Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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BonaTaylor said:
Oh, by the way... I was sooo in awe over last week's ending that I completely forgot my own wall predicting exactly this!! Stella going to listen to Mac who gets himself indulge in music to wash away the pains of the break up. Well... that wasn't much of a deal cause we all know that already while looking at the promo pics, but I think my quote is quite a good pick...

I just saw the HQ pics over in the pic thread about a week before the actual eppy aired and directly got inspired doing a wall. :D


Funny, isn't it? :lol: :eek:

:eek:I love it !! it's fab !
Goodnight BonaTaylor...I wish I could go to bed...but it's 1.23pm.............I'm soooo bored

Another word (fergie does bad things to peoples mind) SMackalicious!
WOW!! I got SMacked so hard that I flew across the living room, right out the window and into the bushes across the street after watching "TIme's Up"!

After seeing that, my mind just turned the gutter creek into a three mile deep and eight mile wide ravine called the SMacked Gutter Canyon.

Sorry for not posting so long but watching last week's episode has brought me back to this forum.
Lol, you all in here crack me the best possible way! It's like a fun time every time I pop in here! :lol:

I am so psyched that Peyton is finally gone...that's all I can seem to focus on right now...and it's funny now that she's gone I don't "hate" her...but still, I am SO glad she's gone! It's Smacked all the way baby! :lol:

*Mo looks at her post and giggles...wondering if there are lingering cold meds still affecting her head!* :rolleyes: :lol:
Moriel21 said:
I am so psyched that Peyton is finally gone...that's all I can seem to focus on right now...and it's funny now that she's gone I don't "hate" her...but still, I am SO glad she's gone! It's Smacked all the way baby! :lol:

*starts singing hit the road jack, replacing jack with peyton*

SMack me!
Ohhhh good song hon! I like that song...a lot! :D

Okay so should we take bets on how long it will take Smacked to get together now? And how badly Mac is gonna beat Drew "Icky-boy" Bedford when he tries to hit on Stella again? :lol:

Yeah Lynny you heard me right...I said "bet" get in here! ;)
ooooh! *in babyish voice* I don't bet...mummy told me not to!

no the real reason is my ultimate excuse...I live in NZ...s.4 ain't out yet (damn nz tv) sooo I'm not as learned in s.4 stuff as ya all
Marti (can I call ya that? ;) ) it's just fun betting, nothing serious, no worries! :D

How about then...what do you predict? That's a little safer, a little more open to interpretation, yeah? :D

I predict Stella will go out with Mr. Icky...he will turn out to be icky (like we already know!)...Mac will beat his ass...after Stella does...then Stella will go to Mac...and he will comfort her! ;)

Anybody agree? :D
Yeah sure! I don't mind :D! (the name)

Yeah I'll be a mindless drone and agree. But I also think they'll carry on being 'friends' but towards the very end of the show...something (no idea yet) will happen and feelings will be realized and yeah...(dum dum dum)

I'm probably totally off but hey! You gotta be in it to win it
*waaaahh... me needs candypops and a huggle -- sniff*

Deym, Stella's smile when she was applauding Mac. More like how her eyes were shining.
Awwww Cate babes...*Mo huggles her poor honey bun and hands her a nice yummy candypop!* You okay hon? :D

Lol, I know I love that scene huh...her eyes were so full of love and the way Mac just knew she was there...yay! :D
Good think Mac didn't freeze up when he saw Stella. *giggles*

*don't get too close Mo wubs. unless you gots your flu shot...*

Well considering I just got over it, I think my immunity is okay for the's hoping so at least, cuz I already huggled ya! ;)

Nah he "knew" she was there...they have that sense about's perfect! ;)
And obviously, he's used to having Stella watching because he didn't become self-conscious and all that. LOL.

Oh hell, what am I saying. He got his muse there watching... his inspiration. ;)
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