Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Heehee, I just love Smacked right now...they made me happy this whole last week! :D And yeah I totally agree...that hug screamed "Intimacy" and "Love" to me...her face burrowing into his cheek and neck...all he had to do was move a fraction of an inch and his lips would have been on hers! (If only!! :D ) It was SO amazingly sweet! Gah I just loved it!
Ranma love your icon! Way to jump on that! :lol: Ahhh, good times...good times! :D
i'll take note of that rule...sorry....

I agree, that kiss shot was amazing! hehe...:) I think I need to re-watch all episodes. From season 1 to this season.
Cate why do you feel left out honey? Wait have you not had a chance to see the new eppy yet? Awww if not I'm sorry hon! I think these have been posted already...but even so here again for your viewing pleasure! :D


"I'm here for you..."

"You're mine and I won't ever let anyone hurt you!"

"You're safe now Stel, I've got you..."
Thanks, Mo! I could look at them (and have done so) over and over and over again ;) I love the lines you put, haha.

Cate, you haven't checked your pms have you? (Or is this service not available anymore :confused: )
Goshie, these two look like a real couple. Best friends don't cut it for me anymore! Hahahahah....

ranma -- yeah, I have read my pms. But my poorness excuse of a dial-up connection is not letting me do anything .... *boohoo* Anyway, I'll text you later -- loadless eh hahahahh!

Moriel -- yeah, I haven't seen anything apart from the caps and quotes. :( Oh well, I guess this means imagination will have to do for now.
Lol, I know Ranma I keep staring at them too...they make such a beautiful couple! Awww...and yeah Cate I totally agree they do look like a REAL couple, not just friends comforting eachother! That's LOVE right there y'all...Love, Love, love, love! :D

Awww sad day hon...I'd send it to you if I could...but I have no clue how to do that! :rolleyes: Sorry!!
awww Chaos...let it go for now and go write fic. LOL I had to say it :)

oooh yay, I would soooo love icons like that piccie :) Yum!
^..I'm with you..Make happy yourself with writing a fic!! :p..But honestly,when you see it,you'll say that it worths the waiting!!>. ;) :D

Thanks for the hug..the caps!...It's a moment in this ship that won't be forgotten..NEVER!..True,they look so good and comfortable together,like they are already a couple and Stella just hid something important from him!...Being already her best friend too makes him sad he couldn't trust him enough to tell him..

what if..Have you ever considered the idea what Mac would do if she was HIV positive??Since they said that from the first exam she is negative ,I'm just saying.. :p
chaostheory08 said:
I haven't seen anything apart from the caps and quotes. :( Oh well, I guess this means imagination will have to do for now.

I found a video of the scene on YouTube! If you search "the ride in Mac Stella", you'll find it!
I was about to say that.. :lol: the poster is bcmoon so let us squee over that scene again! *runs of to watch scene*

oh hang on a minute... who's writing a new fic??!
Thanks for the bcmoon link, guys :) The clip I put up in my journal had a bit of audio-sync problems (but I still watch it every chance I get, heheeh) Cate, I think it's time to head on over to Netopia :devil:

The pics are up at csi-caps. Time to put on the icon-making hat ;)

I was wondering, does anyone have spoilers about the last few eps? (what I really want to know is if we're gonna get more sMacked, heh)
Yeah Ranma I'm curious about the same far as the spoilers for upcoming eps go...I really want to know if we'll be getting Smacked in any of the upcoming eps! Not that I don't love what we got already...I LOVED that, the hug, the Greek it was fabulous...but I can't help but wonder if since we got that hug we'll get something even better in any upcoming eps! Season finale goodness anyone?! I don't know, but it would make sense...if Stel finally finds out that she's clear and then she and Mac "celebrate"! ;) :devil: I sure hope so! :D :D
I've been reading the spoiler thread and they haven't anything new about Mac or Stella, only Danny and Lindsay but mostly speculations :( although I think it's kinda better 'cause we'll spend more than a month without new episodes, so if we know the spoilers now we'll be biting our nails for a month :| :p.

And I agree with you guys, I'd like to get more good Smacked scenes, 'cause after that hug (man, what a hug!!! *sighs*) we should get at least a Mac all worried about Stella, asking her how she feels and everything, remember that she is doing that treatment and she could have some secondary effects on her, so maybe he'll help her more than ever *sighs*. Can you guys imagine him going to her place 'cause she feels bad or something??? Like in some fics??? *squeeeeeeee*

Oh, btw, I graduated from the university a year ago :D so that hug was the best present I could have *dances* *runs to watch the hug again*
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