Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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Gaby said:
i must say i didnt like macs enthusiasm for stella to go out with mr erry! but his line 'peyton pursued me' was classic. I nearly passed out when he said ' you and me are alike'. Macs clearly 100% smacked.

Uuuh! You are sooo right! I was thinking EXACTLY the same!!

LeanneUK said:
I made a screencap of Stella checking Mac out :devil: from the preview of tonight's episode.

Stella checking out Mac

I love how obvious she is , she certainly takes a good look :p

Wow! This is such a glorious moment. She sooo takes her own good from it. :devil: I kinda feel they are even more relaxed this season with each other. I guess, it has sth to do with the fact that Mac is more relaxed with himself, warmed up a bit after the tragedy of loosing his wife, probably also because of his relationship with Peyton. And Stella sees in him the only man she can completely trust, cause all the others are somewhat eerie (Point made with newest guy...) and that makes her come closer and closer to him. :) Gosh, I sooo love the newest developments... ;)

Have you been reading the Interview w/ Zuiker?

It has a lovely passage in it. Made me jump directly, though I am sure, I am reaching here!!! Zuiker is a SMACKed shipper as well!! Full throttle!!! :devil: :lol:

CSI Files: Do any of those things hint at what's to come for the characters?
Zuiker: There's no hidden deeper storyline in the photo. I wanted the story of the photograph to tell a story about the characters. That reflects their love interest. With Gary and Melina, it's old media meets new media. Gary's got The New York Times in his hand, he's lowering it to look at Melina's new iPhone, which she's probably reading The New York Times online.

...that reflects their love interest! :D :p Love that...
LeanneUk:Ooooh that picture! It's a golden moment...haha Nice A$$

BonaTaylor: Zuiker is a SMacked fan! Yay! That's really really good! Awesome quote!
I knew Peyton Manning was no match for Stella! I knew it all along.

I wonder if this Drew icky! Beckford has something to do with the 333 calls Mac's been recieving recently.

If so, Beckford will be incinerated by the nuclear fusion reaction of SMacked!
^ Nuclear fusion reaction of SMacked... :lol: LOL! I love that. And I sooo wanna see this happen. A big boom bang for them finally... :D
BonaTaylor said:
^ Nuclear fusion reaction of SMacked... :lol: LOL! I love that. And I sooo wanna see this happen. A big boom bang for them finally... :D

Haha! Actually when I was reading this the vengaboys song came into my head

Boom Boom Boom Boom! I want you in my room!

Yeah pepper does wonderful things to my imagnation
Bona, you are definately rocking with all the smackedness stuff :)

If mr psycho as I like to call him, is apart of that, I say Stella go rambo!!.. Who wants Rambo!Stella???!

I'm glad we're catching her up in checking out mac now, whoowhoo!
The answer to your question CathStokes-Ooooh Yes! That always make life waaay more interesting!

I've saved that picture of Stella checking him out! It was golden
Oh Lynny I do, I do! *Mo waves her hand wildly!* Most definitely bring on Rambo!Stella :lol: She rocks! :D And Mac finds her hot! :devil: (well he always finds her hot, but especially so when she goes Rambo! ;) )

That Stella checking Mac out pic from tonight...brilliant! I love it...definitely keeping an eye out for that one! :lol: Oogle it all you want Stella, it's yours! ;)
OOH! thanks for the piccie! I SO waited for that part and ooohh yeah it was there :devil: :lol: i knew somehow..sooner or later one of 'em will get caught :p ;)

did someone say rambo stella? bring it! :lol:

macky didnt continue his... decision. well, i wonder why :rolleyes: :p i wub the way she put her hand on his shoulder and asked if he slept... Hee! :devil: *gutter*
Rambo Stella indeed...bring her on! She's freakin' awesome...I love tough chicks, kicking butt...they rock! And totally get their partners hot for them! :devil: :lol: Let's face it, half the fun for Stella of doing that is that she KNOWS it makes Mac totally want her! ;)

Can't wait to see the eppy tonight...Smacked "looking"....sweet! :lol:
Leanne it so shipper the pic you posted

I haven't watched the episode (overseas fan) more Smacked scenes on tonight episodes?

I get to see it in a half hour...and I'll definitely let ya know if we get any lovely Smacked moments, stares, yumminess! For sure! :D

Although anytime these two are in the same room as eachother it gets HOT and lovely! :D
Cate I'll have to read like all of your fics again, omg you've made so many so far!!! . Hey, the other day I read the one when Taylor family went to a restaurant and had lunch and I loved it!!! , Dylan is soo cute with all those questions ^^ I tried to comment but was being stupid *frowns*

Oh that would be "Lunchtime". :lol: I've had fun writing that little one hahaha. Thanks!

ZOMG!!!! I sooooo LOVE Mr. Zuiker now. He's an honorary SMACker! Old media meets new media, my a$$ -- but I do get the image of them reading the newspaper together. That is, Stella's leaning her head on Mac's shoulder while they both read the same paper... *g*

Reflects their love interest ... hmmm, there's something in there.... ;)

Oh my... LOL, see what I mean! Peyton was the one who went for it. I found the character a little bit on the "overeager" side. I mean, she does every single thing possible to make situations in favor of Mac. It's not like Stella's 'tell-it-like-it-is" attitude, which at the end of the day is what Mac really wants. And him saying they're alike? Well... birds of the same feather flock together.

What if Icky is connected with the 333?
Okay I think I just split my face from grinning so hard! :lol: When Adam turned Mac's avatar into a woman and then Mac tried to "flirt" with their suspect with Stella watching...that was the cutest thing, but Stella giggling and then teasing him "you have NO game!" and then confidently taking over and showing Mac how to really flirt? That was the BEST! That was freakin' awesome, Stella rocks!! :lol:
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