Mac/Stella #13 -Office sex just waiting to happen...

What should Mac/Stella #13 be called?

  • Office sex just waiting to happen...

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • 'Cause Mac has a room mate!

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 'Cause loosing her is never an option!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 'Cause a catfight can only increase their fire!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Making it Official.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heated Arguments Set off Fireworks!

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 'Cause Their Kids Will Be Gorgeous.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • They are destined to be forever.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause their love is the real thing.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 'Cause their love can stop the fear

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey Smacked Family: The 100th episode is finally here!
I notice a lot of people are getting sick, everyone feel better the winter is just beginning :(

Stella would look amazing in white! We should get front row seats! I am so excited I read Melina is going to write an episode for the series. :)
Update: I just watched the episode.... :mad::mad::mad::mad:
I am just at a loss for words, they are really trying to make Mac and that she-nit together. Stella and Mac had a cute subtle moment when they're like, it makes you appreciate the people you care about, but then he asked the she-nit out :mad: And then he said, a look back...nice? :wtf::wtf::wtf:

everything was i'll try to ignore the last scene... :shifty: ignore the last scene *head desk* that was so weird though.. after having this cool scene about care.. it ends like that? :scream: what is this lady doin'? looks like another angst to our love story guys...


anyway, Hi Aspirine. Yes, i am a ff writer.. just taking a break :p

Debbie, of course you know i'll come back here... even if i vanish :guffaw:

any thoughts on the eppie and this "arc"?
Get ready to terminate the "SHE NIT"!!! Then they are trying to put Adam and Stella together talk about ruining good relationships!!
And your going to tell me that Mac really just isnt interested in Stella? If they think we are just going to FORGET that there is already a relationship called SMACK it aint a gonna happen. Barf bag Debbie please! Another one of those cruddy endings. Apparently THIS one cant make coffee either because they just buy it all the time. I dont know about you guys but I am tired of waiting, they need to get new writers! How disgusting!!!
*Sighs*.. I have to take a break and I'll rant all I want about this episode 3 hours later. :lol: I really have no comment about this episode since the end of the scene really makes me vomits blood. My barf bag is full of blood. I'm glad I stored them. :lol: SERIOUSLY!

anyway, Hi Aspirine. Yes, i am a ff writer.. just taking a break :p

Oh, *Waves*. Love your stories. I've read them before. :)

Take Care - Asprine. Will upload clips soon.
Update: I just watched the episode.... :mad::mad::mad::mad:
I am just at a loss for words, they are really trying to make Mac and that she-nit together. Stella and Mac had a cute subtle moment when they're like, it makes you appreciate the people you care about, but then he asked the she-nit out :mad: And then he said, a look back...nice? :wtf::wtf::wtf:


:scream: slaps head in frustration...are you kidding me!:brickwall:
Welcome texmex327 to Mac/Stella thread! Hope to see you more often here. And hope you have fun in here. :)

I'm going to buy lots lots lots of insecticide! :lol: What is coming? :scream::scream::scream: Like Lori said, DISGUSTING!!! Like I said, EVIL!!! DESPICABLE!

*Sighs*.. I have to take a break and I'll rant all I want about this episode 3 hours later. :lol: I really have no comment about this episode since the end of the scene really makes me vomits blood. My barf bag is full of blood. I'm glad I stored them. :lol: SERIOUSLY!

anyway, Hi Aspirine. Yes, i am a ff writer.. just taking a break :p
Oh, *Waves*. Love your stories. I've read them before. :)
i have no idea how to even start the rant on this because it's:

-annoying :shifty:

ugh, she just pops out like that and gets Macky's attention? Stella should buy him a pot and extra coffee beans if that's his thing :guffaw:

Aspirine, oh lol thanks. It's not that good but thanks for reading them :thumbsup: very nice meetin' ya? (did i say that already? lol i lost track.. i blame the new woman -i refuse to say her name...)
have no idea how to even start the rant on this because it's:

-annoying :shifty:
Yeah.. That's why I need time to think how should I rant.. :lol: I totally agree with you it's annoying and most probably irritating! I can't believe that just happened like that! Like you said, she came out from no where and took Mac's attention. :scream:

Seriously, nice to meet you too. You just said that, don't worry. ;) You can call her "SHE-NIT". It's what our brilliant Dear Lorii created for her.

Take Care - Asprine
lol, i probably should think first before i rant too.. i'm too emotional for rants right now :lol: i apologize if i sounded immature :borg:

:hugegrin: i see you alot around here *and ff* and so now im like, i finally get to meet you :lol: A "she-nit"? intriguing.. where did it come from? :guffaw:btw, your siggy made me laugh

Added: is it me or
had only a couple of scenes unlike red head lady and mayor lady who had like twice more compared? it's an icky way to add a new character... is she just a guest? peyton *yes i acknowledge her more than Jane :p* was a "real" partner and look at her scenes compared with "she-nit" ... is it just me or it's lacking?
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Please this was such a cheap shot to get this new character introduced. And that wasn't regular Mac behaviour either(unless with Stella). It's like they wanted to just mesh them together as a couple already! Common he wasn't even like that with Peyton.... Please stupid coffee plot! Stella doesn't need a machine she just walks in the room. Pft. EW "A look back" by the insect that just planted larvae. LOL!!!!!!
I don't think they're gonna put Adam and Stella together as a couple. I think they're just gonna have them be like a mentor/student type relationship... but with him flirting with her like Sara/Greg on Vegas. They already have two relationships amongst the group. D/L and Flack/Angell (yes, I consider Angell part of the team). And I highly doubt they'd do another this soon (unless it was Smacked).

As for Mac and the new lady.... well, I thought him saying "she looked back... nice" was funny in its own right, but... When he asked her out, I wanted to scream, "No, Mac! You're only supposed to ask Stella out!" :lol:

Queenie HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear!!!!!!! Te deseo todo lo mejor en este nuevo año y que sea el primer año de lo más bello de tu vida!!!!!!! FELIZ CUMPLE! :D

Before i vomit in front of my screen could you explain me what the heck happened? Definitely WE ARE AT WAR and it's a one i don't think to loose

Did i mention TPTB SUCK?????????????????????:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Debbie :klingon::klingon:

ps: See? Trust my insticts. I KNEW the SHE NIT was going to be a BIG BUG!:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
calm down Debbie :lol: BP might go up, we need you here :p

does anyone know whats next with this and her?
Welcome TexMex to the Smacked Family!!!! we are on a sinking boat right now but if you join us we will fight together to keep our ship alive!

MJ!:lol: My next step is to hang them up! All of them! LIONS! LIONS! Attack the Evil PEOPLE!. No! Wait! you will suffer an indigestion, poor cats!

Did i understand wrong? Did he ask the NIT out??????????????????

Seriously i need to vomit

Adam and Stella??????? They better don't dare to go there! and i hope Sam will be in their path! (Stella you really need some help if you ever consider to date so young guy!)

I'm very VERY VERY PI****** off with TPTB, with Mac, with Stella and of course with this annoying BUG!

Debbie :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream: :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:
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