Mac & Stella #6 = "I'm Glad You Stayed."

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I havent abandoned Smacked never will. All my ships sink but I never lose hope!
I felt sorry for Payton but they where never ment to be Mac just isnt over Claire.
Oh yeah Stella is mine.... I wont but her in a closet and I will return her in full working order! ;)
Wowowowowow, how many things I've missed here :p

- Well gems, mj, and Lynn you can have Stella, wherever you want, for me it's ok. I prefer Mac, and I'll take advantage of him, now that Lynn is sharing. :D

- Yeah mj I heard that, and I must say I'm very happy *does happy dance*, *throws confetti*. Although I stopped chasing you like 3 weeks ago :p :rolleyes: but I'm still interested in your fic, I go to ff, every now and then to check your fics. I haven't read the last one, but I will tonight, hopefully. :D

- Cate that name of your fic sounds hot!!! are you sure it's not M rated?. Gonna read it tonight too. And btw, wait for another surprise from me when you finish Trapped ;)

- I felt bad about Peyton too. It's not that I want her back either, 'cause I want my Smacked too, but poor girl, Mac's behavior wasn't the best, when he took her hand off his face in that way :( that was mean, he could have done something else. But well, she's gone so let's enjoy of the new Smacked situations to come :D

- And well here are your favorite Saturday things :rolleyes:. At least at Smacked thread :lol:

Smacked Quote Of The Week
Stella: Tiffany's... now you're talking my language.
Mac: You can tell from a map?
Stella: You kidding? I could tell from the moon. 2x07 Manhattan Manhunt

Smacked Pic Of The Week
from 3x11 Raising Shane (I think it was Mo who saw this moment ;) it was hard to cap 'cause it only lasts 1 sec. :lol:)

Lol, yeah... my fic is at most rated-T. So it's work-safe. The idea came to me when I was watching CSI:LV and Sara said to Greg, "So I heard you lost your virginity" or something to that effect, pertaining to his first autopsy. :D The funny thing is when you place it on SMacked, my fic can actually happen on the show! Hahahahah!

I also know two people who left SMacked in favor of D/L -- much to my dismay. idk, they were former DnA enthusiasts too. Oh well. I know when a ship is sinking when I see one (Snickers, but hey -- I'm still a SNicker).
sadly I know at least four people who did... and I'm trying to get them back..pronto!
Ok, it's time to get off this subject. Everyone has a right to ship whoever they want and to change their mind about who they ship. Apparently some people can only ship one pairing. I could never abandon any of my ships. Even the ones that will never happen (like Flack/Aiden or Danny/Flack).

Just enjoy your ship and don't worry about who has left. ;)
I'm not abandoning my mothership :) (Smacked) It's actually the only ship i have in all 3 CSI. All my other ones sank. I've only got one left to live for.

However, i'm not against the idea of Stella/ long as it's not permanant. Just for a little while. Hawke is a nice guy, not to mention hot. So yeah, i'd like it if they hooked up for a bit. You have to admit they are kind of cute together.
And as bad as i'd like Smacked to get together, he just got dumped. It would be too soon and insensitive for him to hook up with someone else.

Also because Mac still has some unresolved issues. He needs closer from Claire.
I'd really hate it if he got together with Stella and did the same thing he did to Peyton. I never cared for her much but still that's still painful. He called her 'Claire'. Stella would have been hurt too if it was her in Peyton's place.

So, i want Mac to get some closer first and when his really ready, then he should make his move for Stella. I hope he doesn't take too long to swip her off her feet.
^Yeah, but if Mac called Stella "Claire", it would hurt but she would understand it more than Peyton.

From the get-go, I thought Mac still hasn't 100% let go of Claire. [maybe he won't until he lets go of that beach ball] But no matter what happens, Stella will always stay with him.
That's true. In the episode where Reed(Claire's son) thought Stella was Claire, Stella confused and shocked but not hurt. I'll bet you it was her idea for Mac and Reed to sit down and talk
I think Peyton understood why Mac called her Claire, cos it's obvious - the problem is something else - she wasn't hurt by calling her Claire, but by Mac wanted them to stay as a secret romance, and she can't accept it, cos she wants them to be a couple, just that

and Stell? well, maybe you're right, that she would be more understanding (perhaps cos she just knows him better...) and I still think, that Stell is simply waiting in hiding for Mac to be ready for relationship and when she comes to the conclusion that he is, she would move on - but only then, so she won't make such mistake as Peyton
Stella knew Mac and Claire I think in their good moments I guess no matter what ''their'' relationship is really now!lol :rolleyes: :lol:..She knows Mac loved his wife and her death was something really sudden ..Maybe they were even friends..I could see that :)..!..Anyway,hopefully we see some good moments between our ship in the next episodes! :p

CW, ,thanks for the picture!!that look in Mac's face is crazy!..
I just read all this and im happy that Mac and Peyton broke up but, it sounded really sad. That he called her Claire that he is still not over her.

I think peyton understood why he did, she looked upset in caps so i did fell sorry for her.

The picture is really sweet Mac looks so serious.

Im sure Stella would have understood if he called her claire and maybe would not have reacted the same way as peyton. As Stella has been with mac longer and could have stronger relationship and they seem to trust one another more. Also they have their hidden little moments of support and secretly love :D
I agree with all of you. Maybe Stella hadn't reacted the same way Peyton did, when he called her Claire 'cause she knows him better. But that hurts, although it wasn't something Mac had wished, I'm sure about it. The bad thing was the way he took her hand off his cheek, that was his mistake. Do you think Stella had reacted the same about the hand thing?, do you think Mac would want to hide his romance with her, if they had something?

eve I love your banner and icon. That muahahaha is so funny :lol: and :devil:
Hey, do you guys think that maybe Mac called Claire, "Stella"? If it did happen it was probably purely a mistake but that's still a pretty interesting thought. I just still wish he called Payless, "Stella" instead :p.
thanks CalleighWolfe :) new epi puts me in the mood to make it :D

jorja_fan86 said:
I just still wish he called Payless, "Stella" instead :p.

that would be priceless... ;)
jeeeez my ship is more alive than whenever :D
*hugs Eve* Yay your back :D! I was wondering when the was gonna happen. Oh, and your new icon rocks, especially the photo of Stella you posted after the laugh :lol:.

Do you guys think Mac will tell Stella that him are Payless are over? I'm still not 100% sure if she knows so I think he probably won't. Plus, I'm sure she'll find out on her own 'cause Mac will probably act differently & she'll probably approach him & ask what's bothering him. Hopefully he'll be honest.
jorja_fan86 said:
*hugs Eve* Yay your back :D! I was wondering when the was gonna happen. Oh, and your new icon rocks, especially the photo of Stella you posted after the laugh :lol:.

yes, I am :* nice to see you again, Jorja :) I was quite busy, but never forget about you, guys, and about CSI of course :]
I love that pic of Stella - she's got the sweetest cocky look :)

I think that Stell didn't know about Peyton and Mac, cos he wants their relation to be a secret... ech, now just Stell left for him - what a shame :lol:
but seriously it's funny thing - when I finaly manage to tolerate Payton and not to growl at the very sight of her, she's already gone :p
I mean, I like her - her english accent and freckles... but c'mon, she's not for Mac :devil:
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