Mac/Stella #13 -Office sex just waiting to happen...

What should Mac/Stella #13 be called?

  • Office sex just waiting to happen...

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • 'Cause Mac has a room mate!

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 'Cause loosing her is never an option!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 'Cause a catfight can only increase their fire!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Making it Official.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heated Arguments Set off Fireworks!

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 'Cause Their Kids Will Be Gorgeous.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • They are destined to be forever.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause their love is the real thing.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 'Cause their love can stop the fear

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Hey SMACked family! IT'S FRIDAY! I have no clue why I'm so excited. Nothing good is on Fridays :(:(

andunesilme said:
The TPTB should let fans write all the OOC-scenes, 'cause their writers really don't know a thing about ooc :D Some ooc scenes are enjoyable (especially in fanfics), but this Mac-NIT thing was just *awful* :mad: :censored: haha, I could say that i'm sometimes ooc-fan :lol:

I am also a sometimes OOC fan too. Usually when it's not too OOC though:)

Asprine said:
Dear Loriiiii, THAT WAS INTERESTING! I mean it sounds wonderful. I wonder what is really coming. Mac coming to the rescue? Oh~ I love it! Stella's Knight in Shining Armour coming to the rescue! :adore: << Quoted from some fictions. :D

OMG! I think we've been reading the same fan fictions! I remember that line from one I read called "Again" on

just hugs to all of you. My pet (My doggy Wandy) passed away and im not very well but reading you confort me a lot. Thanks to all

I'm very sorry to hear about your dog. My hopes and prayers are with you.

Well that's all I got to say right now. Hope you guys have a good weekend.

OMG! I think we've been reading the same fan fictions! I remember that line from one I read called "Again" on

Yeah.. Maja wrote it.. :lol: It was a great story. Quite hilarious sometimes but it was lovely, full of Mac/Stella moments. :adore:

Hey SMACked family! IT'S FRIDAY! I have no clue why I'm so excited. Nothing good is on Fridays :(

It's early morning Saturday here. :lol: Busy weekends. :( Hope you have a nice weekend too. :)
Hey SMACked fans, it's been a while. I've been sick. So sick I missed the episode :eek: But I did manage to catch it online.

I watched all but the ending... I have the episode cued up just for that.

As for this new 'love interest' for Mac. I saw NOTHING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING between Mac and this new woman. I even forgot her title.
He had more chemistry with... PEYTON! :wtf: :eek: than with her and that's saying something. :rolleyes:

I mean how can Mac be in a relationship with anyone else when he says this to Stella...

Mac: Mac Taylor.
Stella: Hey, it's me
Mac: How's David Oka?
Stella: He's at County in surgery. He's in critical condition. Mac, I don't know if he's going to make it. You know, this doesn't justify what he did, but he loved her.
Mac: Yeah, makes you think to make the most of the moments with the people you care about.
Stella: Absolutely. See you tomorrow.
Mac: Yeah

I mean how can they NOT be together with a convo like that????
Thanks for the correct conversation. :lol: It was Gillian something. I don't know what's the thing :D.

Heya.. AnJ.. Where are you? :)
Queenie HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear!!!!!!! Te deseo todo lo mejor en este nuevo año y que sea el primer año de lo más bello de tu vida!!!!!!! FELIZ CUMPLE! :D

I have no idea what you just said but...thank you! :lol: Okay I do understand that english part and few words of spanish but that's pretty much it. :lol:

Thank you all for your birthday wishes. You were all very sweet. :)

Okay so back to the topic...
Something about this latest episode...
I think it was interesting and quite good actually. I think it would've been perfect know what.
I loved all the scenes between Mac & Stella. I'm glad we got so many. And that last scene was sooooo cute! I really loved that. Such a sweet scene between those two. Stella sounded so sweet when she said "Hey,it's me." and Mac's line "Yeah,makes you think. Should make the most of the moments you share with people you care about." or something like that. You better remember that Mac boy. ;)
But then the very last scene...:scream: I'm not going to waste my breath. But that was DEFINATELY not our Mac!
I'm sure that would've never happend if they didn't "bump" into each others like that. I'm sure our Mac just had his weak moment. :rolleyes:

And that scene between Stella and Adam. That was cute too. I don't think Stella is into she's into Mac. ;) But the scene was sweet and I think Melina looked soooo beautiful! I loved how they laughed together and her "Trust me,that's enough." line was funny.

Aaaanywho...I'm not THAT upset about this episode as I thought I would be.Maybe it's because of those cute scenes between Mac & Stella. :adore:
I don't think I'll watch it. And I swear I might just give up on all the CSIs if it turns into some like love triangle that is stretched out for so long... I don't really care about the epi from what I've read...

Happy Birthday Queenie!
Happy birthday Queenie!

just hugs to all of you. My pet (My doggy Wandy) passed away and im not very well but reading you confort me a lot. Thanks to all

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. *hugs* Don't worry, you have all our hopes and prayers.

There are over 20 Mac Taylors but there's only 1 Stella Bonasera. If he doesn't act soon, she could find another "Mac" but he'll never find another "Stella".

You hit the nail on the head! *pokes Mac this time* I don't know what you're waiting for, but there's a Greek goddess who is about to go Rambo on the other women's asses unless you make a move! Oh, can I make a suggestion? Realistically, you'd initiate a hug, but why not go farther and kiss her? Lord knows we're dying to see that...
A follow up on my last post, can you imagine a soaking wet stella and the shocked look on her face after surfacing after being pushed into the pool by Mac? :devil:

Both the left and right gutters are glowing streams of blue and red light. :devil:
Yeah this new woman like she came on so forced like "OKAY BUY ME A COFFEE" and Mac's like're not Stella? Like Stella would be like "Mac, buy me coffee." "Only if we go out tonight." "We are going out tonight, you silly!" Yeah Axatullux that would be such a cool scene, like I don't think Mac would control himself...hahahah!
I see its been pretty busy since I was last sorry for the late reactions :)

GAHH!!!! THE SHE NIT.:scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

grrrrr....(I feel the assassination plan must take place soon)

Though, at the moment, she just seems like a waste of a character. Why can't they bring in a new person without them being a love interest for an existing character? Is it THAT difficult to keep them single?
i found an interview with melina. thought it could be interesting, theres one question to a possible mac/stella-relationship. i dunno but it doesn´t really make me optimistic:(:

"Will Stella and Mac ever have a romantic relationship?

I think people want it but once they get it it’s not exciting anymore. I’ll never say never but I don’t think that’s a primary goal. They have a bizarre family-brother-sister-but-not relationship. I don’t think they’d want to put them together for good."

the good thing is, that she knows that people want them to be together and that she mentions the special friendship between them. but her last comment to this subject makes me wanna scream:scream:.
But i stick to it, someday they will have a romantic realtionship!!!!!!!!! and nobody will talk myself out of it (does this expression exsist?)

but it´s great to hear that she likes gary so much and that he was one of the main reasons to take the stella-role.

here´s the whole interview:
I think people want it but once they get it it’s not exciting anymore. I’ll never say never but I don’t think that’s a primary goal. They have a bizarre family-brother-sister-but-not relationship. I don’t think they’d want to put them together for good."

Jimenez: Thanks for the interview! I think the relationship is somthing they can not put off for much longer and this interview proves it. They know the people want it, and they CAN write it as exciting, they are GOOD writers! We already know its NOT the primary goal because there is more to the show and NEW YORK is the star as they say, that and the stories.But there are so many Mac Stella fans and you know THEY know it by the way they write thier relationship, that and the fact the characters and Actors have so much chemistry it IS bizarre to pretend otherwise and as for not wanting to put them together for good they may not have a choice because the brother and sister thing "I ainta buyin it honey!! But I will say this: That was some very impressive tap steppin on Melinas part!!

Debbie: What can I say but I am so very sorry for the loss of your pet. That seems to be happening alot hear lately. I have an older Golden retriever we adopted two years ago because he needed a home. He is the love of my life. He has health issues but is still hanging on. I hope your heart is lighter soon.
Hey everyone I feel like I hevn't been in here in's been a really busy week.
Happy belated birthday Quennie and welcome to all our new members...
I watched the new ep yesterday and I think it was pretty good except for the last scene. I loved the conversation on the phone...I was like 'Whoa...they really sound like a couple' especially the 'It's me part.'
When Mac said the 'she looked back..' *whatever* it really seemed posed and as he didn't mean it. I hope he just asked her out because he felt bad for being rude to her earlier in the I'm optimistic....even if they aren't together ...something HAS changed...Their conversation showed me that :)
Maybe it's just because of the great chemistry the actors have...but even friendship can chnage in a way..not into love but in a other way..that's what I see in Stella and Mac's relationship.
Although I really like Flack/Angell I'm a little bit pissy about their relationship because uep are using msacked screentime..and next week we won't have any scenes because of D/L :scream:
but still I'm remaining optimistic :)
Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been around for a few days, like you know, Thursday's and Friday's are always very busy for me. ;) Well, I've seen the new ep, and I really liked it, well except for the final scene... I don't want Mac getting cosy with her... His phone call to Stella previously was sooo cute. :adore: We need more scenes like that, I especially loved when he said about spending time with the one who he loved, that was so cute. :adore: I thought they were thinking about eachother until the next scene... Well, I'm going to keep my thoughts, they were much better. ;) Overall, I quite liked the ep, one of the better ones of the season... I'm still holding out optomism... :)

Hope you're all well. *Big hugs all around*

P.S. Happy belated birthday Queenie, hope you had a great day. *Hugs*
Yes, Mac's last line in that episode was SO OOC. I can't understand what the writers do with relationships. They messed up D/L, now they're going to make Mac a playa? Ohhhkey. :guffaw:
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