor: Love the banner you make LeanneUK

LeanneUK: I love that part in Snow Day, it's sooo cool!
I completely agree with you LeannaUK. I even thought of where they actually cut out a scene where Mac doesn't let go immediately but instead keeps his hand on Stella's mouth and she struggles from his grip, not from fright but........ :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

*Truck Bomb explodes blasting Gutter Police cars to debris and Meter Police into bloody body parts for miles around*
Gaby said:
omg have you seen the vid in the spoiler thread? the one with stellas 'game'. Mec leans over and stella totally checks him out! go look


:( I can't see the vid... not allowed to... can sb explain in detail what it shows? Or post a youtube link instead. I just found this hilarious vid which I watched over and over again cause the look on Stellas and Adams faces are just too perfect! :lol:

And that article was posted on the spoiler thread, so don't open it if you don't wanna read anything about the eppy "Boo".

If Mac and Stella alone are on that investigation, maybe it gets too scary for one of them and they jump on each other!! :devil: :devil: :devil: I guess tptb will give us some frightening moments, why shouldn't they be so frightening that makes our fav couple comes closer together!! :eek: :eek: :p :D Uuuhhh I sooo hope for some really good SMACK moments...
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