Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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jorja_fan86 said:
Hmmm....I think Stella worries more if Mac doen't say anything to her then if he was to act weird around her. When it comes to him she relies best on communication to see how he's feeling. An example would be in The Closer when she suprised him in his regular coffee shop. I mean, she could've waited to see him at the office or at work the next day but she was really concerned & needed to know right away how he was. Now that too me is true love. If only Mac could express his feelings in a better way...

True. I based my Smacker fic on that communication that they have. For others, it's normal that Mac keeps to himself but with Stella, silence tells another thing.
Mel23 said:
ROFL! I love the way you all think. :devil: Hey maybe the clues we leave can be ties and olive oil lol

jesus christ u guys are obsessed with olive oil!!!.....but i like the ties part so long as there macs lol

hmmmm.......i wounder what mac would do if he woke up in an abondoned wherehouse tied to a chair with no clothes on and no idea where he is??
how do think stella would react to seeing mac naked for the first time????
ohh.....the questions???:devil:
*drool, melt* you should write some fanfics :) Except they'd be too risque to post here coming from this crowd lol.
hell yea ill tell you what ill devulge in some fan fics post em on my site and send the link in!!!
how smart am i !!
i shoulda bin a csi!!
ok guys i just had the worst thought in the world! you know the new girl comin? What if they put mac and her together!


Actually, seeing that shes actually leaving it could allow for a great smacked moment.

picture this

mac is his own oblivious self ( if he cant read stellas signs he must be)

new girl trys to come on to him

stella sees through glass doors

when stella runs off she misses mac push new girl away

stella confronts mac confesses love... blah blah blah

just a thought :)
^ You're in Greece :eek:? Where are you right now? Wow, if I knew earlier I would've told you where you could go. *is jealous*.

I agree, I think Stella seeing that new girl go after Mac would open her eyes and make her confess her feelings. I mean, seeing what happened with Frankie probably made Mac realize that he would have to act soon otherwise he could lose her to another guy. They realize that they have feelings for one another but they just don't know how to act upon it.
^She's a little jealous.

If a new girl would go after Mac, I think Stella would kick her a$$ without a worry. Stella could take her.. She's got nothing on her! :lol:

And we are not obsessed!.. {looks around} Much..
Hi y'all! **Moriel steps in and waves enthusiastically!** I've been a bad shipper here I know...sorry! :D So we're talking about the new girl flirting with Mac? Uh-uh!
Stella would SOOO kick new girl's ass! Not that I think Stella has much to worry about...Mac is way too in love with her! Did you see how worried he was in "All Access"! Clearly he is a man in love...clearly! I love these two...they are so cute together...they are like the storybook best friends who don't "see" eachother for the longest time, and then one day wake up and realize they are desperately in love with eachother! :D Can't wait to see that day! :lol: ;)
And we are not obsessed!.. {looks around} Much..
Lol, um yeah...nope, we're not obsessed...uh-uh...never!
**Riiiiiiiiiggghhhhtttt! Heehee!**
:lol: Yes, we're all perfectly normal. *shifty eyes*

Stella & Mac remind me of those couples who know they're head over heels with each other but all these obstacles come up, such a work & boyfriends. Because all those obstacles interfere with their love they gain a fear of admitting how they feel because they know something can come and ruin their relationship anytime at any point. They figure it's best to play it safe and let nature play its course before they get romantic. Since they both got so hurt(Mac & Claire, Stella & Frankie) they want to play it safe before they get hurt. I'm guessing that won't happen but their hearts can only take so much.
we're normal?!?.. oh right, we're normal.

"arasanob" .. Wait? Wasn't that site, "bad"? Cause I thought Stella was pissed about it?

I think their going slow, both afraid of being hurt again, but I think they know they have a great chemistry going on between them, and its really cute.
Yeah, if love was easy then everyone would be in a relationship right now. However, what you want and what fate has to offer are two different completly different things. I know Mac & Stella will end up together but it'll take longer then we & they want. Plus, it's best to get together when they're back to normal and ready to love again. How much would it suck if they hooked up but they were miserable because of their past love lives? I say for them wait and be happy instead of rushing just for the sake of being together. It'll be for the best.
It was Stella and Frankie going at it in bed. I think she'd show it to him to get it taken down but I don't think he'd much like it, anymore than she would.
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