Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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I had a lot of catching up to do but i'm glad.
Soon as i saw the caps and the conversation i leapt
out of my seat. They seem so sweet in that scene i have about 13 weeks till i see that ep. But its worth the wait :D
My dad thinks im crazy cos i ship couples especially on csi ny.

mac/peyton im not sure but if peyton was there im sure she would have been jealous!!

is there a video clip of this and can clips be posted here now?
OMFG!!!!! :D :D :D :eek:

I still can't believe he hugged her!!! *dances* *faints* *wakes up* *keeps on dancing*

OMG!!! I've seen that scene like 945349857 by now!!!! That was amazing :D :D I slept with a stupid smile on my face, well when I could sleep :lol: 'cause I just kept on thinking about that like 2 hours before falling asleep *squeeeeeeee*

Thanks for the caps CSI_Ali and ranma ;)

midnight said: Speaking of, does anybody get the feeling that this might cause problems for the Mac/Peyton relationship? Mac can't tell her about Stella's problems, and what if Peyton notices that Mac and Stella are getting this close and starts questioning Mac about it? Things get tense... they can't keep Claire Forlani around forever.
*raises hand* I totally agree with you, she could think Mac has something with Stella and he won't be able to explain it, and I really don't think Peyton trusts Mac a lot after what he did in "Raising Shane" so I don't think she'll just trust him without asking for a good explanation.

And please: could anyone post the Greek part??? Mina, athens???? Please!!!! *pouts* I wanna know what did they say in Greek!!!! :) Thanks guys!!! ;)

ETA: Love your banner msgirl and your avvie ranma I made one for MSN with that pic :lol:, I wanted to post it here but the board was down :(

I can't stop looking at them hugging *sighs*
Thank you cw but i did'nt make my banner
credit goes to NickGregxTheLove also i understand
what you mean i can't stop staring at them hugging either lol :lol:
I made a smacked video but alas it doesn't work

Also ETA cw i saw your carwash and smacked video very good i love it!!! :D also i made three smacked walls in the wallpaper thread if anyones interested? :)
msgirl said:
Also ETA cw i saw your carwash and smacked video very good i love it!!! :D also i made three smacked walls in the wallpaper thread if anyones interested? :)
Oh thanks a lot!!! *blushes* :) btw guys look for notaplayer83's channel in youtube :p

Saw your wallpapers, they're good sweetie ;)

BTW, did you guys notice that Mac was kinda rocking Stella when he was hugging her??? :eek: or it was my imagination??? :lol:
This may either lead to a confrontation between Peyton and Mac -- or better yet, Peyton and Stella. Or the writers will forget about it again...
meow :devil: that i wanna see so much... *sniffs*

mj -- about our planned fic, uhm... 1st person or 3rd person?
I dunno... I usually write in 1st person... but it's your pick :D

ranma!!!! salamat!!! as in!!!woot!!! I can't stop reading it... >_<

come on tptb... your teasing us!!! are they or are they not?? but you know Macky talking greek was kinda hot :devil:

someone make a fanvid out of that scene.. ill add it to my faves i swear!

you know, i was kinda looking for peyton in that eppie (in my mind: ok, there's the smacked scene [squeals] now jealous gf... where is she??!) or maybe tptb saved that for later :p

what wallpapers? can i see??
OMG!..Thanks for the dialogue ranma..It'll keep until the time I'll see the episode!...

A fight between Mac and Peyton about Stella's situation would be sooo interesting!!..Of course Mac would take Stella's side and she would feel bad about it..

and mj they are !!you know it!No need to ask things like that
midnight_tiptoes said:
Speaking of, does anybody get the feeling that this might cause problems for the Mac/Peyton relationship? Mac can't tell her about Stella's problems, and what if Peyton notices that Mac and Stella are getting this close and starts questioning Mac about it? Things get tense... they can't keep Claire Forlani around forever.

Oh, it's definitely gonna create problems. I mean, Peyton will probably end up questioning Mac & he can't exactly share with her all the information about Stella's HIV scare. Peyton seems like the kind who has to know what's going on with her man. If he told her he would betray Stella on so many different levels that it would just stuck. That would cause Peyton to become more insecure and lead her to keep a constant eye whenever Mac & Stella are in the same room together. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Peyton assumed that those two were secretly dating. Peyton will just have to respect the fact that Mac has known Stella for way longer & because of their special bond Mac cannot tell Peyton everything. If Peyton can't respect that she could just as well leave.

I'm sorry, but if even if Mac & Peyton are dating each other Mac will always put Stella above her. They've known each other for much, much longer & it's obvious that Mac values Stella much more. Sorry Peyton :p.

*eta* It is slightly obvious that Peyton is intimidated by Stella. I mean, think about it. Her man is constantly hanging out with Stella & Peyton is probably clueless as to why they're so close. Mac probably doesn't tell her much & Peyton is left to assume that Mac & Stella are past lovers who are still really close. You know, the kind that break up but still hang out a lot as there are some loose feelings left. Peyton is totally clueless when it comes to those two...
Mina yeah that's actually how I see Peyton and Mac breaking up...I see it having to do with Stell and because Peyton just finally can't handle how close they are...I know if it was my boyfriend hanging out with his best friend and holding her and being embarrassed of me in front of her and not telling me things that she had said I would totally assume he was in love with I see Peyton breaking it off with Mac believing (rightly so! ;) ) that he is in love with Stella! :D

And I totally agree Mac will put Stel above her I gotta agree with that...she's been in his life so much longer and so much more important that it won't even be a choice for's Stel all the way.
*huggles Peyton*.. I always defend someone in some of these threads, if its not Eric and Ryan, its Peyton. :p

Macky will always put Stella above everyone, he does me too. :( I just learn to deal with it, Peyton can too. But I LOVED the smackness Wednesday. :D
Yeah I knew you'd love the Smackedness! It was just so dang fabulous...I mean come on Mac speaking Greek and hugging her, how much more fabulous could it get! Wait I just realized I correctly predicted what would happen for this ep! OMG! YAY!!! I said we needed to get Mac to hug her, that would be the best and he did! Gah, I pwn Mac, rock on! :lol: :lol:

Lol, yeah Lynny you know Mac puts Stel before you and you're cool with that...too bad I don't think Peyton feels the same to her hon and explain Macky loves Stel and maybe she'll leave nicely! ;)
You're all welcome! :D It was definitely my pleasure to transcribe it. I would have put in the actions as well except that my friends were getting impatient with me as I was listening and typing it out (and giving a silly grin at the same time, hehe) post dinner.

I'll see what I can do about the video but I can't promise anything yet.

Cate! I'll pm you in awhile ;)

And thanks Reine! My avvie was done in less than five minutes coz I was too excited to put it up immediately :lol: I didn't have the time to make the elaborations that I wanted. I'm thinking of doing animations but we'll see. As for that rocking thing, I think Mac put his left arm around her as well, offcam. That's why I think there was a hint of movement. Didn't you just love the way Stella gently butted her forehead near his cheek? ::sighs::
ranma said:
midnight_tiptoes said:
Speaking of, does anybody get the feeling that this might cause problems for the Mac/Peyton relationship? Mac can't tell her about Stella's problems, and what if Peyton notices that Mac and Stella are getting this close and starts questioning Mac about it? Things get tense... they can't keep Claire Forlani around forever.

Sounds like a great scenario! If it does go that way, I hope they'll be low-key and subtle about it. And very true about Forlani, whereas Mac and Stella are canon :p

And yes, Mo! If ONLY! :D

Very interesting points, Ali. Do we have any spoilers if the others would know about Stella's dilemma? I doubt if Mac will tell Peyton. I think Sid will zip his lip as well.

That would really be an AMAZING Scenario. If Danny would know he might probably be the Person who could tell Peyton by accident. Hehe.. And, I would really really love him for that! I love him already but it would make me love him even more! :lol:
ranma said
Didn't you just love the way Stella gently butted her forehead near his cheek? ::sighs::
Why do I have to wait so long to see this? :( In the UK, we're only on Hung Out To Dry, with is on tonight. Does anyone know where I can watch it on the Internet? I'm impatient!
^I downloaded the episode. :) In our country we just finished season it's really a long wait...if season3 premieres, I'll be watching it again. :)
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