Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Cate that was my only positive thought about Mac going to London too...that maybe that would be the PTB's way of stopping Peyton...they go to London, something happens...Mac goes home, Peyton stays in London...end of Peyton, happy Mac! I sure as heck hope so...cuz otherwise, heads are rolling...PTB don't even think I'm kidding!

Other than that :p moment with Peyton at the end...this eppy was full of great Smacked moments that made me happy! Them working together seamlessly, saving the lab, saving the world together...being brilliant and all MacGuyver-ish improvising in the lab...that rocked! And I loved how Stell didn't even hesitate to go hug him at the end...nice!

Now buh bye Peyton and I'd be happy as a clam! :D
Oh Em Gee! :eek:

one of the best eppies EVER! *hyperventilates* oh gosh, how do you breathe again? Lynny I forgot! :lol:

so many SMacked :devil: scenes... i wub it when Mac grabs Stella... :devil: its so...- nuff said. :p Got tons of SMacked scenes... oh so lovely.

I got my SPaM and there's DL but there's another folder for that but... wow.. when i saw Peyton there...with Mac...and Stel... *le sigh*

speaking of Peyton... O___O he's taking Macky from us! London! buy us tickets! we gots to follow them! :lol: drag macky home to his star... how bout Peyton?...wait..who's peyton again? :lol: man, im one crazed fangirl :p

still- SMacked scenes rocked than the Meyton ones... ^_^ or... SPaM? :lol: okay imma stop now.

CW said:
OMG I just saw a scene from the lastest episode where Mac and Stella were talking about the first time they arrested someone (or w/e I didn't pay enough attention ), and I must confess that I was sent to the gutter when Stella asked Mac: when was your first??? I was like I so remembered about Cate's fic the one when Danny and Flack were hearing their convo behind the door about first time
I was thinking of the same thing! I was like OMG! are TPTB reading cate's fics? O__O i was swooning over that.
Based on that hug scene of both of them still wet from the sprinkler, what do you want to bet Stella felt something else too. :devil: I could see that they were making out there before the thugs came and ruined it.
Unfortunately for me,I haven't seen the episode yet..Hopefully tomorrow!!But I've seen some caps and reviews and they are really good!! :D :D

Mac???In London???oook...I'm going with the though of Cate and Mo ..They go together but she stays back there when Mac comes back!!muah! :lol:..Guess why!?

I don't think they'll have a premiere of a new season without the lead character..Its odd..At least that's what I think.. :rolleyes: ;)
kk I'm happy, scared, excited, disappointed, everything!!! :|

Happy: hand on her mouth??? Hug??? *joins mj hyperventilating* :devil:

Scared: Mac is going to London??? :O Nooooo!!!! but I agree with Cate, I mean maybe things will go bad in London :p, so no more Peyton, but still it's scaring, maybe they come back married or something Nooooooo!!!!! :(

Excited: Well Stella is gonna be the boss for a while, I've been waiting for this since episode 1 :lol:

Disappointed: Stella was happy when he said he was going to London??? :|, well she's happy for his friend *shrugs*
Excited: Well Stella is gonna be the boss for a while, I've been waiting for this since episode 1

I thought Mac's trip to London was for 10 days. We may not even see Stella in charge -- depends on when they pick up the next season. I wouldn't count on seeing Stella in charge, but who knows. Maybe your wishes will come true.
fastfoodjunkie , thank you so much for the screen cap. That just made my shipper heart jump! Loved it!! :) :) :)

As for Mac going to London... didn't sb mention it just will be for 10 days? (obviously, see above^) I haven't seen the eppy yet, but I think, if they will let heal Flack in about 4 months from the finale to the opener, I guess, Mac will be back right in time for the opener of s4. I actually don't think he will be MIA (?!?! ;) ) with Peyton in GB. By the way... I like the theory about things going worse between them over in Europe a lot. That would solve 3 organisational problems production wise.

1) TPTB don't have to bother with Mac/PEyton relationship anymore and focus more on Stel and Mac again. (They love the ship, we soooo can see this! :lol:) They haven't been good with continuity til now, so why change? (look at Flack from last season. I rest my case!)

2) Claire Forlani was just planned for one season (actually just for 4 shows) and now they have to get rid off her. She actually has another project going on for 2008 which will be filmed in Dublin, so that makes it kind of hard to take part in S4 at all (Please TPTB, let me be right!!).

3) Stella and Mac will have even more SMACky scenes in the beginning of s4, b/c she needs to comfort him... again! :devil:... after the loss of a woman and we actually can watch it and get more background info on that side of their relationship which is kind of important to establish them as *the* major shipper couple. I mean D/L is kind of gone, they 've been going all the way, so what to ship there next? Upcoming seperation and suffering?? :eek: Pls, leave me alone with that!!

What do you guys think?!?!? I wub it, to quote MJ ;)!!! :D :D :D
My theory is...

Peyton and Mac go to London. Peyton realizes she misses it and gets dramatic after the 10 days are up... Mac can't wait to get home to see the 'lab'... Thus, he leaves her...
oh man- that was a great show- and mac and stella looks great. It is sooo obvious the man CARES deeply for stella and first we get a kiss on the cheek- now we get a hug and they are wet-- well helloooooooooooo- it is so ON for " smacked"
Okay guys, I just watched the season finale and I SOOOOOO LOVED IT!! FULL OF SMACK!! How great is that??!?!?! :D :D :D

But now, I completely turned against Peyton... this pushy behaviour of hers... no way to treat our Mac! (I wrote more in detail here about it, if anybody cares...)

I think TPTB has been good to us shippers this season! We got LOADS of lovely scenes between them (2 hugs, 1 kiss on the cheek, to name just the big ones! :D ) and that while Mac's being with sb. else. That was way much more interaction than Season 2 had. So, I am really satisfied with the third season. :D

What do you think?

PS: Loved that putting his hand over her mouth scene. Geez, mind went straight to gutter right away... :devil: :devil: :devil:
*my achy-breaky heart*

Waaah... I'm not looking forward to that blasted finale! *good thing, it'll be six months or so until it airs here* Waaaah.... I just can't stand it. I can't operate -- esp now that I'm working on a Danny-centric fic. My mind's on a standstill.

Haaaay, maybe writing that "Mac goes to London but comes back alone" fic would help... I hope.

Oh nevermind me for now. :(
I liked it... it keeps my hopes up even though G.A. totally just broke my heart... I think S/M and i smiiiile

i am trying to stay away from all CSI: LV boards 'cause I haven't watched the finale yet...
*Saves the picture of Mac grabbing Stella and covering her mouth and her eyes wide with enormous guttery pleasure*

This finale rocked my shoes as well as the SMex ship. No way Peyton could come close to seeing Mac's inner self than Stella could. Peyton has years to go before she can have the same views as Stella who can do what she did wiht Mac on the elevator on the final chapter of "Trapped SMacked Style".
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