oh! I see! we better make more shout outs then (to her) huh?fluffy mo hugging her fluff bunny answered a clueless mj: :lol:
Well, I'm a Danny/Lindsay shipper (in case you couldn't tell! ) and I know she's a D/L shipper cuz all the eppys where we got great D/L moments were eppy's she's written and I'd be willing to bet that a bunch of the eppy's with Smacked moments were written by her too!!
ate cate ooh! update! :devil: squee... *pst* nice song btw.
damn right! :devil: welcome back! we missed ya here!jorjafan said:[/i]
All I know is that Stella's Greekness will always remain Mac's weakness . Lust is impossible to fight...
ooh! dont we have a nice SMacked soundtrack thread somewhere?
*tackles cassie*
ive been waiting for ya to show up here! since you got all mad there in the stel thread :lol: hanging out here IS relaxing ya know