Mac/Stella #13 -Office sex just waiting to happen...

What should Mac/Stella #13 be called?

  • Office sex just waiting to happen...

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • 'Cause Mac has a room mate!

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 'Cause loosing her is never an option!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 'Cause a catfight can only increase their fire!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Making it Official.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heated Arguments Set off Fireworks!

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 'Cause Their Kids Will Be Gorgeous.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • They are destined to be forever.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause their love is the real thing.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 'Cause their love can stop the fear

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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hi smacked family!!!!!!!**HUGS**** havent popped in here in a while,been busy,judging by the comments i have read in here the she-nit finally made an apperance?eww...i think i will skip this epi,i'll just end up being sad and then prolly go out and hunt mac down and make him see that the woman he wants is just right in front of him!GGGRRRR mac,seriously son,enough of this crap.we need smacked now!
Yes, Mac's last line in that episode was SO OOC. I can't understand what the writers do with relationships. They messed up D/L, now they're going to make Mac a playa? Ohhhkey. :guffaw:

yeah i guess so.imagine that.mac a playa LOL

and asprine,my dear!love ur new signature!!it cracked me up !!ummm,do we need house ??the puking blood sounds serious lol ***goes and kidnaps house from fox**
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I think people want it but once they get it it’s not exciting anymore. I’ll never say never but I don’t think that’s a primary goal. They have a bizarre family-brother-sister-but-not relationship. I don’t think they’d want to put them together for good."

Did you really remember when an actor said that they are a possible relationship between two caracter before they really begin to flirt together. Look Calleight and Eric. Now it's clearly sure that they are something since the two last season. But look the first season interview. They all said "no they are only brother-sister relationship". But now thy say "yes it's really tense between us. They are somethink more but don't know how act with their feeling..." Look Mulder and Scully. The first season it's only ", no they are only co work and friends...."
Before really flirt between us actor can't say what happen. They don't know when writer wiil be ready for more.... And can't say somethink if a real relationship or a open flirt is for really soon. If she say "yes they are in love" and writer will begin to put together only in four years. It'll be really absurde. Look CSI the first season their are many scene between C/G. Actor said their was something different between us. And look now. G are with S.
I think we just wait more time. They know fan love this couple and wait for this. I'm sure we will hav great scene in next episode (11...) but I think we will wait again for more. And for me it's not too bad. Sure it's great but I really want to see many scene between us and many subtile scene like Stella on his desk.... and after many flirt scene before a real relationship because the scene like that is just so great. Look when two peolple are finally in couple their story are not really great. (look GSR and D/L). I prefer wait again and have a great relationship and couple story that have in couple now and see two have many problem "I love but I go, I love you but can't speak to you, I have a problem with you...."

So i have faith....It's not too bad after all....
Lilou, you're right... Thanks for that. I'm sooo sad when I read that interview last night. If it's years ago, I won't but that is the latest interview? *Sighs*. Now I really have to stay positive. *Crosses fingers* What is coming will be good.

What Melina said is true. About it's not exciting part.. But it's not that bad after all. We might even love it when they start to love each other. I mean as in when they get together. Look, we wanted them to have a great wedding and have kids right? We've been planning that since a long time. Well, not going to say much. :lol: Whatever the outcome is, I'll accept it with an open heart. And! DON'T YOU WRITERS SEPARATE Mac/Stella.

and asprine,my dear!love ur new signature!!it cracked me up !!ummm,do we need house ??the puking blood sounds serious lol ***goes and kidnaps house from fox**

Dear Scheriinh,

*Runs up to hug you tightly*! Welcome back! :) Thank you, dear. Yeah.. I've been puking bloods since I know that SHE-NIT came invading the kingdom of Mac/Stella/SMacked. And I don't know what she gives Mac that makes him get attracted to her. I needed house and Cuddy!! Oh~ He's hilarious. He haven't dated Cuddy yet! :lol:

Debbieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, where are youuuuu? :)

*hugs* To everyone. Take Care :D
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Well hopefully the writers have something in store for these two because they are so made for each other, they just don't know it yet. :rolleyes:
Heyaaaaa.. So fast we're reaching 861 posts already. *YAY!* We're going 14th thread. I'm soooo happy about this.

Steph, be ready to open the new thread? :adore: We're going fast! :scream::scream:

Well hopefully the writers have something in store for these two because they are so made for each other, they just don't know it yet. :rolleyes:

I have this sense that told me the writers and the actors/actress are hiding something from us. Maybe they knew this Mac/Stella relationship would be a "BIG DISCOVERY" to be revealed, they decided to hide it? And they use the SHE-NIT to tease us. :lol: Okay.. I'm still being obstinate on the positive side here.

Looks like we're going to have Suggestion of titles for 14th Mac/Stella thread soon. It's going to be interesting. I'm not joining but I love reading and voting. :D It's really great!
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A lot of actors always state that the characters share brother-sister relationships but I love how she said "I’ll never say never". Even she knows they're going to probably announce their love for each other. I hope we still get subtle scenes this season, I'll get fustrated because it looks like everyone is getting a relationship...but not smacked. It won't be good for the show if everyone is dating, we'll be like bleh.

AND I must express an "EW" to the She nit again. I couldn't contain myself. :guffaw:
AND I must express an "EW" to the She nit again. I couldn't contain myself. :guffaw:

*Waves* to CSI_fan01. Hmm, I've been ewwwing at SHE-NIT since her first appearance. My friends who doesn't ship SMacked also ewww at her. :lol:

"I’ll never say never".

EXACTLY! She's hiding something from us! All of them are! :lol: This is just my senses.
AND I must express an "EW" to the She nit again. I couldn't contain myself. :guffaw:
*Waves* to CSI_fan01. Hmm, I've been ewwwing at SHE-NIT since her first appearance. My friends who doesn't ship SMacked also ewww at her. :lol:

"I’ll never say never".

EXACTLY! She's hiding something from us! All of them are! :lol: This is just my senses.

They do it to torture us. Damn them :angryrazz:
Dear Texmex, *waves*. Calm down, dear. But you're 100% right. They love to torture and tease us. I'm sure they'll give us something great and wonderful soon.

You also love to hear Nickelback's song? :adore: I'm in love with Gotta Be Somebody. Okay.. I'm out of topic but that song really does pointing to Mac/Stella. :) Ah~!! I'm hearing it now. *Faints*
Dear Texmex, *waves*. Calm down, dear. But you're 100% right. They love to torture and tease us. I'm sure they'll give us something great and wonderful soon.

You also love to hear Nickelback's song? :adore: I'm in love with Gotta Be Somebody. Okay.. I'm out of topic but that song really does pointing to Mac/Stella. :) Ah~!! I'm hearing it now. *Faints*

*waves back*
Hi Asprine, I know. I just can't help but to get worked up about these things.

I love that song, its my favorite. I just haven't had a chance to go buy the new CD yet.
*waves back*
Hi Asprine, I know. I just can't help but to get worked up about these things.

I love that song, its my favorite. I just haven't had a chance to go buy the new CD yet.

Hmm, sometimes, I also did get worked up about these things. They are just soooo clueless about it. Like I said, Spoilers and spoiler pictures only that sounds promising. Everything is different when the episode airs.

Hmm, the new album? I'm going to have my head explode if I keep hearing them but I like the songs. :guffaw:
*waves back*
Hi Asprine, I know. I just can't help but to get worked up about these things.

I love that song, its my favorite. I just haven't had a chance to go buy the new CD yet.
Hmm, sometimes, I also did get worked up about these things. They are just soooo clueless about it. Like I said, Spoilers and spoiler pictures only that sounds promising. Everything is different when the episode airs.

Hmm, the new album? I'm going to have my head explode if I keep hearing them but I like the songs. :guffaw:
Thanks goodness its just television. I want my TV relationships to be happy, they give me hope :lol:
Smacked fans, I don't think we can beat this current thread title lol! How are we going to top this one? Suggestions?

And does anyone know for sure if the she-nit is staying? It doesn't state on her imdb page.
"She can't stop their love" lol... I borrowed that from House when he told Cuddy "You can't stop our love"

I hope that the SHE NIT gets killed off in the line of duty. Comfort between Mac and Stella. Does anyone else see the possibilities?
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