Mac/Stella #11 - 'Cause He Has An Extra Room

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Aww that's hard to decide!! I LOVE the protective Mac like afer AA but I'd also love to see Mac talking in Stella's classes! Hmm I choose the second one:lol:!!
okey:D i think i might pick Mac talking in Stella's classes, i were thinking about picking that but i couldn't decide:D
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:eek:mg I know why I watched 'Rain' already five times. That scene is hilarious. stella's mien is priceless:lol:. I don't want to know what she was thinking. And the second one. She has that look and Mac doesn't get anything:lol:.
'Rain' is one off my favourite eppy in S1 'cause it got some SMACKed scenes in the eppy:D it's always fun to watch eppys from S1 i've lost tracks on how many time's i've watched S1:lol:
AnJ...That pic! :adore: See close and you'll se that Stella is touching Mac's biceps;):D

Thanks for the penguin Vave! We've been missing them... where are you kels?

'Rain' is one off my favourite eppy in S1 'cause it got some SMACKed scenes in the eppy:D

I didn't see that one! *smacks herself on the forehead* You guys have to tell me what happened 'cause I didn't start watching CSI:NY until the second season. Man, I've gotta lot of catching up to do! Help me...
Karu!!!!!!! do something to repair that! For any SMAC Season 1 is a must-see job :D It's solid, interactions are great, all episodes have SMAC scenes whether they are working together or not (because They ask each other about their respective cases).
Also it's a big change if you compare Mac from first episodes and the Mac from latest episodes of Season 2. You can tell why Stella is the right woman for him. Besides it's incredible how she managed to change him!!! He was melancholic and a broody guy at the beginning. And In the last episode you aprecciate the hard word Sella has done on him!

Priceless momentS!!!!!!!!!!!

Debbie :D
Karu!!!!!!! do something to repair that!

Don't worry Deb... I'm already doing something about it. Show Case Diva replays season one episodes every weekend. I know that I can find them on YouTube, but it's not the same as watching then on TV... you get full SMACK vision that way.
I didn't start watching CSI:NY until the second season. Man, I've gotta lot of catching up to do! Help me...
Karu!!! I agree with Deb You NEED to fix that. You are missing the start of a real Love story even if the two people involved dont realize it yet! You can rent it here in the states is there any where you can get a hold of copies where you are from? Season one is the foundation of all that has followed and so many scenes SO very TOUCHING. Mac seems so fragile some times and Stella is such a soulmate to him. GET to HUNTING my friend!!!

I watched Manhatten Manhunt to see the jealous Mac and Stella and Horatio. Even Hortiao has eyes for our Stella! But there is a wonderful scene when Don ,Mac and Stella are GPSing the whereabouts of the one daughter(a suspect) and the radar puts here at Tiffanys. And Stella new by the address right where they were. Mac said how could you know that. And she says I can smell it I LOVE those little blue boxes! Maybe Mac will get her "a little blue box "for the 100th eppiesode!!!
hi, gals. I'm always here, I feel old to catch up.:(:(:( You gals post so fast and crazy, but I have fun reading the posts. GOOD JOB!;)
LOL! Lori you have a crystall ball because you seem to be reading my mind, my friend!
Days ago i watched that episode from S1 where they found a woman inside a laundry machine that was murdered at some expensive hotel.
There was an interesting conversation between Jane and Stella. Stella asked her if she had received a ring (family heritage) from a man
I was daydreaming i would LOVE if Mac gives Stell a ring from her mother!!!!!!!!!!!! wouldn't be sweet?????????

Shell_kiki--> you are always welcome to post every day or time to time. Smacked family is always amazing :D

Debbie :D
Do you imagine the episode Grave Danger (CSI do by Tarentino) but with Stella in the coffin and Mac seeing her. All time he click for watch her. The light in the coffin ignites Stella don't have air anymore. In the original version Nic Fire with his weapon at the light which goes out. Warrick see nothing during some time And thinks that Nic killed himself. Do you imagine the Mac face when he saws Stella with the weapon.
"-No Stella, please, don't do that,Stella (she fires) NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!"
Mac watch the computer with tears and he 's shock. He finally see Stella. More tears in his eyes.
"-Thank you, Thank you God!!!!"
He left the room and go in his office, sat him on the couch. And take his head in his hand. And we can see tears on his cheek.

We see Stella worried or sick:p when Mas was kidnapp by Drew and by Joe.
Mac was worried when he heard her address when Frankie attack her. But he doesn't really see it. I want to see him loosing his self controled and be very scared and worried about Stella. When he heard her address he only know that some people heard shots. So he's worried. But Stella is a cop she know use a weapon. So he really doesn't know if she 's in danger. And I want to see him know that her life is in danger and be terrorize by that.
Glad to hear of you shell_kikii !
Karu You have to watch season 1 there are incredibly smacked scenes:drool:
I especially love the one in the end of 'Recycling' it shows how much Stel helped Mac with his healing-process after Claire had died. I don't think he could've made it if he hadn't had such a strong friend that even stays by him when he's really, really pissed off! And it was Mac (ok also the whole team) that helped Stel sooooo much after she had shot F. from self-defense.
I love this vid! The beginning scene from 'The closer' is priceless! I love how Stel worries about Mac and how they solve the case in the end!
Mac said how could you know that. And she says I can smell it I LOVE those little blue boxes! Maybe Mac will get her "a little blue box "for the 100th eppiesode!!!
I LOVE this scene!! Oh a blue box for Stella in the 100th eppie! Awesome idea!:lol::thumbsup:
I always enjoy watching scenes like this. They show you how close Mac and Stel are and how they know to tease each other in a good way:lol:.
I had imagine another scene. During all an episode.

At the beginning.
"-Hey Stella!
-Hey Mac!
-It's tonight your charity sale. I don't understand how your mother's limp musical is arrive at this charity sale.
-Mac the Orphanages are not places most sure to keep affairs.
- I really hope you'll have it.
-Thank you Mac, Good night."

Stella is at the charity box but the prize for her mother's limp musical is too cheap.
It's the night and Stella can't sleep so she's go out. And she find a body.
Police arrive, Mac too.
-Mac. I see nothing. I just find the body.
-I know. Stella it's 4am. I suposse that you didn't have your limp musical.
-No, The guy who buy it had cost 3000$. Who buy 3000$ for limp musical. It's not in gold.
-I'm sorry Stella. I know you really want it."

End of the episode.
Stella go in her office and saw a box in her desk. She read the card.
This belongs to you, Mac. She open the box and see her mother's limp musical. She has tears in the eyes and smile.

The end
Lilou, you better write a CSI episode!!!!!!!!! I WANT THAT FILMED!!!!!!!!!

I want Stella in danger and Mac freaking out!!!!!!!!!
I haven't seen that eppy with Nik in the coffin . However i watched a couple of scenes from that episode and i almost screamed! it was fantastic!!

BTW I have been Ausiello's blog and he doesn't have anything to us. This lack od spoilers is killing me!!!!
No promos, non spoilers , no nothing!
And I had sent Ausiello a question...if they are living together...despite of they are having "new relationships" this season

And he didn't answer...
Perhaps lots of people sent him the same questions

Or perhaps it's a question he CAN'T answer

Debbie :D
I want to see him loosing his self controled and be very scared and worried about Stella. When he heard her address he only know that some people heard shots.

Shake him up!(Not to bad of course but ENOUGH!) Now you helped me put into perspective a little bit as too why he did not seem as upset as I thought he should have been. When he first heard the call he seemed concerned and confused and then when he got to the apartment I was happy to see HE was the first one through the door. But he could of had a little more urgency and tenderness in his voice when he was checking her. When I compare it too the "Other one" how he ran down the hall and down to the street where "she' was sitting with a stupid scratch on her head PLEASE! The only good thing about that is even he knows "SHE" is a wimp compared to RAMBO STELLA! Which reminds me to share on "Like water for murder" (I think) Stella and Don went to the chocalate and the "candy man" (Charlie as Don calls him) tried to flee . Welll Stella got a hold of him and slammed his head in a vat of dry cocoa!!! She says "Hows THAT for a sample!!!" (Charlie had offered her a sample earlier in the eppie and she said I've been taught never take candy from strangers! Do you suppose Flack goes back to Mac and shares all of those GREAT Stella moments with him over "Man talk"
Yes what I mean it's wen Mac heard the adress he didn't know Stella had been attack or in danger. She may find and gangster and stop him with fire him. Or she may shot accidently when she wash her gun. When Mac run for "she" he know that she has a problem, that she was attack. Dor Stella he didn't know but seems worried. So if he really know she's in danger I think it'll be great.
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