Mac/Stella #12 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

What should the new thread title be?

  • 'Cause his desk is reserved for her.

    Votes: 15 34.9%
  • Office sex just waiting to happen.

    Votes: 8 18.6%
  • 'Cause she looks good on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause they're always there for each other.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's his one and only.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • 'Cause he loves when she's on his desk.

    Votes: 3 7.0%
  • 'Cause she's worried sick.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Partners at work and in bed.

    Votes: 7 16.3%
  • Don't give up on me.

    Votes: 2 4.7%

  • Total voters
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Thank you so much Lori, :) I'll take it as a compliment too.

They are so perfect for each other because their relationship is based on respect and trust. They are both adults who know they can't play with each other's feelings at their age.

Debbie, I totally agreed with you. I think that's why they are so cautious on moving forward.
Thank you Vave.. I'll really be happy if both of them appear in those magazines.. :drool::drool:~ We're soooooooo fast.. 500+ more post before next thread. :lol: I don't think Mac will drink.. :lol: Not Stella too! Their respect towards each other is too high.. Unless writers wants to piss me off! :devil:
Steph and Asprine--->
Aww that would be cute Vave, I love how Gary and Melina are so comfortable around eachother, it's going to make a relationship for Mac and Stella, whenever it happens so much better, because they have such great chemistry together, I love it when you can see the chemistry between actors, it makes whatever they are doing more believable, and Gary and Melina would definitely suceed in making a relationship believable

I think that's the reason writers cooled them down in S2 and S3. Their chemistry off screen is so hot that in the same second writers decide to put them together all people will love them. They are winners! :D

Vave--> you could scan the magazine if you have the scanner :) Mac and Stella have had wonderful moments even tough they never slept together or kiss each other (not on the lips at least). A drunk man and an a hurt woman is not my ideal of a romantic couple under the rain or under a snow storm ;) :D

Debbie, I totally agreed with you. I think that's why they are so cautious on moving forward.
in S5 we will see if they realize or not their feelings for each other. Maybe they can't tell yet :D Or maybe Stella knows her own feelings, or Mac his.... Hopefully in S5 we will have a lot of great Smacked moments and writers won't change their idea and they turn S5 into a S2-S3 revival grrrrrr

Sounds like a good name for the next thread!!!
I tottaly agree with you :D I can't stop watching this pic with Melina holding him from behind and Gary with her hand on his chest :D It's the best off-set pic i have ever seen in years :D

Debbie :D
Lori-> i'll aslo take it as a compliment :D.
Steph -> I agree with you. if Mac and Stella ever get ogether (Well, that'd be in few days^^) the chemistry between them will be even better than the one between D and L in the beginning. Both, the actors and the characters, seem to have a great chemistry..that's why I think it'll be a pleasure to watch the new scenes in season 5!

In an interview on a DVD box some one said that e a relationship between D/L wasn't even planned and they created it accidentally as Anna and Carmie had a great chemistry. So...we have huge chances that Mac and Stella will hook up in season 5.
About Stella and a gun; Oh I loved the scene from Snow Day ^^. Also where they saved each other's lives. Well..I could imagine a scene like this: Stella and mac are both searching for a perp on the scene. Stella goes left aroung the house and mac takes the other way. Then somehow they'll meet each other on a corner, both pointing with the gun on the other. Nothing will happen, of course. They'll just start laughing until Danny will come to check after them.....or even no one sees them, they'll wildly start kissing :lol:

Asprine-> Oh yeah we're fast! I think thread #11 even closed after a month :lol:. Oh and the title is very hot!!
But still I like 'The reason for Global Warming' :D
OMG OMG! I can't imagine them wildly start kissing AnJ~ I mean i can.. But it's soooooooooooooooo niceeeeeeee! :drool::drool: Maybe their wild kiss turns into something more then someone caught them! :lol:

AnJ I love the title "The Reason for Global Warming" so much! It's so true :lol:. Stella is so cute and of course RamBo Stella when she holds a gun. :) The snow day part.. Ah~ What a perfect hug ruined by "P"! LOL! :lol:
HEee.. Thank you Lori.. Anyway, I think it's better for you to write 3 lines or else *someone* is going to come here and remind. :lol:

I love your new avvie AnJ! They are soooo cute! :drool::drool: I got these imagination.. After they got married, and Stella got pregnant.. When Mac comes home from work.. He will talk to Stella's belly(their baby). :lol: Did i say *their baby*? Heee.. I probably read too much fan fiction again. :drool:

Off to sleep and *Dreams of Mac and Stella* Before i sleep i need to stare at the picture where Melina hugs Gary from behind. :drool::drool:. Good night and good morning and good afternoon and good evening! :lol:
It's just me or the whole Smacked family is in love with the "Holding you from behind" pic :D??????
I watched this morning Admissions and i can't help but loving the "who discovered the body" scene!!!!!
The look between them SPOKE their whole story!!!!!!!
If a "behind the scenes" pic was so strong in chemistry to everyone i cannot imagine what will happen writers decide to give us SMAC
I hope the DL storyline won't delay the Smacked relationship this season

Debbie :D
originally posted by Ghawazee
If they were single and without a family i'd be a M/G shipper for sure :D But they are incredible as friends so it's great for me :D
Debbie, oh yeah if they were single and without family i would have been a M/G shipper for sure too:D but like you said ^up^ they're great friends and have a great friendship, so im happy:D
originally posted by Asprine
Gio.. I have to agree with you that their friendship is full of respect and trust which is sooooooooooo perfect~ :) GOSH! Another problem now.. *Hopes TPTB don't push them into something like D/L* I don't like to see Mac and Stella quarrel and ignore each other like D/L! :lol: Even if they do, i hope they can manage to settle it down together. Just hope for NO!
i also hope they don't end up like D/L, but Mac and Stella are older than Danny and Lindsay...
originally posted by Ghawazee
AXN aired this morning 3.01. Beyond the fact i don't like the episode i noticed "She" offered to make coffee so our hypothesis was true: it was HER apartment :lol: Besides when "she" carresed his chest Mac put this face :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: He didn't feel too comfortable with that moment! :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Debbie, yeah that face Mac made he was not comfortable with that ''her'' were carresing his chest.:lol: me think he would be more comfortable with Stella carresing his chest than ''her'':D
originally posted by Adorable_Crazy
the only woman who deserves him is Stella. I'd love to see a scene with Mac and Stella in bed, it would be like the cutest thing, I'd love to see them share a tender moment, talking about their love for eachother, and then share a sweet kiss... That would be beyond cute. :luvlove:
Steph,i agree with ya, the only woman that deserves Mac is his Stella:D and like you i would have loooved a scene with Mac and Stella in bed together, that would have been soo sweet and sooo cute scene:adore:
originally posted by VaveAma93
mac has too much integrity to ever drink too much and if he was suring a drink w/ Stella, they would watch each other to make the other didn't go over the limit.:lol: If they ever get tother, it better be my rain scene.:lol:
i agree with ya Vave, i also think Mac and Stella have too much integrity to get drunk.:D
originally posted by AnJella
Stella and mac are both searching for a perp on the scene. Stella goes left aroung the house and mac takes the other way. Then somehow they'll meet each other on a corner, both pointing with the gun on the other. Nothing will happen, of course. They'll just start laughing until Danny will come to check after them.....or even no one sees them, they'll wildly start kissing :lol:
AnJ---well nobody is looking soo they can just start kissing wildly:D Mac pushing Stella to the wall and start to kiss her wildly:drool::devil:
originally posted by Ghawazee
It's just me or the whole Smacked family is in love with the "Holding you from behind" pic :D??????
nahh Debbie it's not just you the whole Smacked family is in love with the pic, just look how cute they look, you just have to love that pic:D
, yeah that face Mac made he was not comfortable with that ''her'' were carresing his chest.:lol: me think he would be more comfortable with Stella carresing his chest than ''her'':D

Our new picture proves that!!! It seems Gary/Mac has NO problem at all getting his chest carressed by Stella!!! You guys are right about the look on his face while "her" has the hand traveling thing going on. And Debbie I am glad you pointed out about "her" putting the coffee on now we know the cooties stayed at her place ITCH! ITCH!

Anyway, I think it's better for you to write 3 lines

thanks for the reminder oops!
I agree Debbie, their chemistry is way to stong for nothing to happen between them, the writers must be blind if they don't see that... I also agree with what you said, we're all in love with the pic of Melina hugging him. I just noticed that Melina has her hand on Gary's heart, and he's holding her hand... That is beyond cute. :adore: Gosh, I really need to see a scene like that between Mac and Stella. :adore:
Our new picture proves that!!! It seems Gary/Mac has NO problem at all getting his chest carressed by Stella!!!
hmm you're right there Lori:)
their chemistry is way to stong for nothing to happen between them, the writers must be blind if they don't see that...
i agree with ya there Steph, their chemestry is way to strong, something got to happend.. either the producers are blind or they just wanna torture and annoy us.. Duno
we're all in love with the pic of Melina hugging him. I just noticed that Melina has her hand on Gary's heart, and he's holding her hand... That is beyond cute. :adore: Gosh, I really need to see a scene like that between Mac and Stella. :adore:
yeah i noticed that too, ^like you said^ she have her hand over Gary's heart and he's holding her hand:adore: it's just soooooooo sweet, i really loove that pic:adore:
I agree Gio, it really is a sweet pic, it's beyond cute... :adore: Everytime I see it, it makes me go "awww!", it also makes me want Mac and Stella to get together even more... I also think the writers wanna torture us, they are so mean, I wonder what we'd have to do for them to give us what we want... Hmm... I wonder if they are open to bribes? :lol: I think a scene like that would be so cute for Mac and Stella, it would really show just how deep their relationship goes. :luvlove:
I agree Gio, it really is a sweet pic, it's beyond cute... :adore: Everytime I see it, it makes me go "awww!", it also makes me want Mac and Stella to get together even more...
yeah i know, like you every time i see that pic i go ''awwww!'' it's darn cute, and that smile on Melina's face is just cute, well the whole pic is cute:adore: i also after that pic i want even more that they would get together..
I also think the writers wanna torture us, they are so mean, I wonder what we'd have to do for them to give us what we want... Hmm... I wonder if they are open to bribes? :lol: I think a scene like that would be so cute for Mac and Stella, it would really show just how deep their relationship goes. :luvlove:
yeah i know the producer's and writer's are soo mean.. hmm maybe we can give them cookies as a bribe?? do you think that would work?:lol: hehe:D and yeah a scene like that would have been soo cute:D something i want to see now is when the whole team are on a christmas party for the polic and csi's and you can see Mac and Stella flirt, dance, sitting like that one pic of Gary and Melina, and kiss under the mistletoe:D
I just noticed that Melina has her hand on Gary's heart, and he's holding her hand... That is beyond cute. :adore: Gosh, I really need to see a scene like that between Mac and Stella. :adore:

Aww, you're right, that's so cute. That pic is a totally natural moment between the two actors, and the chemistry between them and the ease and comfort with each other is really clear, much clearer than the 'perfect heart' between D/L in the s4 promo pic, where they were posed that way. M/G look like a celebrity couple there. I think that the best-friend-love between them could very easily transform into romantic-love between Mac and Stella on the show.

I brought a pic from Stealing Home. It's not a strictly Smacked scene, but I love how Mac is looking at her, so intensely, entirely focused on her-

I love how at the beginning of the ep, Mac asks if Stella is okay. He acts like an idiot later when he says the thing about it being easier for Laura Jeffies to kill someone the second time around twice to/in front of Stella, but in fairness to him, I really think that he didn't mean to hurt her, that in his mind there's no question that Stella did the right thing and is innocent. Just like how in Stella's mind men who have been in the military may be more predisposed to become killers (like the man in Officer Blue) but that does not include Mac.

I think both Mac and Stella have flaws, but they forgive each other their mistakes, and love each other despite their flaws, even including their flaws. I do love how the NY characters all have flaws (except Hawkes, who isn't developed enough to have any) it makes them more human. Mac and Stella especially are very realistic. When I'm watchng NY, I don't think of them as 'Gary' and 'Melina' but 'Mac' and 'Stella' as though Mac and Stella are real people,

Piccy is from CSI Caps.
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