Mac/Stella #11 - 'Cause He Has An Extra Room

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I can only imagine P.-'s face especially when Stel is hugging Mac.:lol::lol: I think she'd just sit in a corner and cry. (I know I'm evil:D)

I would have loved to see that! Though Mac removing P.'s hand from his face when Stella walked in comes in a close second... do you think Stella caught a glimpse of it? Do you think that things would have turned out differently if she saw it?

a question.. Is it just me or are Stella's hand(the one closest to Mac) somewhere out off eye view?:vulcan:

It is! It is! *does happy dance* Did you see the look on her face? There is a little bit of mischief there... I'm pretty sure that the minds of SMACKers have descended into the gutter *ominous music* yet again! Methinks that Mac likes it though... I think that she does that to him often. Mac just looks a little too comfortable to me...

oh and thanks for the comments on my icon. :D I think it's adorable too. ;)

*tackles* Glad to have you back Steph... and your icon! Adam looks so mysteriously cool and shag-worthy.... I swear, if I didn't know who he was, I would have mistaken him for a model! Nothing new has happened so far. We're just discussing what might happen next season... by the way, what are your thoughts on that?
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It is! It is! *does happy dance* Did you see the look on her face? There is a little bit of mischief there... I'm pretty sure that the minds of SMACKers have descended into the gutter *ominous music* yet again! Methinks that Mac likes it though... I think that she does that to him often. Mac just looks a little too comfortable to me...
Soo it wasn't just me and my imagination:lol: Yeah her face have the look of a little mischief,If you look at Mac's face he's trying too stay cool..

Heey Steph you're back:D glad you're back:D
First scene:
stella -it something sticky here!
Mac-Sticky, It is very scientific as terms. Sticky.I should use it more often.

another scene:
Mac- There is something Sticky.
Stella-You choose well your words!

lilou, are you talking about Stella refering to somthing "Gooey" and Mac says "Thats a nice forensic word,gooey" and then later he uses the same word?

Well guys I had lunch a little while ago and needed some dessert to go with it so I watched "Like water for murder" This is the one right AFTER the fire of Stellas place, it definitly shows Mac and Stella moving in the right direction!!! Stell is in Macs chair and Mac is on his desk as they are discussing with the team the case. This is also the one when he says "Stella your with me" AND also the rejection he gave to Quinn!! How about THAT for dessert!!!
For dinner
I am going to watch the eppie BEFORE the fire, as I think "Right next Door" was the start of the MAC-MAN making his MOVE!!!
Oh yeah for my exercise venue I am looking for the Bugs with sunglasses! Am I right to think it is "Hush"? Plus Manhattan Manhunt when Mac gets jealous over Horito? Wow gotta run lots of rewatching to do!!!
*tackles* Glad to have you back Steph... and your icon! Adam looks so mysteriously cool and shag-worthy....
I swear, if I didn'tknow who he was, I would have mistaken him for a model! Nothing new has happened so far. We're just discussing what might happen next season... by the way, what are your thoughts on that?
*Hugs* Thanks for the welcome Karu, even though I'm not back yet, just on for a little while...

Oh, I agree, that pic, well that whole photoshoot actually, makes me wanna pounce on him... Well, not that that's anything new for me when it comes to AJ... :devil:

Well, I'm still holding out hope that something will happen between Stella and Mac next season. *Fingers crossed* I still think that the writers want to mess around with us for a while yet... If anything is to happen between then, I think it may be hinted at throughout the season, but nothing will happen *if it's going to* until the end... Hopefully we'll still get that unexpected bedroom scene with them at the end of the finale... That would be awesome.... *Day dreams*

Heey Steph you're back:D glad you're back:D
Well, I'm only back for a few hours, I'll really be back on Thursday. :lol: But anyways, thanks for the welcome back Gio. I'm really missing you guys and of course Mac and Stella, I am really annoyed, I can't see the pic with Stella's wandering hand... The computer I'm on, doesn't bring up pics for some reason... Who knows... You'll just have to tell me about it. :p
lilou, are you talking about Stella refering to somthing "Gooey" and Mac says "Thats a nice forensic word,gooey" and then later he uses the same word?

Ye sorry for the wrong phrase but I don't have my dvd with (I'm in holidays) si I just translate what I remember. But it's this scene. I love bexause Mac plays with Stella. It's in season one and it's not very often we see him like that.
Yay! Steph's still alive:lol:!
Lilou I read your story. Good beginning. And Gio where's your second story? Mine is already posted:D.
Oh Steph I LOVE your daydreams. After 2.20 I fell in the same one :drool:. I definitively watch to much my DVD boxes. But they're irresistable!! You watch few eppies of CSI:NY and you fall in love with Mac and Stella. No doubt!:lol:
Is it just me or are Stella's hand(the one closest to Mac) somewhere out off eye view?:vulcan:
you're right gio!! OMG I haven't recognize that , yet. I think I have to watch it again. Where's the pic from?? stella's hand is wandering and Mac's eyes! There's something going on :guffaw:.
And I love the 'gooey scene'. That's why I love 'Rain' so much. Their expressions are priceless!!:lol:

Do you think that things would have turned out differently if she saw it?
I think it would've turned out differently. I'm sure Stel would've asked Mac about that . Why he removed 'her' hand when SHE (STELLA) came in!??! I think she must've thought about that. Still, I think that it was sign! Mac has never want to be with P.. He always thought of Stel!!!!:adore:
Ah!!!!!! Too many questions and statements to discuss!!!!!!!:eek::scream::eek::scream::eek:

*faints*..................*wakes up*

What happened? *rubs head* oh yeah. *long pause*

Penguin! :)


Okay, so I thought that I would go on a random hunt for SMacked pictures. I clicked on personal Foul and I found this one.
SMacked Pictures

Squee!!!!!! Hand touch!!!!!!! :):):):):):):)
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Ye sorry for the wrong phrase
No problem! I figured that was the one! Your right Mac does not "play" much in Season One, it was fun to watch!! When you compare that season to now ...WOW! Alot of "Playing" going on now! I have been working my DVD overtime!! You forget so much and when someone brings up somthing they saw you want to watch all over again!
And Gio where's your second story?
I had some problemes with saving the story when i've wrote it,so i had to write it again and again and now it's not a trouble saving soo im writing on it, but soon done with chapter 1, and i have some trouble with choosing which off the ways too write in chapter 2, i got two choice's,1: Mac got too protect Stella when a killer is after her. 2:Mac's asked to talk in Stella's classes since she's teaching science... I can't choose between those two.. Can you guys help me too choose??

you're right gio!! OMG I haven't recognize that , yet. I think I have to watch it again. Where's the pic from?? stella's hand is wandering and Mac's eyes! There's something going on :guffaw:.
AnJ it's from 1.07 (Rain)
Got a few pic's from Rain it's from the same scene as the pic of Stella's wandring hand..:D
Umm where have those two been??:vulcan:

I see Stella can't ceep her hands away from her guy?;)
Hey Gals!!!!!! I'm back (partially). A lot of studying with my fellow yesterday

Steph!!!! so glad to read you here! good return on Thursday, dear! :D

I thought about few earlier eppies. And the summer between season 2 and 3 came into my mind. A whole summer of speculations about Stella and Mac's relationship after the amazing in the hospital. and then BAM P was in HIS BED in 3.01!! I hope the ptb won't play the same game with us again!!!

I think they have walked that road before. Better don't go again because.....!
Beyond the fact i really want they become a couple as soon as possible, i want the flirting and even the jeolusy before that :D

Actually, i don't have time right now to look for it but i do remember old spoilers talking about a rough path for 2 members of the team. (I can't quote exactly). At the beginning i thought it could be Danny and Lindsay but they are friends again. So my take ( and my hope) is those people are Mac and Stella :D (I want to watch Stella how she looses control because Mac is in danger)

wouldn't be perfect? :D

Debbie :D

ps: Exams until friday (I had 3 today) so a hug to everyone in case i can't post again until then (but i'll try!) :D
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OMG!!! Referring to the pics from 'Rain,' Mac is pulling on his jacket and Stella has that grin--- it looks like they just got finished with doing something dirty.:alienblush::devil: Mac is like 'nothing happened. It's time for business.' And Stella's like 'yeah right. I'll play along for your sake but you are not getting off that easy.":devil: Aw, poor innocent Mac. Can't get away! Not like he would want to.;) Hey, they've got to keep up the professional reputation. But we know what happened.:devil::lol::devil:
originally posted by VaveAma92
OMG!!! Referring to the pics from 'Rain,' Mac is pulling on his jacket and Stella has that grin--- it looks like they just got finished with doing something dirty.:alienblush::devil: Mac is like 'nothing happened. It's time for business.' And Stella's like 'yeah right. I'll play along for your sake but you are not getting off that easy.":devil: Aw, poor innocent Mac. Can't get away! Not like he would want to.;) Hey, they've got to keep up the professional reputation. But we know what happened.:devil::lol::devil:
Vave--- LoL i were thinking the same:D they've been doing something dirty:devil: Stella's grin and Mac pulling on his jacket is what got my attention:D:lol: they're at work and staying professional all the time is hard, soo the saw an opportunity to do something;):D And we know and we won't tell anyone it's our secret:D:lol:
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:eek:mg I know why I watched 'Rain' already five times. That scene is hilarious. stella's mien is priceless:lol:. I don't want to know what she was thinking. And the second one. She has that look and Mac doesn't get anything:lol:.
(I want to watch Stella how she looses control because Mac is in danger)
A scene like in 'The thing about heroes" but even worse. I want to watch a 'sick worried' Stella again or the other way round. And then in the end the one get saved and a wonderful smacked scene MUST follow!:rolleyes:
1: Mac got too protect Stella when a killer is after her. 2:Mac's asked to talk in Stella's classes since she's teaching science... I can't choose between those two..
Aww that's hard to decide!! I LOVE the protective Mac like afer AA but I'd also love to see Mac talking in Stella's classes! Hmm I choose the second one:lol:!!
aww 'sick worried' Stella....:adore:
I've been watching all the SMACked videos I can and been searching through tons of pictures. One thing I'm certain of.. they need to get together.
I'm really convinced they were living together after Right Next Door. And even if they do have so called 'love interests' that doesn't mean they won't eventually become a couple. Right?

PS-can someone show me where you got the M/S pictures? Thanks :D
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