CSI Level Two
Oooh, thanks for the hot pics Jade and Taylor Girl!
Taylorgirl, I agree that the spinkler system needs to go off more. I also think Mac needs to get injured/hurt more, because while his being hurt makes me want to hug him, it's also very hot (think of Point of View!) I also agree with you that Mac doesn't have a thing for British women. I think he has a thing for a certain type of woman - pretty, professional, prepared to stand up to him, but not bolshy or over-emotional, but not too hard either, with some compassion/warmth/softness to counter their professional aspect. Jane/Peyton/Jordan/Quinn/Gillian/Aubrey all fit that profile. All of them were in jobs simiar to his as well, either connected to the NYPD or in medicine. Jordan worked in the mayor's office which would be a pretty important/busy job with long hours, like Mac's job is. The description I gave of what I see as what Mac looks for in a woman are the main reason I don't think he and Stella would have worked romantically anymore, because while she shares some of those characteristics (which is why they were friends, IMO) I just think she's a bit too bolshy and over-emotional which would wear him out if they were 'together'. As for Jo, she has all the characteristics that I think Mac looks for in a woman, but I love their friendship/partnership so much that I don't think I'd really want them to become romantically involved either, though there is definite chemistry between them. Jo is ideal as a female friend/partner to Mac, and works well as a foil to his very intense way of working cases, in that she's very chilled and very good at getting him to calm down a bit and not work himself into the ground or let cases get to him too much or get into trouble with hs superiors, and she does all that in a very subtle way. She really brings his lighter side out too. He seemed very happy when she was around in s7.
Out of Mac's various love interests, Mac/Jane was one that never really turned into anything that I would love to have gone further. I really liked Aubrey too, I think they could have worked well together.
Taylorgirl, I agree that the spinkler system needs to go off more. I also think Mac needs to get injured/hurt more, because while his being hurt makes me want to hug him, it's also very hot (think of Point of View!) I also agree with you that Mac doesn't have a thing for British women. I think he has a thing for a certain type of woman - pretty, professional, prepared to stand up to him, but not bolshy or over-emotional, but not too hard either, with some compassion/warmth/softness to counter their professional aspect. Jane/Peyton/Jordan/Quinn/Gillian/Aubrey all fit that profile. All of them were in jobs simiar to his as well, either connected to the NYPD or in medicine. Jordan worked in the mayor's office which would be a pretty important/busy job with long hours, like Mac's job is. The description I gave of what I see as what Mac looks for in a woman are the main reason I don't think he and Stella would have worked romantically anymore, because while she shares some of those characteristics (which is why they were friends, IMO) I just think she's a bit too bolshy and over-emotional which would wear him out if they were 'together'. As for Jo, she has all the characteristics that I think Mac looks for in a woman, but I love their friendship/partnership so much that I don't think I'd really want them to become romantically involved either, though there is definite chemistry between them. Jo is ideal as a female friend/partner to Mac, and works well as a foil to his very intense way of working cases, in that she's very chilled and very good at getting him to calm down a bit and not work himself into the ground or let cases get to him too much or get into trouble with hs superiors, and she does all that in a very subtle way. She really brings his lighter side out too. He seemed very happy when she was around in s7.
Out of Mac's various love interests, Mac/Jane was one that never really turned into anything that I would love to have gone further. I really liked Aubrey too, I think they could have worked well together.