Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Happy Bleated Birthday Mo sorry it was so late *Hugs*

Does anyone think these lyrics remind them of Smacked

Who doesn't long for someone to hold
who knows how to love you without being told
somebody tell me why I'm on my own
if there's a soulmate for everyone
If there's a soulmate for everyone

Here are two suggestions for the next title:

1. Her Greekness is his weakness
2. Once you go Greek, you don't walk for a week
Love the titles :D

I have one : Each others Sweetest Downfall
MO!!!!! -- Happy birthday. Sorry I wasn't around. Dylan and Mara send their kisses, too. *huggles*

Mina -- LOOOOVE the first one.

ath -- tee-hee, sure... there'll be more. I'm planning three parts. Dylan's POV, Stella's and Mac's.

Sorry for quick post; I'm sharing wifi at our lib.
Ms, Cate, Cass thanks for the belated wishes my honey's..., no worries, I'll take them!! :D Aww and I get Dylan and Mara's wishes, yay! Sweet deal!! :D

So according to my D/L buddy Catey over in the D/L thread...she got spoilers for eppy 5 of this new season that says Peyton decides to stay in London....YAY!!! Smacked is SOOOO gonna happen! Sweet!!!!!!!!
Mo ,yeah sorry..I should be coming here more often!And now I'm in Nice,France!It's nice to be on holidays!I think I'll be able to surf the forums though! :D

^That's such a nice spoiler,don't you think!? :lol:
I hope it's true but they won't just cut of Peyton's character and her relationship with Mac!

Cate ,that sounds really iterestiNG!I am looki forward to it!
Grrrr.... preemption, I tell yah. Forestalling!!! Hahahaha.... y'know, this is exactly what I planned for "Home". But wheeeeeee.... she stays in London. And he stays in NY with Stella.

I have a new song -- well, line from a song -- that is sooo SMACked:

For every piece of my that wants you,
Another piece backs away...

-- "You Give Me Something", James Morrison

^Prolly would explain why they haven't hooked up yet. :lol:

Fic update:
FF's been acting up again....
Ath I'm pretty sure the spoiler's true source is pretty reliable! ;) And Cate babes, yeah you dang sure should be getting paid, it's like they're picking your brain and using your ideas! :lol:

Yay for an update...I'll read it when I get home tonight! ;)
Thanks so much for your help. I can see it taking a little longer as you mention re: main characters, etc. It is hard to wait for it to happen.

In the last season (3) has there been the hinting of any attraction etc. between the two on any episodes. :)
Yeah starfan most shows I've watched, where I ship the main characters it has taken them most of the show to get's that tension that keeps the show hot! So while it's frustrating that our couple takes so long to get together, for the most part I think we can be almost certain they will end up together...the writers are dumb enough to build up all this amazing tension and love between these characters only to ignore it in the end! No worries! ;)
^Yeah, me too. Most of the pairings I write about takes a long time (or prolly never) to get officially together. It's the sexual tension that makes it exciting. The "what could happen if..." :lol:

It's hard to think that TPTB are doing this unknowingly haha.
Lol, nah babes...I don't think the PTB are doing this unknowingly at all! ;) I think they are keeping Smacked apart intentionally...they know all about sexual tension! :lol:

I reviewed already by the way way babes...but this latest chapter of your ficcie...was AMAZING!!! I loved it, totally!! :D :D
Haha, sometimes they can't help it. You know, all those hugs and kisses and touches and sweet little words.... hahaha....

Oh not to mention the gazes. Lol, my mom and I were watching the roaches episode and Stella was wearing this green shirt with a deeeeeeeeeeeeeep neckline.

And my mom said: You cannot tell me that Mac doesn't sneak looks at Stella's cleavage. :lol:
You cannot tell me that Mac doesn't sneak looks at Stella's cleavage.
:lol: I like your mom! And yeah I'm sorry but there's no way...with all that right in front of him ;) You know there's a reason Mac doesn't mention a "dress code" to Stella...he'd be taking away his view everyday! :devil:

Okay so we need a titles poll!! I can do it or someone else wants to...everyone come up with a good title option and then we can vote on them...but fast, cuz our new thread is coming soon!! :D :D

(At the moment the only ones I can think of are really dumb ones or REALLY guttery ones! :devil: ) I'll be back! ;)
You cannot tell me that Mac doesn't sneak looks at Stella's cleavage.

It's like in this pic I posted in the Naughty Pics thread. If you follow Mac's line of sight, you can tell at what he's sneaking a glance at and it's not those gloves! :devil:
Hey fellow Smackers!! How are you guys? I hope you still remember me. I haven't been around for like ages but this was a crazy summer. SOOOO busy, I hardly had any spare time at all.

Gosh, I had to catch up quite a lot. Thanks for all the spoilers! Whee! Can't wait to actually see this happen! SMACK rules!

So, since ages, I finally had time to get a bit creative again and here you go with a little Smack Collage.

Nothing special, but the first wallpaper I did in ages! Hope you like it
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