Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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csiwillows said:
Than we'll drag them out of the shower and we look for a new location?
:lol: you think they'd agree?

ate cate :lol: didcha know i finished the book without owning nor borrowing one? :p

Dirty? Or sticky?
either way, they're going back in the showers :rolleyes: :devil:

fluffy mo tickled mj:
Lol, yeah hon with these two, it really never does end! They're just all smexed up and ready to play!
who's complaining? :lol: certainly not us... :devil: or them ;)

spoilers: :rolleyes: i heard about the new guy.. blegh.. im guessing it's gonna be frankie's bro... revenge *sigh* Macky, like Mo said, get yer gal! :lol: and protect her no less ;)

CA- i wish i had a dream like yours *le sigh*

ETA: I HAD to join Mo chant: :devil: SMacked smex... SMacked smex... SMacked smex... :p
Mo - I'm glad you put the video camera up. Thats some hot things we're recording here. Smacky's got a lot of energy, who knew!

Cate - Yeah, hide behind Macky because I'm going to TORTURE you. Its all your fault.

I hope whatever happens, it brings Smacky together. because they deserve it.
Ohhhhhhhhhh, Mj I had not thought of the possibility that new guy could be Frankie's brother....that would be interesting...not good, but interesting... :p ick!

Lol, of course we had to pull out the vid camera Lynny definitely gotta get that on tape! ;) And for the record babes...I knew they had that much energy! ;) Heehee! :devil: :lol:

Yeah as long as Smacked gets together that is what makes it worth it to me...they belong together and that's it, the end! :D
Mo -- I think TPTB will still draw Stella as the victim. I mean, they could claim that they don't... but they always cook up these situations where Mac can come in as her knight in shining armor. Or her Marine in full battle gear :devil: yum!

I mean, if the guy has ulterior motives -- whether towards the whole lab or just to Mac alone -- hit where it hurts the most. As for Mac, hey we all know *where* that is. We saw how alarmed he looked like when he heard Stella's address over the police dispatch, right? And she says that there'll be "No men in my place". :devil: Mac knows your address, girl!

MJ -- lol, good. In my univ, HP7 has replaced some textbooks in students' arms haha. Geez, my 1.3 days seemed obssessive :lol: , oh well. I might go and help JKR with extra epilogues hahahahaha!

Lynny -- awww.... Mac said you can't torture me as long as I stay with him! Yay!
mo pst... didcha hear the latest assumption? about macky, stella and the new guy? its a very nice and possible idea. check that out :D me likey that one... very interesting :devil: not to mention shippy :lol: oh btw, why didcha say Pam is a shipper?

ate cate ah... so nostalgic for me when book 6 came out there :lol: i can remember my schoolmates doing the same thing.

o_O wait.. what tape?!
The tape of Smacked doing it in the shower. duh!

What's up with MJ and threesomes involving smacked, why don't you just ship smacked with everyone.. wait, do NOT answer that.

Cate. I'm going to whack you. several times. death please!
O_O ooh. shower tape.. right. :lol: that's what i get for not being here. :p

What's up with MJ and threesomes involving smacked, why don't you just ship smacked with everyone.. wait, do NOT answer that.
*stares at lynny* something's different... *shrugs* okay... i won't.
Me and Mo are going to put a video camera in every room including the closet tonight when Smacked goes out for dinner, luckily I (blackmailed) got Flack into making copies of Mac's key.

Yeah.. Don't answer that.
Fellow Gutter bud Cate babes shrugged:
Mo -- I think TPTB will still draw Stella as the victim. I mean, they could claim that they don't... but they always cook up these situations where Mac can come in as her knight in shining armor. Or her Marine in full battle gear yum!
Mmmmm, yeah that's true...I wonder why Stell is always the victim? Cuz she makes a beautiful victim? Or because she has a man who will go to the ends of the earth and beyond to rescue her? But you're right, no matter what Mac will always be there to rescue and save her! :D

I mean, if the guy has ulterior motives -- whether towards the whole lab or just to Mac alone -- hit where it hurts the most. As for Mac, hey we all know *where* that is. We saw how alarmed he looked like when he heard Stella's address over the police dispatch, right? And she says that there'll be "No men in my place". Mac knows your address, girl!
I'd be willing to bet my salary that Mac is the only man that Stel has willingly let into her apartment! Not only that, but I bet he's stayed there even to be there with her...I'm off to watch "All Access" in a few minutes and I'll get to see that look on Mac's face all over again! And I've got a ficcie idea brewing about a missing Smacked scene/ending to that eppy! :D

My fluffy bubble buddy Mj asked:
oh btw, why didcha say Pam is a shipper?
Well, I'm a Danny/Lindsay shipper (in case you couldn't tell! ;) ) and I know she's a D/L shipper cuz all the eppys where we got great D/L moments were eppy's she's written and I'd be willing to bet that a bunch of the eppy's with Smacked moments were written by her too!!

My fabulous plotting buddy Lynny hon winked:
Me and Mo are going to put a video camera in every room including the closet tonight when Smacked goes out for dinner
That we most definitely are hon! *Mo high fives her gutter bud and grabs her extra batteries!* Bring on the Smacked smex baby! :devil:

You are my sweetest downfall
I loved you first, I loved you first
Beneath the sheets of paper lies my truths...

^That's the song at the end of "All Access" -- Regina Spektor's 'Samson'. It's soooooo SMACked, don't you think? She loved him first. And she is his sweetest downfall.

Mmmmm, yeah that's true...I wonder why Stell is always the victim? Cuz she makes a beautiful victim? Or because she has a man who will go to the ends of the earth and beyond to rescue her? But you're right, no matter what Mac will always be there to rescue and save her!
I'm voting the latter hahahaha! Any situation where we can get a SMACked kiss and/or hug, the better. But then again, with those tapes -- we have more than that. :devil:

I'd be willing to bet my salary that Mac is the only man that Stel has willingly let into her apartment! Not only that, but I bet he's stayed there even to be there with her.
Mo -- girl, you had me thinking of :devil: things by saying that hahaha.

No, kidding aside... I think so, too. Mac's the only guy who's been inside Stella's house. Prolly after shift.... a movie, dinner or drinks. Coffee? Oh we all know what "do you want to come up" means, right? :devil: :lol:

Cate. I'm going to whack you. several times. death please!
Dylan: Oh Miss Lynny, please don't do that to our babysitter. We wub her. And we wub you, too. And Daddy says hi. *huggles* :lol:

Hey, I have a key to the Taylor's house. After all, I'm their babysitter. *dangles the keys* A key to every lock. Want? :lol:

*tries to snatch key from cate * can I have it PLEASEEEEE!!?!??!?!?!?!? :( :eek: I beg you!!! :lol:! lol
*big hug* I missed this thread & you guys *so* much. I've been reading tons of fics while getting tons of ideas :devil:. Anyhoo, the spoilers regarding romance for season four are, quite interest to say the least. All I know is that Stella's Greekness will always remain Mac's weakness :devil:. Lust is impossible to fight...
My Smacked ficcie queen and fellow Smacked gutter bud Cate:
^That's the song at the end of "All Access" -- Regina Spektor's 'Samson'. It's soooooo SMACked, don't you think? She loved him first. And she is his sweetest downfall.
Yeah I sat there and listened to the whole song...I loved it! It totally fits Smacked...and who else thinks that Stel packed her stuff and went back to be with Mac? ;) You know she did! :devil:

Mo -- girl, you had me thinking of :devil: things by saying that hahaha.
Well of course babes, that was the point! ;) Besides thinking naughty things is fairly easy to do when it comes to Smacked! :D

Oh and Cate babes, I know I've left reviews, and how I missed it until yesterday I don't know...but I finally read your newest ficcie...and can I just say...*Mo tackle hugs her Smacked buddy!!* It's brilliant hon! Brilliant and beautiful and one of the chapters brought tears to my eyes...seriously! Can't wait to read more...update soon, please...I'm hooked, as usual! ;)

Long lost bud who finally returned Mina winked:
All I know is that Stella's Greekness will always remain Mac's weakness . Lust is impossible to fight...
MINA!!! You've returned! Hey hon, you've been gone, like...forever! Welcome back! :D And yeah I totally agree...lust is impossible...combine it with love and there's not chance of escaping it! ;) Heehee, give in's inevitable! :devil:
*tries to snatch key from cate * can I have it PLEASEEEEE!!?!??!?!?!?!? I beg you!!! ! lol
I'm teaming up with Flack in having copies of the house keys. But there is one key that I can't find. Coincidentally, it was for the bathroom. It was there yesterday.... Mac might've heard us talking -- I'm still hiding behind him from Lynny hahaha...

All I know is that Stella's Greekness will always remain Mac's weakness
Hey welcome back, Mina! ^That rhymed! XD And it's soooo ture.

and who else thinks that Stel packed her stuff and went back to be with Mac?
Or they could have spent the night at Parkview... ;) Adjoining rooms... but they'll use only one because Stella had nightmares and Mac would snuggle up to her to comfort her. End up sleeping in one king-size bed. Wake up, spooned together. :devil:

Aw... Mo -- you're sooo good to me. *huggles* It's probably the angstiest I've ever written as of yet. But I have a dylan!fluff piece to balance it out soon. :)
jorja_fan86 said:
*big hug* I missed this thread & you guys *so* much. I've been reading tons of fics while getting tons of ideas :devil:. Anyhoo, the spoilers regarding romance for season four are, quite interest to say the least. All I know is that Stella's Greekness will always remain Mac's weakness :devil:. Lust is impossible to fight...
i missed u too!
hey i've found a song that reminds me of smacked..
Brooke Fraser

I've been staring at the sky tonight
Marvelling and passing time
Wondering what to do with daylight
Until I can make you mine
You are the one I want, you are the one I want

I've been thinking of changing my mind
It never stays the same for long
But of all the things I know for sure
You're the only certain one
You are the one I want, you are the one I want

I've been counting up all my wrongs
One sorry for each star
See I'd apologise my way to you
If the heavens stretched that far
You are the one I want, you are the one I want

I won't find what I am looking for
If I only "see" by keeping score
'Cos I know now you are so much more than arithmetic

'Cos if I add, if I subtract
If I give it all, try to take some back
I've forgotten the freedom that comes from the fact
That you are the sum
So you are the one
I want

When the years are showing on my face
And my strongest days are gone
When my heart and flesh depart this place
From a life that sung your song

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want

You'll still be the one I want
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