MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


Lovly pics!!:)

I agree Pac will not end up on page two!!

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


the saddest Pac moment without a doubt was in Consequences

you know the part where Peyton is listening to her iPod and she see's Mac and looks at him, that scene has some real chemistry!

It actually brings a tear to the eye, and depending how much ...Beer i have drank, sometimes makes me cry!

I know, SADDDDD!
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Ok I think I should answer my own question....

I agree the saddest ep is consequences but I think the saddest moment is after their conversation in the morge when Mac is watching Peyton through the glass :(
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Opens Pac door....sees sad thoughts....* Will be back another time, no sad thoughts.

My favorite epi, was when Mac took Peyton's hand and brought her back towards his arms and the look before he kissed her. **SIGH** Their look says it all.

LOVE, respect, and forever ;)

LMH out

*Grabs tight.... and closes door again*
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

nattybatty55 said:
Ok I think I should answer my own question....

I agree the saddest ep is consequences but I think the saddest moment is after their conversation in the morge when Mac is watching Peyton through the glass :(

yeaaaaa...that part too, he looks at her all longing-like!

i think she wanted to look back at him but knew if she did she'd cry :(
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Hi all - Natsky *pokes* glad you're back, its been very quiet in here without ya, and a most happy welcome to others I've not met yet, but seen on the Wet & Sinister threads Hiyas all :D

^ agree, about ipod sad moment, and also through the glass, but also in Raising Shane, the hurt look on her face where she tries to comfort him in his office by brushing his cheek, and he tugs her hand away just before Stella arrives.

Anyways. One of my more fun fave moments was in Comes Around (I think) where they're at the diner, and his mind's elsewhere and she sees if he's paying attention by veering her conversation, saying "... so I cut up the poor bastard's liver and made it into a lovely pate and the whole staff loved it..."

I'd rather be on happy moments meself at the moment. *sigh*

Ah well.

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Natsky poke El*

I like that bit!!!^^^

I love the scene in heart of glass- I think. Where Peyton is talking about the COD of the girl and says it can some times happen in very passionate relationships and Mac replys with, 'I'll be very careful!' Her laugh is adorable :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*Listen love...I promise to re-cuff you to the bed, when we are finished at this crime scene*

*Mmmm...can't wait....I love it when you rain those little kisses all over me*

*That's not all you love, sweetheart... I believe as you put it.....My Macky" does it with style.*

Gotta love Pac...such heated chemistry, and kinkiness....If you haven't had a chance, read "Under New York Moon", I wrote, lots of Kinky fun, they have on my FF.Net
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Ahh, at last, in pic three, Jason Alan Smith gets the hell out of the way... :lol: sheesh

nice series of pics and captions there LMH.

So, wuz just looking at that series of pics there, and thinking that number 1 and number 3 have some leering looks that might just compliment each other well.


* digital scissors, cutting, stitching, smudging, fixin, aaaaand not bad there. *

See what you think. 1 + 3 makes new Pac stitch, of leering good looks, no?


wuz just for fun, pics great as they were of course. Maybe I just wanted to get rid of jason alan freakin smith and those wee peristent broadcast logo thingies... :lol:

Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


It's in their smile, as they look into each others hearts,
and see their reflections, come apart,
As they light their passions flame,
Into their souls, so their love always remains.

"God...Isn't it amazing, how easy it is to write about them, it's something about them, that tells you...Pac is forever. :) :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#


*Hiya all...I've posted a very romantic poem today of our couple, this is taken from part of my story. It was a very special scene, that Mac and Peyton, poured their love into each. It's kinda magical, and you'll feel the warmth, and love.

Enjoy :D "Pac Forever" :)
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

*dances* you guys make me shippy happy! ^_^
nice work. wish i got something to offer the thread :p
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

Oh ,my....."Here and now...with everyone"

Why not love.....You're always telling me to show more affection in public

Okay , giggles Peyton, while kissing him.

Naughty Macky..Naughty Pey...
Playing naughty games, all over the place.
Not afraid to get caught...could care a less,
because her Macky is the naughtiest yet.

**PAC FOREVER** :devil:
Re: MAC + PEYTON #new kid on the block#

In the spoiler thread it said this....

CSI Files has a spoiler for Down The Rabbit Hole. It is the episode where Mac confesses to Flack that he hasn't been sleeping well. In their spoiler he says Peyton has decided to stay in London. I wonder if they have gotten rid of Peyton or if she will come back later!!............Does this show how much Mac is missing Peyton??