Mac & Stella #5: Tie Me To The Hood, Baby

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I wonder when it'll get updated again...the author is a good one, but with fics like that I knew I should wait unti it was finished LOL. I hate cliffhangers!

Check that, I love writing them, I just hate getting them lol.
I've been trying to but my comp hasn't cooperated for a poor beta, Crsythala, keeps having to wait and wait and I feel bad. But now that it's fixed, I should be able to get back to it. And the other idea I had.

'Course anyone who's in the Blood/Water RP will see that when we get to it, the angst will go up a few notches there. I love being evil to my chars as long as they have someone to cuddle up with and kiss them better afterward :)

:lol: This photo is awesome! Not only is Stella checking out Mac's ass but she's shining her flashlight on it too. Distracted much :devil:?
lol definately!

She's probably thinking "I can't wait to get those pants off him and some olive oil on him!"
*face palm* Dude, how could I forget to post the infamous olive oil photo in this thread? Well, here it is:


Did you know that Greek olive oil is all natural :devil:?
Mac and Stella are probably that olive oil company best customers. Little do those guys back in Greece know that those two aren't using those bottles for cooking :devil:.
chaostheory08 said:
Lol, imagine it's Mac and Stella trapped in that panic room instead of Danny. There's a big bed in that room and it looked pretty big when Danny flopped on it.... alone.

iheartnickcath -- yeah, before Dean Winters (Cassidy) exited the show, they showed that he and Benson had one night. [OT: L&O SVU]

hah! I was actually thinking that before the epsiode aired. What if it had been Stella in there?

and hee! about Benson and Cassidy. It was amusing that he was like, "that was amazing" and she was all "don't get used to it". :lol: oh what i wouldn't give to see that between Mac and Stella.

saw the finale the other day, and just... awwwwwww.
midnight_tiptoes said:
iheartnickcath said:
Whats Sub Zero? *looks confused* I should know this, but I don't know this..

It's a great M/S UST fic that puts Stella in danger, but avoids every single cliché out there. You can find it here:

It's a lot like watching an episode! Actually, it's probably better than season 2, and much more interesting than the whole Frankie fiasco. Poor Mac. I wanna give him a hug.

i haven't seen it before so i read that last night all the 4 really go0d..fanfiction has a lot of MS fics and this is reeeeeeally good for us! :lol:
Where are you all, you bunch of slackers? :) We need postage, people hehe.

To stay on topic, oh yeah, that'd have made a fun trapped :D
*wonders if Mac and Stella would try the Robospanker*
Haha, nice one on the spanker idea. I just can't wait to see more M/S moments in the third season, its going to be brilliant, and they are working the first case together!!!!
I don't think they really need a robospanker unless they get tired :lol:. I mean, I'm sure Stella is Mac's personal "robo" spanker :devil:.
*emily's getting ready to pimp her own challenge*

hi guys! i posted a fanfic challenge on the board, and one of the options for pairings is Mac/ if you guys are interested...check it out here.

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