Mac/Stella #13 -Office sex just waiting to happen...

What should Mac/Stella #13 be called?

  • Office sex just waiting to happen...

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • 'Cause Mac has a room mate!

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 'Cause loosing her is never an option!

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 'Cause a catfight can only increase their fire!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Making it Official.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heated Arguments Set off Fireworks!

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • 'Cause Their Kids Will Be Gorgeous.

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • They are destined to be forever.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 'Cause their love is the real thing.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 'Cause their love can stop the fear

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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That last Mac/NIT scene :eek::eek: :scream::scream: I hadn't yet started to watch last eppy, but I needed to know what interesting happened in this ep, and now I'm just: :wtf: If I thought that Flach/Angell-scene from 'Dead Inside' was out of the blue, now I think Mac's reaction to NIT turning and looking back was waaaaay even more out of the blue, and the Flangell-scene was absolutely nothing compared to this. Are TPTB trying to find out how many watchers they can loose if they show weird final scenes like in the past two eps?!

The TPTB should let fans write all the OOC-scenes, 'cause their writers really don't know a thing about ooc :D Some ooc scenes are enjoyable (especially in fanfics), but this Mac-NIT thing was just *awful* :mad: :censored: haha, I could say that i'm sometimes ooc-fan :lol:
The phone scene was absolutely amazing. It's got some insane premonition. At least I hope:):):)

Goes with my theory: Stella is going to get in trouble with the Greek guy and Mac is going to come to the rescue! I have been thinking this ever since the Greek guy came into the picture!
Goes with my theory: Stella is going to get in trouble with the Greek guy and Mac is going to come to the rescue! I have been thinking this ever since the Greek guy came into the picture!
Dear Loriiiii, THAT WAS INTERESTING! I mean it sounds wonderful. I wonder what is really coming. Mac coming to the rescue? Oh~ I love it! Stella's Knight in Shining Armour coming to the rescue! :adore: << Quoted from some fictions. :D

I just brought my niece and nephew to watch Madagascar 2. There's this Giraffe who always have loved this Hippo but he never confessed his feelings to the Hippo. Until one day when the Hippo went for a date with another "Guy Hippo".. It was a lovely love story between them. :adore: Hilarious too!

I could say that i'm sometimes ooc-fan :lol:

Don't worry. I'm sure there's lots of people out there are OOC-fan too. :D Hope you do have fun in this thread!
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Asprine...Love the new signature.
Thank you, texmex. I'm glad you loved them.

Hellooo, it's late night here. I brought some pictures from 5.08. :) Here you goooo.. :D Exchanging glances.. :adore:



I have to continue my sleep. Take Care - Asprine :) *Hugs to everyone!
Those pictures make me imagine what if Stella was pushed into the pool by Mac or just happened to stumble at the edge and fall in by accident. :drool:

Can you imagine a pissed off Stella with a sneer on her face as she climbs out of the pool and wanting to smack Mac silly. :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Hi Smacked Family:)
i suddenly got the urge to push Mac and Stella out in the pool:D:lol:
Those pictures make me imagine what if Stella was pushed into the pool by Mac or just happened to stumble at the edge and fall in by accident. :drool:
i see im not the only one with a thought like that:lol::D
Its a damn shame she didn't get to see him while he was in the pool:drool:
yeah it's damn a shame that she didn't see him while he was in the pool, but it might be for her own good, she might not have manage to control herself:devil::D
Aw dear!:( Studying everybody's reaction to this episode (From Smacked family members i mean) i know that last scene will be TOTALLY SILLY!:scream:
Debbie, yeah that last scene was soo stupid and OOC of Mac, after that scene my dad walked behind me and well he thought it might be fun to tickle me and well i was piss of that scene and i hit my dad:lol: wrong moment to tickle me:lol:
And Debbie, hope your pet are okey now:)
axel, thanks for that link:) you could se that Melina and Gary have a great friendship:)
I watched the clips with Mac and Gillian. I do think Mac is rather cute when he asks her for coffee and then is pleased she looks back, it is nice to see him maybe taking the first step in a relationship. But that scene should have been with Stella instead, especially after that phone conversation!

I don't hate Gillian yet, not from a Smacked pov. She is just a temporary character - there for only 3 eps. If Peyton and Frankie couldn't sink the Smacked ship, Gillian won't either.

I think EP are trying to make CSI NY 'hot' and 'cool' by having 'danger!' storylines, 'cool' guest stars, and characters hooking up (Flack/Angell, supposedly Stella and the Fireman,
D/L and Rikki possibly returning = they maybe will talk about her and D hooking up before. Possibly also Stella and someone else. And I've read spoilers about Hawkes and an ex-girlfriend.
. So they need to put Mac with someone. They don't want to put him with Stella yet (because they are evil, and also, like someone said, possibly dragging it out, like they did Eric/Calleigh or Grissom/Sara) and so they needed a lady for Mac. Enter Gillian.

I love those lyrics someone posted about broken roads leading to true love etc . I think they're perfect for Mac/Stella. Gillian will be a broken road.

Debbie, try not to let EP get you down. They dished out 2 seasons of hardly any Smacked in s2 and s3, right? But the ship still floats! Never give up hope!

Hehe, I think your shark looks kinda cute - because he is a Smacked shark, who only eats EP. He looks kinda evil, too though, so he's 'evil-cute'. He looks hungry, too, do you think he'd like a bit of Pam or Peter?:devil:

You are welcome for the list, guys, I enjoyed doing it and it calmed me down too. But I cannot believe I forgot the bit about Mac offering Stella a room! Gaaaaaaah! *slaps head* Please don't feed me to the sharks!
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Hi, I haven't been on this thread in a while and I'm actually doing this on my phone right now so I hope it works.

I just wanted to say how upset I was with how they ended this past episode. After Stella or Mac I forget who, said the line about spending time with the people you care about (or however it was said) I was hoping for the two of them to spend time together. :( no such luck.

Oh well, maybe we'll get more Mac/Stella later in the season. :)
Hey'a Family :D

Axel, thanks for the clip. It's so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it describes how deeply is the realtionship between Gary and Melina as friends :D Love the reference to Season 1 when Melina hit her head with the ceiling because of something Gary said as a joke:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Asprine---> love your clips and your birthday PM. Thanks my dear. I highly appreciate your words.

BTW Stella-Adam scene

* It's bittersweet. I almost cried for their sweetness together
*I still think Adam loves Stella (and not like a friend)

Regarding Stella...let's say...her behaviour... previous spoilers said she was going to have a REAL relationship this time. I am afraid of it despite of i think it's a crazyness she would date a 10 years younger man (Well let's face it! I'm against this because i'm Smacked!!!!!!!!). Nothing suggest her new love interest will be Adam but nothing suggest the contrary either. So she will be under my microscope for several weeks. Maybe she just wanted to spend some time with Adam because the clock is ticking and his job will be over soon (but we do know Adam won't go anywhere :D

Let's wait 4.15 (with lots of Adam and She Nit) and the Greek guy storyline in 4.11

Debbie, try not to let EP get you down. They dished out 2 seasons of hardly any Smacked in s2 and s3, right? But the ship still floats! Never give up hope!

Hehe, I think your shark looks kinda cute - because he is a Smacked shark, who only eats EP. He looks kinda evil, too though, so he's 'evil-cute'. He looks hungry, too, do you think he'd like a bit of Pam or Peter?:devil:
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: i think my poor hungry "pet" would like to eat the whole combo- Pam/Anthony AND Peter ( I cannot believe i'm saying this because Peter is my weakness and he is from my beloved Montreal but he deserves the capital warrant this time. Let's get the forks, gals!:lol:

Debbie, yeah that last scene was soo stupid and OOC of Mac, after that scene my dad walked behind me and well he thought it might be fun to tickle me and well i was piss of that scene and i hit my dad:lol: wrong moment to tickle me:lol:
:lol: poor sweetie! Nobody understand our reactions. Blame these darn writers who included that scene:scream: :lol:

Are TPTB trying to find out how many watchers they can loose if they show weird final scenes like in the past two eps?!

The TPTB should let fans write all the OOC-scenes, 'cause their writers really don't know a thing about ooc :D Some ooc scenes are enjoyable (especially in fanfics), but this Mac-NIT thing was just *awful* :mad: :censored: haha, I could say that i'm sometimes ooc-fan :lol:
love your point Andu. They want to find out how to loose 2.000.000 viewers in an hour:scream: and not only they know nothing on OOC but they know NOTHING on love stories as well :( and what a true love and relationship is:klingon:

Lori--> i hope your prediction will become true. The Greek Guy is such interesting storyline for Stella! and it coudl be VERY SMACked id these EP just give them a chance

just hugs to all of you. My pet (My doggy Wandy) passed away and im not very well but reading you confort me a lot. Thanks to all

It's so funny!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it describes how deeply is the realtionship between Gary and Melina as friends :D Love the reference to Season 1 when Melina hit her head with the ceiling because of something Gary said as a joke:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Gary said it was a rat next to her or behind her:lol: that's why she jumped and hit her head i the ceiling:lol: that's the stuff i wanna se in the behind the scene on the DVD's:lol::D
:lol: poor sweetie! Nobody understand our reactions. Blame these darn writers who included that scene:scream: :lol:
:D the writer's and producers are meany!:scream: i had a dream about them last night:lol: i were walking down the street and i saw this blackboard with the picture of the producers and writer's and i walked toward it and i started ot draw on it:lol: funny dream:lol:

Aww Debbie, i soo sorry to hear about your dog:( *a big bear hug to you*
and Debbie, isit your birthday today?:D well Happy birthday Debbie *a big birthday bear hug to you* :D
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Gary said it was a rat next to her or behind her:lol: that's why she jumped and hit her head i the ceiling:lol: that's the stuff i wanna se in the behind the scene on the DVD's:lol::D
Gio, i must confess i have watched the vid just once so i don't remember something Melina said..about Gary not knowing certain songs or such :D It's so funny how she she says constantly "Gary this, Gary that" : It so obvious how great fun they have together :D

Debbie :D

ps: Thanks Gio. *bear hug back. I need it
Gio, i must confess i have watched the vid just once so i don't remember something Melina said..about Gary not knowing certain songs or such :D It's so funny how she she says constantly "Gary this, Gary that" : It so obvious how great fun they have together :D
i've also watched it one time:D and it just stayed in my mind:lol: yeah Melina said they had been rehearse the lines and it was late (or something) and Stella started to sing songs and Gary were gonna guess but he isn't soo good at guessing songs so everytime they play it Melina wins and she likes it:lol: yeah it's abvious that they have a great friendship:D *Squeal* :lol: im soo hyper right now:lol:
just hugs to all of you. My pet (My doggy Wandy) passed away and im not very well but reading you confort me a lot. Thanks to all

Debbie dear, I'm really sorry to hear about your dog. *Hugs* Debbie tightly.

Asprine---> love your clips and your birthday PM. Thanks my dear. I highly appreciate your words.

BTW Stella-Adam scene

* It's bittersweet. I almost cried for their sweetness together
*I still think Adam loves Stella (and not like a friend)

You're welcome, Debbie. :) About Stella-Adam scene, I think you're right. Something just hit my mind. Remember we have those EVIL and MEAN writers. They can change anything they want. They can make Stella loves Adam. :scream::scream: Look, they already make our Mac to >> SHE-NIT. I don't want it to be like this. :( Come on! They are just like mother-son(Stella-Adam). Weirdos writers! :lol: 4.15 sounds interesting and promising! I love it when you all don't use spoiler boxes. It makes me easier to read and reply. :)

*Sobs*. When it comes to Gary and Melina.. it makes me melt. Like Gio said, They have a great friendship. And they have fun together when off-screen. Yeah. The rat thing.. I was laughing when I thought about Gary jokes about a rat at the corner behind Melina. And she jumped a mile away from the ground and hit the head. I dreamed about Gary and Melina singing last night.. *Sighs*. I thought too much. :D

Gary this..Gary that sounds very very nice. I love it!!! I mean what Melina said.

Take Care - Asprine
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